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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I always assumed the city was named after the Canadian pizza chain.
  2. Clearly just hyping up interest for a western Valkyria Chronicles 3 Vita port.
  3. P4, single handedly keeping Nintendo afloat. Also, I'd love to get Metroid Zero Mission on the Wii U. Come the fuck on, Nintendo!
  4. Life advice needed: Far Cry 4 or Dragon Age Inquisition?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Scandelabra is my new favorite word.

    3. FMW


      I feel like I don't fit in somehow

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      We are the DA:I crew. Sorry, Count Choco.


      Death to templars.

  5. Sony kind of fucked up letting this one go. Oh well at least Insomniac is making more Ratchet games... yay.........
  6. Yeah, I know that but doesn't that just mean Insomniac can do whatever they want when it comes to sequels? I mean, I'd expect that having funded development would grant Microsoft some kind of control over at least this one game. For example, which platforms it can come out on. I think that PC is definitely possible but I seriously doubt PS4 is. Maybe a sequel but not this one. I bet you ONE large Boston Pizza pizza (up to 3 toppings) that by the end of the generation it'll be on PS4. It's probably just a 5 year deal like Mass Effect.
  7. PC / PS4 port is probably down the road, like Mass Effect on PS3. It could be a long while, but I'm willing to bet it will happen. Or just a multi-platform sequel that improves on everything Sunset Overdrive does.
  8. Sunset Overdrive is in my "buy sequel on PS4" category.
  9. Wait you mean to say there isn't some sort of official world-wide teaser trailer governing body that sets the firm rules as to what is or isn't a teaser trailer?!?!
  10. I'll agree with that. He needs a game like Ezio's Revelations. But, you know, without the tower defence, and the overall crappiness. But a more personal story, where he can get some resolution.
  11. TCP


    So I'm being a Halloween grinch and I'm not handing out candy. As I mentioned last year, we had kids starting very early, very few of them are neighbourhood kids, they just knock on your door and hold out their bags. Yo, dudes, it's called "trick or treat". Also we had multiple adults from the ghetto trick or treating, not in costumes, just looking for candy... which made us a little uncomfortable. Never mind the stress it is on the dogs, so fuck 'em, no candy for any of you this year!
  12. Console makers need to start putting USB ports in the back of the console in addition to ports in the front.
  13. Yeah the ending was pretty bad. I did enjoy the other modern day stuff outside of the temple, it was cool finally doing assassiny stuff in modern day with Desmond. But man, that ending.... five games training this guy, leading to... that? And yeah, I liked AC3 too, I like Connor as a character, and frankly, it was nice seeing a different ethnicity and culture get a lead role in a game for once. The homestead missions made him a lot more likeable. The game had some technical issues, and probably could have explained some of it's systems better. If you don't like his relationship with the assassins just wait for his grandfather.
  14. TCP


    This forum without status updates is a dark and lonely place.
  15. Jesus christ. Marvel Studios, man. Remember when fucking X-men 2 was the pinnacle of superhero movies? After Winter Soldier and Guardians, I've had a lot of faith in them, and this trailer justifies that. And it doesn't even have the witty Whedon banter! I am now more excited for the Hulk vs Hulkbuster scene than I am for the entirety of Batman vs Superman.
  16. It's definitely worth $17, but this point, a few months after release, it'll probably be on sale at some point (or free on plus) so just hold out.
  17. Life advice needed: Should I go to Quiznos for lunch?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strangelove


      Ask again later.


    3. TCP


      I compromised and went to Pita Pit. Thanks guys!

    4. Vecha
  18. The only right way to save a Bethesda game is to find a door, save, open the door, walk through, save, find a chest, save, open chest, save, see an enemy, save, fight enemy, Lydia dies, reload, defeat enemy, save, repeat.
  19. Ethan, you need to watch Community.
  20. The lack of story, and the missing characters is especially disappointing. I can get behind a mediocre Korra action game if it has a good story and presentation. This does not.
  21. Well, the reviews are coming in.... might be best to stay clear of this one.
  22. Season 5 spoilers (possibly Winds of Winter spoilers): As a book reader, I just want to say: oh thank god.
  23. Happy birthday to my brotha' and best friend forever Mr. GOH!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. deanb


      All the threes, 33. (Also two little ducks for Dave, but he's not around much these days)

    3. toxicitizen
    4. SomTervo


      Happy belated bidet, GOH!!

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