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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Grant Gustin is Barry Allen to me, I'm not interested in seeing some other dude in that role.
  2. Exactly. Having the content of 8 or so dungeons split up in shrines across the world was a much better approach (honestly if you add them all together, it's probably far beyond 8 dungeons). The four beasts were the perfect length, right when you feel like you've seen enough, you're fighting the boss. I just replayed Twilight Princess, the water temple, Snow Mansion, and City in the Sky are great dungeons but each one is about an hour too long. You more than display that you understand that dungeons gimmick but they just keep going... and going... and going. Exploration of the open world was always some of the best parts of Zelda games. I think they got away with Twilight Princess and especially with Skyward Sword so it's very exciting to see Nintendo go back to that in such a big way.
  3. I have no words for the travesty that has been committed in this thread. I do, however, have reaction gifs. Oh and:
  4. I wish I knew that, I stripped Link down and ran like hell to the village, having to eat most of my food along the way!
  5. DOUBLE POST: Or maybe, especially for higher level weapons and rare unique weapons, be able to repair them like The Witcher 3. They could make it costly if they want to keep the spirit of finding/replacing weapons alive. I received a rare sword from an amiibo that I'm too afraid to use so it just sits there, it'd be nice to be able to use that. One thing the game does do, is make the higher level weapons more durable, but it's still not much better.
  6. Honestly, just get the Master Sword. It does "run out of energy" but it's back in like 10 minutes. For the next game, I wouldn't mind them upgrading the amount of durability but also lessening the amount of weapons you could find. Then they could put in more opponents that won't drop weapons, which would give us more interesting enemy designs. Win-win. Also, near halfway through the game, gimmie a goddamn ocarina so I can play a song to change the weather.
  7. Yeah Super Bunny Hop sucks, and his big complaint of "you have to go and collect a bunch of materials" is silly. Bro, you're playing a video game. Angry Joe on the other hand, well, I don't know if I trust someone who's never played a Zelda game.
  8. It's really one of the only animes I've ever watched, but I was DISGUSTED. If this is just how anime is, then Japan needs to adjust, ASAP.
  9. Ethan, go watch it again and check out how almost EVERY female character is portrayed. Light and his dad are bad ass detectives, while his sister needs Light's help with homework and only cares about popculture. Ray Pember's wife is described as being a great FBI agent, but quits her job to start a family and gets bested in about 5 minutes. Most of all, look at his girlfriend, and how she's portrayed, and tell me that's not sexist. When all of your female characters are portrayed as shallow, inept, and less capable than their male counterparts, you have a sexism problem.
  10. Hey if they make Death Note not sexist-as-fuck then it'll automatically be better than the anime.
  11. I've watched most of Iron Fist. I like it, it's good. Definitely not deserving of the hate it's getting. It doesn't reach the highs of Daredevil or Luke Cage but it doesn't reach the lows either, it's pretty consistent. I like it because Danny is so naive, it's a nice change of pace from Matt Murdoch and Jessica Jones. You'll definitely want to watch it before The Defenders as it appears The Defenders will be battling The Hand and Iron Fist has a lot to do with that.
  12. This game.
  13. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Quite simply, it was the finest game Nintendo has ever released.
  14. Yes, somewhere around that, maybe a bit more since I played late last night. I have beat all 120 shrines, all 4 dungeons, but I have not yet faced off with Ganon. I'm going to do that last. Right now, I have to continue upgrading the reward for beating all shrines, and then work on some sidequests. The best part is I'm still discovering new things, like yesterday, I found one of the secret shops who deals in mons.
  15. Dean dropping Rebels spoilers like Breath of the Wild drops framerates.
  16. I'm 125 hours in. I no longer notice things like "frame rate". I am now one with The Wild.
  17. Yeah, as long as you could post something to Miiverse you could save it, which I think has been around since day 1? I don't know. There was never a game I really wanted to screenshot before this.
  18. No I use a Wii U. Step 1: Click the home button Step 2: Go to Miiverse Step 3: Save the image (the image will be whatever was displayed when you hit home) to your screenshot album Step 4: Go to miiverse.nintendo.net, login, and find your screenshot. Though I have to admit, I'm regretting not having a Switch.
  19. Did they fix the fact that you're mining for the same 3 or 4 things in every planet? "Ooo look, a new star system, where I can find the same exact shit in the last star system".
  21. Settle an arguement with Mrs. Poet! When you button a shirt, do you start at the bottom or the top?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Pojodin


      I start with the middle button and will either alternate down a button and up a button (or vice versa) from the middle, leaving the top button unbuttoned unless I'm wearing a tie.


      Also, leg day is best day.

    3. TCP


      Well that's just insane, Pojo.

    4. Pojodin
  23. Look at this game! Carry a chicken to an enemy, get enemy to attack chicken, and they'll get chicken attacked. This is going to be the kind of game where people will still be figuring out new things in a year from now.
  24. If there was ever a game that absolutely needed a photomode, it'd be this one.
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