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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Ok, now that I actually played the entire "Honest Hearts" expansion. It was pretty good. Now onto "Old World Blues."

    1. Luftwaffles


      Old World Blues is the best by far, I think.

    2. Johnny


      I never played the DLCs because there was a large level gap between the lowest recommended level for them and where I was when I completed the main quest and all other major quest lines I had encountered.

    3. Baconrath
  2. Im not sold on the Wii U either. I really dont see the appeal. Then again, I didnt see the appeal of the Wii either when that came out. Im assuming that Nintendo is banking on the Wii craze of 2008-20010 to repeat itself. Whether the Wii U innovates or not, Im not so sure people will fall for the same trick again. I still feel the Wii was a trick, not really innovation. Very few games were actually a lot more fun with Wiimote controls than without them. Most weren't. They were either worse or exactly the same. Except with 12% more hassle.
  3. So I played Honest Hearts and...I think it's broken. Or I broke it or something.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strangelove


      I figured out what I did wrong. I accidently shot the tribal guy who takes me to Jacob. Weird. You kill that one guy and the entire dlc is over. You could beat it in 10 minutes if you want to.

    3. SomTervo


      What's Honest Hearts?

    4. Strangelove


      A dlc expansion for Fallout: New Vegas.

  4. So sales of the PSP are super low, The Vita isnt really selling, the PS division of Sony had huge losses, everyone on the planet has a Wii and a 360 by now, so those aren't going to sell hugely anymore either and the 3DS has recently begun to sell like crazy, even if Nintendo actually had it's first loss....so I guess people aren't really buying anything anymore except 3DS. I just don't see new consoles doing any company any favors right now. I don't really know what other people's thoughts are, but I personally wouldn't buy a new PS4 or new Xbox this year, probably not even next year. The thing is, I don't really want one either. I get the impression people think new consoles will get all these game companies out of their rut, but I feel like it's just going to put them more in the hole. Im no games analyst and Im not going to pretend like I am, but it just kind of feels like there's really no surefire way to jumpstart this gaming thing and get back to companies making money and studios not going out of business. I think were all fucked for the forseeable future.
  5. Dead Money is awful. I didnt finish it. I might as well skip it and do it last.

    1. Baconrath


      I did the NV DLC in reverse order by release. Dead Money is by far the biggest hastle. I believe your decision is most wise.

    2. toxicitizen


      Yeah, I tried playing it first but it ended up being impossible because of the difficulty spike halfway through and how I built my character.


      You pretty much need a decent melee weapon skill level.

  6. Maybe im wearing nostalgia goggles, but I honestly dont remember having this many trolls in the comments section before. Theres tons of them, some of them even have stars. They really dont seem to ban anyone anymore, compared to when everyone here was commenting on there, in which they used to ban like crazy for any reason.
  7. I'm not the type to spam shit, but this actually worked for me. I NEVER win anything. https://www.facebook.com/DLC360/posts/228692907241060

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Strangelove


      Sorry, but I didnt receive any text spam. Then again, my phone number isnt on my FB profile. Though they do ask for it on their website when your register. 3 of my FB friends also got the PSn card and they havent said anything about spam.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Thanks, Strangelove.

    4. excel_excel
  8. Best Buy DOTD - SIN and Punishment: Star Successor $4.99 (Wii)
  9. Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

    1. TCP


      I really liked the world of New Vegas. The Western influences were great, especially coming from Red Dead Redemption, 6 months earlier.

  10. There's a Pixeljunk sale on PSN. Most of their games are $1 each. I havent played them, but I bought some. Theyre supposed to be good. I think buying them is a good way to encourage Steam-like sales.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Either way a great deal considering they're some of the best games on PSN.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I'm really debating Shooter 2, but it would be a violation of my new rule of only buying games when I want to play them right now.

    4. balmut


      I recommend them all, even Eden, which annoys me to no end.

  11. Thats ok, Ethan. You probably have eye cancer and don't know it. Its a well known fact that television manufacturers and networks hold back the medical industry from telling patients about their eye cancer. Those tvs in the waiting room arent REALLY free, you know.
  12. I still have a pc controller without analog sticks, which shows how old it is. Its so weird. Why would I buy a controller without analog sticks? I must have been high off my ass.
  13. Well, in about two weeks Ill officially have a job as a busser at a newly opened bar. I havent worked around people since last year. God help me.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      with how likable you are I'm sure it'll be a b-pffffffffft hahahahaha :P

    2. Battra92


      The first paycheck will be nice, though.

