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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Does anyone have any opinions on laptop cooler thingies? Should I get one? My last laptop would shut off because it got too hot. Eventually it didnt turn on anymore. Did that happen because it was a shitty laptop or am I just supposed to assume that I NEED a laptop cooling system?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      I didn't have that problem, but my laptop would get rather hot so the fans would run at max if I was gaming or running demanding programs. I wanted something simple so I got the Targus "Lap Chill." It probably isn't the "ultimate" in laptop cooling, but the thing is lightweight and reasonable design. I haven't tried anything from Master Cooler, but they do have some high-rated products.

    3. CorgiShinobi


      I could have sworn I wrote Cooler Master... The power of suggestion!

    4. FredEffinChopin
  2. So now I have a $25 Gamestop giftcard. Devil May Cry HD Collection or Mario Kart 7? Decisions, decisions...

  3. Im playing Real Racing 2 and Sonic 4 Ep.2 on my iPhone 4. This is my first time playing something this pretty on such a small screen....it's beautiful.

    1. Strangelove


      BTW, Sonic 4 Ep2. works amazingly well on the iPhone. MvC2 and GTA3? Not so much. Especially MvC2. It is awful with touch controls.

    2. VicariousShaner


      Yeah, that game had bit of a complex control scheme in arcades. It must be awful on a touch screen.

    3. Connorrrr


      I find very few iOS ports to be very intuitive. The only games I can really deal with on it are exclusives like Infinity blade..

  4. If anything, they brought down the PS3 version for the 360s sake. 13-2 is 30fps on both consoles, but FF13 was 60 on ps3. Supposedly it was necessary for both versions of 13-2 to make the framerate worse, but I seriously doubt it. 13-2 doesnt do anything more fantastical or power consuming than 13 did.
  5. My hearing is really messed up, so I tend to always use subtitles when I watch a movie at home. Same thing with games. Except games ALWAYS have to have subtitles. Otherwise Ill miss things.
  6. Timed demo? I thought we were over that, Sonic 4 Ep.2.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, it makes sense in open-world games, but not in games that are so easily segmented like Sonic.

  7. Final Mix? International versions? SE themselves has examples of this. Yeah, but they never bring them over. Sorry, Im American. We never got that shit. The only one they did bring over was KH Chains of Memories remake for the PS2, which wasnt even a standalone title in Japan. Plus, those FF titles werent optional dlc you could buy for the regular FF games. Things companies did in the past generations don't mean much anymore this generation. You might as well pretend they werent the same company. They rereleased the game with a bit of extra content so people could double dip. the MGS series did the same thing. My point is that Japanese companies dont want to give any dlc away or for a fraction of the cost. I just dont see FF12-3 with ALL the dlc for 60 bucks happening. I think it would kill Square Enix to be that generous with it's customers.
  8. Like Dean said, the bonus item is a theme. The loading is only long the first time. After that, every stage is probably about 15-20 seconds long loading on PS3. Maybe even shorter. I havent played it in a while. I doubt this game will get an ultimate or GOTY edition. Aside from Capcom, Japanese companies dont tend to rerelease games and they dont tend to pack in dlc with their games ever. The game is 30 bucks right now, so you can make out pretty well. Im not 100% sure, but im guessing the PS3 version is also the lead platform like FF13 was, so it looks and runs better, like FF13 did. But I could be wrong and I know this time around its not really noticeable like it was with FF13.
  9. So I have $40 in my PSN account, yet nothing to buy. I was thinking of Shadow of the Colossus, but I know someday Ill see the disc version with ICO for the same price($20). So I cant use it on that.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens
    3. FMW
    4. Strangelove


      I already have Journey and Wipeout HD. I think im ust going to wait for the Arkham City dlc. I definitely want that.

