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Everything posted by TCP

  1. One 3DS game is too many 3DS games. Keep it blue, Ethan.
  2. This news pleases me. EDIT: PS4 and Xbone as well.
  3. Just because it worked good doesn't mean it's the right decision for a series that's primary focus has always been exploration.
  4. I was pleasantly surprised with Mario Maker. Now I want to see more "Maker" games, like SMW, Zelda, Metroid, SNES Mario Kart... lots of possibilities.
  5. I was hoping for more Twilight Princess but this is great too. Best yet is it's open world, Skyward Sword was the worst example of the closed off areas in Zelda, I like the idea of just roaming Hyrule and exploring the world. Hopefully they'll sit down and play games like Red Dead Redemption and Skyrim to see how proper over worlds should work.
  6. I missed the direct, just catching up now. No Metroid? Fuck. Damn that beautiful Zelda game, being open world, is exactly what I've wanted.
  7. Time Magazine dun goofed and posted this early. Basically Miyamoto has three games, one of them a Star Fox game.
  8. Yeah I meant Far Cry 4. Clearly I have Fallout on my mind. Announce it, Bethesda, annnnoooouunnncceee it!
  9. Not bad, TCP, not bad.
  10. I don't know, a lot of time was wasted on fucking Powers. It infuriated me to the point where I will never watch that fucking show out of protest. Don't quote me on that. All they had to say was "we're developing great new shows for PlayStation! Our first production if Powers, you can watch it for free with PlayStation Plus this December. Now, check out this Metal Gear Solid trailer..." OR SOMETHING. That was the Wonderbook moment of this show.
  11. Not a great conference, but edges out Xbox in my opinion thanks to the focus on gameplay, plus it's games appeal to me more and it actually had surprises. Entwind being out now is cool, I like the whole "here's a new game.... you can buy it now!" E3 has too much "here's a game that comes out the Christmas after this Christmas!". LittleBigPlanet 3 was a great surprise, looks great. Project Beast AKA Bloodborne looks fantastic as well. Uncharted looked great, reassuring to see it in 2015. PS Now coming to Canada is great, and the PS Vita TV.... great great great great! Far Cry 4 co-op during the campaign (without your friend needing the game) is awesome as well. No Man's Sky, give it to me now! Sorry Sony, I'm not paying full price for a game I bought 12 months ago. I never want to hear about Powers again. Jesus fucking Christ. How about some fucking Vita games? Gravity Rush 2 at least? FFFUUUUU That new guy sure is no Jack Tretton. Uncharted was great!
  12. Valiant Hearts bummed me out. Poor doggy. Beautiful game though. Where was Comet? Weird that they have another Ass Creed coming out this year and they didn't even reference it in their press conference..?
  13. Ass Creed Unity is so so pretty. This reminds me of AC2/B, which is a good thing.
  14. Ugh fucking Just Dance go to hell.
  15. Dear Nintendo, Please have a gameplay trailer of the next Legend of Zelda console game tomorrow. If the game isn't slated to come out till 2015, feel free to release Twilight Princess HD this year. Please understand that Hyrule Warriors isn't something the vast majority of western audiences care about. We like the idea of you partnering with another developer, keep doing this but please look beyond Japan's borders. A surprise announcement of something like Metroid would be a heck of a thing, especially if Retro is behind it. In fact, please give Retro, your best studio, something to develop other than side scrolling sequels to platforming franchises from the 90s. Also stop having your press conferences/Nintendo directs Tuesday mornings, every goddamn year I have a meeting. Your pal, TCP PS Fire Iwata. PPS Don't focus too much on Smash. PPPS Fire Reggie.
  16. Is the co-op in the story mode? Or is it a different mode like multiplayer in AC:B to AC4? Because I too, wouldn't be interested in co-op for the entire campaign. God dammit, I don't want to talk to people when I play video games, so stop pushing multiplayer on me, video game industry!
  17. I don't think Ubisoft has said "Comet" yet but they've confirmed two Ass Creed games are in development... IIRC.
  18. Ass Creed Unity, Ass Creed Comet, Far Cry 4, some more of those UbiArt games, The Division, Just Dance..... a Blood Dragon Sequel? EDIT: Oh isn't The Crew Ubisoft?
  19. I guess this officially makes 2014.... THE YEAR OF THE INDIE! EDIT: That was it? Jesus. Even Nintendo could top that. Unless they end their show with fireworks from Nintendoland again. The art of "oh... and one more thing..." is dead I guess.
  21. No big surprises. I was hoping for a Fallout 4 or Red Dead or something like that reveal. All the big games that got revealed were all stuff we knew of, Tomb Raider, Halo HD, etc. Also the Limbo people's new game looks like Limbo with a worse art style. Assassins Creed looked gorgeous, though I'm not really interested in co-op. The Witcher 3 might just be my most anticipated game, nice to see them get out of Microsoft's pocket and release some multiplatform games. Tomb Raider looked good but I fucking hate CG trailers. They definitely played it safe, but light years ahead of last year.
  22. E3!!!!!!!!!! Time to find out about video games we can play for another two years!!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, so far Forza, Halo, a couple of indies and whatever this Platinum Games game I don't care about is.

    3. toxicitizen


      Sunset Overdrive did look crazy fun, though.

    4. danielpholt


      The Witcher 3. That is all.


      Also those ID games looked much more interesting than most of the AAA titles we've seen so far. Cliche, but true.

  23. I've also been trying to play Trine 2, and I too think soulless is the best way to describe it. Something about it just doesn't grab me, through this PS4 playthrough and my previous attempt on PS3. I even heard it was good for trophies, but I just have no desire to go back and play it. It could be that the devs are trying to force some story on us and I just plum don't care in (most) side scrolling platformers.
  24. Word is The Last Guardian is finally canceled. Only country music can properly express my feelings at the moment.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      True fact: I purchased a PS3 in 2009 primarily because of the trailers for The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy Versus 13.

    3. Mal


      I need a firmer source than "our sources". I need a full closure, you hear me Sony!?

      With that said, PS4 is on indefinite hold.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I also bought a PS3 in 2009 partially on promises of The Last Guardian (it was a major factor, but wouldn't say it was the primary one).

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