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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Is that seriously her "mask?" Did Nolan just got to Party City and grab the first "cat" mask he could find? That looks really cheap.
  2. Id just state that NO used games come with dlc. If you find an unused code in your used game, then good for you. Not only that, but NO gamestop ive ever been take out the dlc codes from their new "gutted" games. You can totally buy a new game without a used code or with no code if youre not careful.
  3. The funny thing is that 4 out of 5 times when I buy a used game at GS, itll have an unused code inside. Im guessing the average person never bothers to use them.
  4. God knows Gamestop loves putting stickers on their games......tons of them...and theyre all really hard to remove completely...and always leave behind goo and shit... assholes.
  5. "Like new" for 8 bucks on Amazon with Amazon Prime shipping. I couldnt pass it up. Sadly, my season 6 got stolen. Now I have 4, 5 and 7. Ugh. I need to buy 6 again, then 8. I love the first ten seasons, but I think 4-8 are the ones seriously worth having. Maybe even 3.
  6. http://www.change.or...or-windows-live Are you fucking kidding me? You make a petition to get the game on pc, it comes out on pc, but now you have a petition to not use GFWL. I dont care if GFWL anally rapes you while you use it, these people are awful entitled bitches. It would be awesome if they just took it back and not released on pc. Just to stick it to the assholes. Maybe i need more enlightening on this GFWL situation. Whats so bad about it? Id make a stance against a game that doesnt run well to not be released at all on a particular platform. Skyrim on PS3 comes to mind. That I understand. But begging for a game to come out on your platform of choice and then acting like a dick is too much even for me.
  7. I also always assumed only pc people loved DAO's gameplay. It was a hassle with a controller. It had too many menus to navigate and you had to constantly switch around to different characters during fights. I wasnt able to keep up, so I switched it to easy, which made it more like Mass Effect 2. I dont know how people played ME2, but I hardly ever used my other 2 party members. I only switched to them when I absolutely positively needed them to perform a certain action. Otherwise they were just there as support for my Shepard. In a way, i prefer something like Persona 3. Your noncontrollable party members could handle themselves well in that game. And I seriously did like DAO. I talk a lot of shit about it, but it was a really good game. But I cant say the gameplay was "fun." I guess we all have definitions as to what fun is though.
  8. What about "Jews" and "China-man"? How exactly are those offensive? Jew is short for Jewish and a China-man is a man from China. Where's the offensive racism?
  9. As long as they dont have another "Fade" section, itll be ok. That was one of the worst parts of any game ive ever played. Ever. But im a strong DA2 supporter and I dont think Origins is perfect. And youre all pc game nerds. Im probably not going to post in this thread often. I think its for the best.
  10. Its weird, but i also kind of sort of care about the story. Ive cared about it since RE2 probably. Im not sure why. Its not well told. Its just interesting I guess. And im not even sure why.
  11. http://gizmodo.com/5900823/what-the-simpsons-springfield-looks-like-in-real-life Well.....yeah.
  12. Crapcom, M$, sheeple, $ony, FagWii(i made that one up myself)...I get so tired of made up words used on the innernet. Theyre not funny. Theyre not clever. Or are they? Are they so clever that I just cant comprehend that level of cleverness?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Wapanese? Doesn't everyone use the term weaboo for that?

    3. Mal


      Hey... I used to use Azndude as a nick. I'm Chinese.

    4. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      As bad as some of those console nicknames are, just try stepping into a cell phone story. They're 10x worse than any game-related quarrel.

  13. Just finished Bioshock 1 and am now going into Bioshock 2. Fuck the haters, Bioshock 2 was really good too.

    1. toxicitizen


      It wasn't a bad game. There just wasn't anything special about Rapture anymore, so that sense of wonder and discovery that made BioShock so awesome was gone.


      I think Irrational really made the right call with setting Infinite in a completely new environment/time period.

