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Everything posted by TCP

  1. It's ok GOH, I found a video game closer to your level:
  2. The carriage sequence in AC:R might just be the worst intro to an otherwise OK game.. of ALL TIME.
  3. If this was Ocarina of Time, you just beat the Deku Tree.
  4. Does anyone have the video where they discussed the bad ACU reception? Also, Victory was a better title, just sayin'.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Saturnine Tenshi
    3. Vecha


      Heard that supposedly it isn't a "true" open-world rpg...whatever the hell that means. Wondering if it's zoned areas like DA:I rather than go anywhere without transitions like Elder Scrolls.

    4. TCP


      Apparently, the main area is a massive open world (I saw a report that it was twice the size of GTAV, which itself was about twice the size of Skyrim). It also has a smaller prologue area that you can return at any time and some other unknown size areas that you have to use a loading screen to get to, sounds like they're locations that are suppose to be far away.

  6. Bought myself some Wild Hunt on PS4, since it's 10% off on PSN and you can play it at 4pm next Monday which just happens to be a holiday....
  7. Good, I'm a big fan of Hayley Atwell. There's just something about her, I can't figure out what it is....
  8. My avatar is Canadian folk-rock legend Neil Young. I can only hope to one day be as handsome as him.
  9. Hey, I never posted any of my wedding pictures. They were expensive, so let's get my money's worth out of them. Look how fucking goddamn romantic I am:
  10. Ethan, welcome to the world of three weeks ago!!
  11. Got a Facebook group invite to my 10 year high school reunion. I feel like I just saw all these people. Did you guys go to yours?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TCP


      Man, I would have been able to have considerably more sex in a class that size. Just sayin'

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Went to 5th, not 10th, and won't be going to the 15th. My class was something like 120.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Mine was also about 120. Was 180 when we started our senior year. :/

  12. To be fair, it's not 100% confirmed that Spidey will be in Civil War, Marvel/Sony just said he'll be in one Marvel movie before the Spider-Man film in 2017, so my money is on Civil War but it could be a post-credits scene in Doctor Strange for all we know. Also, I wonder if they'll just change the name to Marvel's Civil War or The New Avengers or something else.
  13. If the NDP can win in Alberta, I can do anything.

  14. Just beat a little gem of a game called Shovel Knight. It was fantastic!
  15. The story DLC sounds great, especially playing as Batgirl. But I've never cared about the challenge rooms, and I don't really care about new race tracks. Character skins I can take or leave (or just pick the one or two really cool ones). I'm pretty certain if you buy every story mission on it's own, that'll be lesser than the $40. It's like the Assassin's Creed season passes when you don't care about the multiplayer modes.
  16. I now present my updated ranking of the Marvel films: 1) Guardians of the Galaxy 2) Captain America: The Winter Soldier 3) Avengers: Age of Ultron 4) The Avengers 5) Iron Man 3 6) Thor 7) Captain America: The First Avenger 8) Thor: The Dark World 9) Iron Man big drop off 10) Incredible Hulk giant drop off 11) Iron Man 2
  17. OH MAN! OH MAN!!!!! How rad was The Vision?! Ultron was great too. That ending with the New Avengers HYPE!!! I guess I'm never going to get a Hawkeye movie/tv series based off Matt Fraction's run. Oh well. At least Hawkeye was awesome. Over all I really, really liked this movie... in fact I might have liked it more than the original Avengers movie... time will tell It was just a rollercoaster of awesome things. The first Avengers film had some lows, and I don't really know if this one did... It also did a really great job of representing the size of the MCU, with War Machine (what happened to Iron Patriot?), Falcon, Maria Hill, all being represented, it was just missing Phil Coulson and his team but that might have been too much, I suppose. So, The New Avengers... will they all be in Civil War or will they take the first Infinity War movie?
  18. I also suck at puzzle games, but I actually grew to really like the block puzzle gameplay of Catherine.
  19. Jim Sterling, gamings greatest journalist, released this video this morning: Wow, I knew Konami was fucked but... wow.
  20. I've never finished A Link to the Past or Super Metroid......
  21. Wait! Why does everyone hate Elder Scrolls Online?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eleven


      Probably bad blood brought on by having a paid sub, and a buggy (as usual) release? Probably never recovered from that.


      It can't be saved by mods either, unlike all previous TES games, as it's an online game after all. Best you could do probably are some tweaks.


      That said, if there's a story I can play and follow alone, I might get the PS4 release, since it is a TES game after all.

    3. TCP


      I've been playing the PS4 beta and it seems pretty ESO-y to me, only every once in awhile some douchebag runs past you jumping around and breaks the immersion. But me and a friend were playing together and it was essentially co-op Skyrim.

    4. madbassman39


      I've heard in the last few months the game has gone from generic mmo to multiplayer Elder Scrolls

  22. If Marvel ever got the rights back for Fantastic Four it would be exciting not for Reed Richards and co but so the Avengers can take on Galactus and the Guardians can encounter Skrulls, and what not.
  23. Dean! Blink once if Captain Marvel is in the mid credits scene and twice if Spider-man is in the mid-credits scene.
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