    3. Strangelove


      Hey, im a perfectly pleasant perfect. La di da di da! See? Pleasant!

  14. Well, there's a glitch in Fallout NV where the Legion who chases you around will be equipped with end game armor and weapons really early....that just happened. Fuck.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      I guess don't piss of the Legion?

    2. Mal


      I guess that is why I have so much trouble killing them. Doesn't help that I'm pinned between them and some Deathclaws AND Cazadors.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Glitch or intentional?

  15. Batman Begins gets better for me every time I see it, but TDK gets worse. I dunno. Maybe it's just me.
  16. I forgot how much harder New Vegas was than Fallout 3. Eesh. Stimpaks are also more overpriced in this game than an Xbox 360 hard drive/HD-DVD drive/Wi-Fi adapter/Gold subscription.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      My first and current run of the game is through the hardcore mode. Its insanely hard. Fucking bugs shouldn't hurt that much. Also legions are on my ass most of the time...

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Cazadores? They're the only difficult bugs. You have to think smart with where to hit them...

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, I remember the first time I encountered those. I was all "Okay, I'll shoot this giant wasp" then I was all "Ow, ow, ow, ow! *die*"

  17. Ive been meaning to bring this up, but does anyone think the 3D is completely useless? I hate it solely because of how unnecessary it is. Its like adding a 3rd analog stick to a controller or something stupid like that. Id rather they remove it and lower the price of the handheld. If they did that(theyre not), id be for it. Youre hardly ever missing anything if you don't use it. There's a few block puzzles in SM3DL that make use of the 3D, but its nothing you couldn't figure out without the 3D on. I wonder how much it cost to develop this glasses free 3D and I wonder how much it costs to put it in the system. And I know its only a visual gimmick, but its hard to say if it makes things look "better" or not. Its not like judging resolution or draw distance or any of that technical stuff. RE Revelations looks great with the 3D, but if it didn't have it I wouldn't feel differently about it. If anything, I forget to use it most of the time. I dunno. I just hate how wasted this was.
  18. I still don't get the Marauder Shields joke/meme. I mean, I understand the reference, but I dont find it funny in the least.
  19. Seriously? I didnt know that. Good. If there is a FF character, its going to be Lightning, Serah, or Noel. or 2 or all 3. I dont know why, but I get the feeling that Square Enix is trying to force people to like the FF13 series. I doubt itll be Cloud or Squall. If anything, it could also be Sora or any other KH characters too. Weird that no ones thought of that possibility, as far as I know.
  20. Jesus, I cant remember the least time I bought a game. its been a while. Anyways, ive been wanting this forever and it was finally at a price I thought was reasonable. Now to see how buggy it is. Hopefully its less or equally as buggy as Fallout 3. Hopefully less.
  21. Oscars are only given to sad dark shit. That's the Oscar's flaw. They give it to artsy depressing films or happy musicals. Usually films that try to "say" something. that have some kind of message. The Batman movies are easy qualifiers. Theyre MADE to be Oscar films. Im sure thats not what Nolan intends, thats just the way Batman is. In that same sense, I dont see Batman Begins being better than the first Iron Man. I think theyre both equal except one is dark and disturbing and the other one isnt. Otherwise Iron Man has a great performance by Robert Downey Jr. and Jeff Bridges. Downey especially, he is fantastic. He deserves an Oscar for his portrayal, but he would never get one. He didnt. Personally, good film is acting, writing, presentation, and music. Iron Man had that. Spiderman 2 had that too. People's viewpoints on art is very narrow. Especially in film. Sadness seems to prevail. People can play the Oscars committee like a fiddle if they choose to. Making old white people cry = shooting fish in a barrel.
  22. BTW, it seems they added another little scene after the credits just for North America. I didnt see it because I left after the first after credit scene. But thats what Wikipedia says. Meh.
  23. I disliked the fantastic four before they even turned it into a film series. They can go to hell.
  24. Just came back from the Avengers. I could gush for hours over how great it was, but I think thatd be a waste of time. It was awesome. I really hope someday Marvel will get back the Spider-man and X-men film licenses. First Class felt like a Marvel Studios movie anyways, so it would fit right in. The Raimi Spidey movies did too. Not so much so they can all get together, but just to have a seriously cohesive universe. I just want it. I just want Tony Stark to show up in a scene with Wolverine, not even to do or say anything, just so its known they all live in the same universe.
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