  14. I love Arrested Development, but i know what youre saying. It got out of hand very fast. Another thing that got out of hand that AE also the Royal Tenembaums/little miss sunshine was the rich/middle class white eccentric families. i hate movies like that now.
  15. Yeah. ME has some seriously PG/tv sitcom sex. Its kind of a letdown.
  16. NMH Paradise isnt so great. The game is awesome, but the motion stuff is pretty bland. Its 20 bucks on Newegg though. I think its worth that. Just dont expect to be blown away by the gameplay. I personally dont think its anything special. Everything else though? Pretty awesome. And yes, there should have been more Wii ports. Dead Space Extraction was pretty awesome, but maybe some of the Japanese stuff like Sin & Punishment would have been nice.
  17. I don't think games should go into detail as to whats in them. Music has "explicit lyrics" and Rated R movies tend to have "sexual themes" and "graphic violence." That's the basics of what most people in our culture get offended by. Going into why its offensive would just be...creepy. And it would be involuntarily picking a side. Its judgmental. Sex should be sex. There shouldn't be a separate "sex" and "gay sex." Theyre both the same thing.
  18. Yeah, one of the strongest things about the SImpsons were that the timing of their jokes were impeccable. They were just perfect at timing them just right. This was also back in the 90s and awkwardness wasnt huge yet, so they never relied on that like a lot of shows did in 2000 and forward.
  19. The actual game is dirt cheap. The archery and the sword and shield game are really good. Im sure you can get the game under ten bucks online or in a clearance bin somewhere.
  20. Ive never played those games, but Sports Champion plays amazingly well with Move. its pretty much THE move game. Its basically a better Wii Sports. As far as other games, Killzone 3 and RE5 are great with Move. Way better than with a controller. Other than that Resistance 3 is also supposed to be really good with it. I havent tried it yet. or Heavy Rain. Infamous 2 also uses Move, but by the time I tried it, I had gotten my platinum with the controller, so i preffered the controller.
  21. I havent seen that one. I kind of want to now. I love watching train wrecks. Anyone remember the rock camp episode where they got the Rolling Stones and a bunch of other rock people to appear? That was such an embarrassing episode too. Especially compared tot he way better Hullapalooza episode. That one was awesome. Before we start, we have a lost child here. If she's not claimed within the next hour, she will become property of Blockbuster Entertainment.
  22. There was a post on Kotaku featuring Comic Book Guy and it reminded of some terrible memories allow me to share them with you. Thanks. I stopped watching the Simpsons around season 13(but only enjoyed it til season 10). If I can pinpoint the exact moment or episode when I pretty much realized that the Simpsons had changed for the worse was when The Comic Book Guy dated Principal Skinner's mother. I know that anything goes in Springfield, but the characters always stay true to themselves. Its what makes the show what it is. The fun of the Simpsons to me was about seeing the way these characters would react to different situations. Its what made the Halloween episodes so great. They were taken out of familiarity and thrust upon some truly weird shit, but they were still the Simpsons. Im all for characters being expanded upon, but they were writing an entirely different show. It sure as hell wasnt the Simpsons anymore. Instead of our world becoming Simpsonified, the Simpsons are becoming...us. That's boring. I remember Homer was getting super angry and super whiny around season 12 and that was lame, but I saw a new episode about a month ago and he wasnt whiny anymore, which was good, but now he was kind of witty and observant. Thats not Homer either, guys. He has a brainfart every once in a while, but they changed it to being the norm. The truly sad thing is that a lot of the newest writers are lifelong Simpsons fans. Like me and tons of people my age(26), theyre uber Simpsons nerds. Theyre living my dream really. So in reality, were watching bad Simpsons fanfic passed off as the genuine article. Thats depressing. Im sure me and a lot of my Simpsons loving friend could write funnier more interesting shit. Im usually not th event he type to say shit like that, but I feel that way.
  23. Are we ever getting a new Virtua Fighter? I think Tekken, and DOA are pretty crappy, butt hats only because I compare them to VF5. There hasnt been a new VF since 2008. Thats too long.

    1. Strangelove


      I know DOA5 is going to have Akira, but fuck that.

      Its still weird that Sega didnt jump on the bandwagon when SF4 revived the fighting genre. They needed too. But now theyre in a rut. If they go out of business, I hope they sell the franchise to anyone else but Namco.

    2. Baconrath


      hee hee butt hats


      Maybe it's because of the recent blitz of SFxT, but it feels like the fighting game market is getting kind of...crowded? I dunno. I remember playing a demo of Virtua Quest. Probably anything they come up with would be better than that.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Feels as crowded as its always been.

  24. I wouldnt count Xenoblade and Last Story as franchises. Im pretty sure there wont be any Nintendo exclusive sequels to those games on the Wii U. It could happpen, but theres no guarantee. And I personally don't think their sequels are all the same. I still play every single Mario that comes out because I enjoy them, but I cant imagine doing this for much longer. Someday Im just not going to check it out because its Mario and I know what the basics entail. At this point Mario just gets different powerups, many which seem to be the same as old ones, just with a different aesthetic. Theyre going to run out of interesting powerups and im not going to be interested anymore. God knows im already tired of Zelda. Zelda needs some huge changes. Its fine if people still love Zelda and Skyward Sword might be awesome, but im tired of it. I dont care if its rated a 9.9999999 out of 10 on metacritic. I quit on Zelda for the most part. Just because it's Zelda. The familiarity is working against them slowly but surely. And SMG2 was awesome, but how did it sell against SMG1 or the NEW series? I dont remember people talking about it too much. As for Kid Icarus Uprising, I feel they wasted a perfect opportunity to create a new character. Kid Icarus had one prior game years ago. I cant imagine it had many fans. Had they made something new, it would have been something to look forward to based on it being new. Whenever Nintendo decides to develop a a seriously new game, Ill be there. Til then, I guess ill keep playing Mario. I guess.
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