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Everything posted by TCP

  1. EDIT: That was a platonic hug, FWIW. ...Well, mostly
  2. Mad Max: Fury Road. Wow that movie was pretty good.
  3. Today I purchased an iPhone 6S. It was $50 new! My iPhone 5 was getting old, and this sure is slick!
  4. Anyone get anything cool for Christmas? Wife had this in my stocking: http://i.imgur.com/unsE4wQ.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb


      Got few bits n bobs but this takes the biscuit http://i.imgur.com/MkHFzJS.jpg

    3. Pojodin


      The perfect gift!

    4. Pojodin


      I got an autographed Favre jersey, a TV stand, a combination lock, replacement insoles for my running shoes, and some money toward the Japan trip next year.

  5. Merry Boxing Day!

  6. I also watched The Hateful Eight. I can back up Strangelove's (who's back from the dead??) claim, it is, indeed, rad.
  7. We also got "NOW THIS IS PODRACING" and midiclorians. Also Anakin is immaculate conception like Jesus. But at least that film gave the world Kiera Knightly, so it's not all bad.
  8. What the hell happened to FDS??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. danielpholt


      Wait, are you telling me that if we suggest our respective partners (whom we know IRL) are simply 'fine' at games, that we're not making a statement about the entire Female population as a whole?


    3. TCP


      Yes, and to jump from the conclusion that, you saying one girl is bad at games = saying all girls are bad at games, is kind of sexist in itself, is it not??

    4. deanb


      FDS returned to his home planet but was shot down on the way.

  9. Beat Telltale's Game of fuckin' Thrones. Pretty good, probably the best Telltale game I've played, but part of that could have just been because the IP is so much better than Walking Dead, Borderlands, etc.
  10. I followed Jack's method and well..... Thanks Jack! Took a long while. I fucked up by having my settlers arrive BEFORE I had security, food, and beds. So I started off in the 20s instead of in the 70s. Also I gave everyone sleeping bags instead of proper beds, which eventually lead to someone saying something along the lines of "everyone is upset about the bed situation" this coincided with the happiness being stuck at 72, immediately it started going up. Got to the mid-90s and left my PS4 on from about 11-3, woke up to 98. Turned my PS4 back on around 9 and got to 99 pretty quickly, just made it to 100.
  11. Beat Fallout 4, did both the Railway and Institute endings. I think the Institute will be my "real" ending that I'll use with DLC. Just working on one more trophy, the Benevolent Leader trophy, to get the platinum. I really took my time and enjoyed this game. Hopefully the DLC isn't far off.
  12. Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, Carrie Fisher doesn't really look, or sound, like Leia anymore, but I didn't think her performance was that much worse than her previous acting in SW films, she was never really a great actress but regardless it was still great to see her as Leia again, if for nothing else than nostalgia.
  13. I love that Carrie Fischer just brings her dog with her everywhere, even on sets, she had him at the Conan Star Wars special too.
  14. When I left the threatre yesterday, my main thought was "so this is what it's like to go see a good Star Wars movie in theatres for the first time".
  15. I gotta say, I really like how in the trailers
  16. HOW WAS IT THAT GOOD?!?!? I just. I just. I CAN'T EVEN. I JUST. FUCK. WHERE'S EPISODE 8?!?! Ok ok, I've had time to gather my thoughts. Here goes. Unrelated Star Wars question: When the Emperor was telling Anakin the story of the Sith who could create life, and then he looked at Anakin, were we suppose to assume he impregnated Shmi Skywalker?? Yes, almost everyone did. Not me though, I was in too much shock. Quoted for truth.
  18. GAAAHHH I WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS ARE SAYING. This hype is killing me. QUICKLY, rank The Force Awakens among the rest of the Star Wars movies.
  19. I decided I couldn't wait, so I moved the wife and I's tickets up from 9:45pm to 3:15pm today. 8 more hours to go. I'm simultaneously excited for the movie but also scared shitless of the internet. Most movies I'm excited for are comic book movies and I've spoiled myself by either following the leaks or knowing the comic storylines. Assuming I can avoid spoilers for the rest of the day, this will be the first time I've gone to a movie in ages completely blind.
  20. I remember clapping at the Michael Moore 911 movie, like.... 2 weeks after it came out. WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING IN THIS THREAD?!??!!
  21. I'll be staying the fuck out of this thread JUST to be safe. I don't want to stumble in here, forgetting it's out a day early in the UK and they're 8 hours ahead of us, and read Dean dropping a major spoiler like what happened in the Doctor Who thread.
  22. Sony has a history of purchasing developers after they release PS exclusive games, hopefully that will be the case here and Kojima's future games can stay where they belong: on PlayStation.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      Damn, TCP! I didn't know you were really a poet. Keep on with that badass mingle of words.

    3. TCP


      What can I say? I am a wordsmith.

    4. deanb
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