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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Then my fucks are at zero.
  2. FLD is just bitter that the Bioware that lives near him is the crappy Bioware and the Bioware that lives near me are a bunch of ballers.
  3. Say what you want about Bioware, they've never tried to give us a protagonist that looks like this: I mean he literally has glowing headphones. Bioware Edmonton meanwhile is the developer that tries to develop games that are the Bob Dylan of video games. NOBEL PRIZE, FLD. Sorry, I don't mean to pick a fight with you, I just really hate Platinum, and object strongly to them being ranked among the best developers. I'm happy you like their games though!
  4. Ok fair enough about DA2, but DAI was fairly universally well received, at least a lot better than the games I mentioned. ME3 was a great game with a questionable ending.
  5. I'd still take Bioware over Platinum. Bioware has one questionable game, ME:A. But Platinum has TMNT, Star Fox Zero, Transformers Devastation, Wonderful 101, Scalebound, and of course, Legend of Korra (for which I will never forgive them). Just because they happen to release a Bayonetta or Nier:A every few years doesn't excuse their BS. #sorrynotsorry
  6. Better not be an Xbox exclusive.
  7. Is this what "Project Dylan" is? "The Bob Dylan of video games"? Do they know who Bob Dylan is?
  8. Best Buy has it exclusively in Canada. They tweeted they'd go live at noon on Friday. Of course at noon on Friday I was busy and didn't think of it till 2:30 but it was still available to pre-order. It's gone now though. I missed out on the Amazon exclusive Skyward Sword Link which I'm bummed about. I really just want those sweet BotW outfits.
  9. I'll definitely be playing lots of 1st party Nintendo games on my switch but unlike previous Nintendo consoles, it's also going to be a great home for indie games, I reckon.
  10. The neon joycons are great... ......FOR SMALL CHILDREN! Is this the first you've told us of your engagement or am I just a d-bag who forgot? Congrats either way!!

    1. TCP


      I am DISTURBED by the lack of enthusiasm for Twin Peaks around here.

    2. deanb


      I only know one other person that has watched Twin Peaks. They'd made a reference on "treat yourself every day" that went over my head.


    3. deanb


      Also it's David Lynch and my old film history teacher was stupid into him and that kinda drove me away from his stuff. He's just "not for me".

  12. Twin Peaks!!

    1. deanb



      (to note: never watched Twin Peaks)

  13. I wish there was a dislike button.
  14. Wow, wow, calm down everyone. Sorry for the delayed response, I didn't think anyone here would object to my reasonable opinion. Ok first, let's get this straight: the original Ghostbusters is the most overrated film of the 80s. While I'd hesitate to call it bad it's definitely not anywhere near the level of let's say..... Back to the Future. It wasn't great when it came out and it definitely didn't age well. So all that said, I thought the new film did a decent job reimagining the concept. I'm sure if it was four men being the Ghostbusters no one would have an issue but oh no, four women are doing something that use to be done by four men, let's revolt.
  15. Main thing I noticed in America? Most businesses have signs saying you can't bring a gun in.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      Well I would hope America has a nice hat! Don't want to be caught wearing some novelty trucker cap.

    3. TCP


      Why would a pair of shorts need a hat?? 

      Anyways, main differences in Chicago as opposed to Western Canada was service was generally shittier, debit cards aren't really supported in most businesses, and people in general weren't very polite. Besides that it still felt like the same country, unlike say, Mexico, where you were clearly in another nation.

    4. CorgiShinobi


      Out of all of that I'm most surprised about debit cards. If you went to Chicago, that rest makes sense.

      And everyone needs shorts; hats are optional.

  16. Americans, I'm in your country, consuming your freedom!!

    1. CorgiShinobi


      Watch the calories and sugars.

    2. TCP


      Mmmm YouTube without regional restrictions.... soooo much freedom mmmmmm

  17. Ghostbusters (2016). It was better than the original Ghostbusters film, I guess. I can't believe that's what everyone freaked out about.
  18. Yeah I was so young with the NES that the only games I'm really familiar with from that time are the Mario games. Oh and Ninja Turtles which mercifully was not included in the NES Classic. Zelda is great is one of the exceptions, even if you didn't play it at the time you can still tell the greatness, but a lot of the other games didn't age well, not like the SNES generation did. In fact I'd say that almost every legendary NES game has a better followup on SNES. Final Fantasy II/III are better than Final Fantasy. Super Mario World is better than Super Mario Bros. A Link to the Past is better than The Legend of Zelda. Donkey Kong Country is better than Donkey Kong. Yoshi's Island is better than Super Mario Bros 3-- ok maybe not with that one but you get the point.
  19. My bond with my Switch isn't maxed out yet, psychic connection comes at level 4!
  21. Nothing is going to get in the way of me and a SNES Mini. Instant buy.
  22. Who else has a Switch? I can't be the only one. I have zero friends on Switch though :(. Here's my Friend Code (yes a 2017 FC): SW-1806-3421-3131
  23. You all watching the new Mystery Science Theatre 3000? It's really good. It's a little more faster paced than the original which I think that actually works well.
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