  10. Yeah, Dark Shadows was always meant to be a drama because the show it's based on was a drama. But yes, the trailers were purposely misleading. I haven't seen it yet(I want to), but I read up on it a while ago.
  11. I got a regular iphone 4. 8gb. It was 50 bucks, but i traded in my old 3gs, so it made it free. Plus a $38 giftcard from Radioshack. I suppose I should get a case. Sadly, most of them are tacky as hell. I thought about the 4S, but overall I really dont care enough to pay for it. This is actually the first phone Ive ever gotten that costs money. I always tend to go for the free ones. I just dont care to be up to date with something that will be obsolete in another year. Fuck that. Fuck Siri too. No one uses that shit anyways.
  12. All laptops seem to have webcams installed already in the laptop. Im paranoid about that. So I put tape over the lens. Im not kidding. The government might be spying on you. Also....other stuff. Mostly other stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. fuchikoma


      Oh - but the gov't I'm pretty sure doesn't care about webcams. The NSA captures ALL traffic, phone and Internet, and what they can't crack now, they archive for later. I'm probably on a list for telling so many people this, but... what can ya do? I'm sure listed vs arrested/abducted people is different by several orders of magnitude.

    3. fuchikoma
    4. Strangelove


      Id let people watch me jerk off for a Macbook Pro.

  13. Is this going to be the "real" ending of 13-2 or are they going to do a sequel?
  14. A $36 fee for upgrading my phone....goddamn you, AT&T. I didn't know I had to pay for the privilege of being locked down to a company for 2 more years. I guess theyre really doing me a favor.

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Why not switch carriers?

  15. Im bored. Time to become an hero. Later y'all!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TCP


      Good call, Johnny. Don't hate us for being cool pimp daddies who have social lives.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Are you kidding? An Hero was a big thing back in the days. Not even that long either. It was everywhere on the internet.

    4. Strangelove


      I frankly didn't expect anyone to get it. At all. Ive also never been to 4chan in my life. But I guess a lot of that stuff would seep into Myspace. At least back when Myspace was popular.

  16. Glyde takes way too long. Not to mention that ive had mixed luck with them. Some dude canceled on me when I got a dvd from there. I even used a coupon and everything. Anyways, he got banned from selling on the site. I guess this wasnt the first time he had done that. Which im glad because you really shouldn't be allowed to back out of selling your shit. Not to mention that Amazon has spoiled me since it doesn't charge taxes(yet) and I have free 2 day prime shipping.
  17. I didn't buy all these today, ive been buying them every couple of weeks. I just wait til I see a "like new" or "very good" condition copy on Amazon that's under $10 and with prime shopping and snatch it up. Now I just need 2, 8 and 9 to complete my own personal Simpsons collection. Im also not willing to get them used from anywhere but Amazon since most online places that sell used dvds dont bother telling you what condition theyre in. Gohastings has really good prices on these, but no details. Im just not the type to buy and return stuff online. Seems like a hassle to me.
  18. A necromancer is a wizard that has sex with dead bodies, right?

    1. Pojodin


      No, that's a necrophiliac. A necromancer is a wizard who likes romancing with peoples' necks.

    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Never on a first date. Romance isn't dead, even if one party is.

    3. Strangelove


      You can't spell Necromancer without "romance."

  19. It's incorrect(she joined SHIELD, not the Avengers), but I still think it's funny.
  20. Is there even a pc port or web browser Galaga?! I sense something bigger here. brb gonna make my own website about this pointless thing in this movie
  21. I was confused by it because it was Galaga. It took me a second to think it over. Who play Galaga while at work? Thats not the stereotypical game people play at work. If it was farmville or Solitaire id have gotten it right off the bat. THATS what the joke did bad to me. Then again, maybe it was galaga cus they were in a spaceship type thing. I dunno.
  22. How is it terrible? Its a joke. Not a great one, but people laughed at the theatre I was at. I dunno. I didnt think it was funny enough to audibly laugh, but I smiled.
  23. This game is awesome. Easy as hell, but awesome.
  24. I just gave Dawn of Sorrow another run. It's been years since Ive played it and it's still awesome. Nostalgia is a hard thing to fight, but as much as I love SOTN, I think DoS is the best Castlevania game ever made.
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