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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Im not going to lie...I still dont get the point of tablets. The only thing I can think of is for going on the toilet or at Starbucks.
  2. Final Fantasy to me was always about 3 things - fighting, story, and music. You spend about 80% of of FF games fighting, so in that regard FF13 succeeded to me. The battle system was solid. Besides paradigm shifting, it was basically the same as the previous FF games. FF13 failed in the fact that it took you a long time for the battles to get difficult. You had to either fight bosses or do the hunt missions to see how versatile the battle system was, which was lame. The story of FF13 was hit or miss. It wasnt anything special, it was squarely down the middle. Ive played so many terrible jrpgs these last few years(Eternal Sonata, Cross Edge, Star Ocean: the Last Hope), that FF13 at least didnt annoy me. Besides Vanille. In a sense, ive grown to accept not-so-terrible jrpg stories. Aside from Nier, I dont think Japan has written anything worthwhile in a long time. The music was lame though. Not terrible, but nothing really special. But that goes for most videogames. I really dont like modern videogame music. I blame that on the emphasis on voiceacting and cutscenes. Games have gone with moviestyle sountracks. Orchestrated stuff without a melody meant to change moods. I think back then good music was a necessity since voiceacting wasnt around. Ive never really cared about boring equipment and spell menus, inane dialogue with townspeople, or half-assed minigames. To me thats just something rpgs did, not something that I needed. I liked FF13 a lot, but id never say it was one of the best. Its also not one of the worst.
  3. People give Sakaguchi too much credit. I get that he created Final Fantasy and thats awesome and I have much respect, but people need to stop putting him up on a pedestal. He only directed the first 5 FF games. So to me thats really one good FF game he made, FF4. The rest were concepts of his, other people did all the work. He only supervised Chrono Trigger and Parasite Eve too as a matter of fact. Not only that, but he also "worked" on FFX, which a lot of people would say was when Square truly lost their way(even if they were still called Squaresoft at that point.) People can create something, but usually it takes others to make it as good as it can be. The ship didnt sink because of him, he just left before it did. Square Enix would be putting out the same quality stuff with or without him right now. Mistwalker is also not a haven for amazing jrpgs. Lost Odyssey was awesome, Blue Dragon was not. He doesnt have a nearly perfect record to be have such a status.
  4. Got my MGS3 HD platinum. I feel so accomplished.. /noIdon't
  5. Gamestop gave me $75 for my old iPod Touch. I have about $105 in GS credit now. I can almost taste that 3DS goodness.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TCP


      It's a remake, it retains the style of the N64 version, but everything looks a little nicer.... but I still think they could have made it look better. It's still great though. I'd start with Mario 3D Land, it really showcases what that system can do, more so than Ocarina... as much as I love OoT.

    3. Strangelove


      1st gen 8GB Touch. Practically the oldest crappiest iPod Touch. I thought it was a pretty good deal. The corners were pretty dented and the back had a lot of fine scratches, but all they really seemed to care about was the screen.

    4. P4: Gritty Reboot

      P4: Gritty Reboot

      SM3DLand gets my vote.

  6. I sold my dslite after playing all the games I wanted on it. Only game I didn't play was the last Pokemon game, and a 3ds version doesn't look like it'll be coming out soon, so that's the only ds game ill get. I just want to get the new Mario game , ocarina of time, and probably sf4 right now. Maybe I'll just sell my wii and balance board and use that to pay for a part of it. I only use my wii for wii fit nowadays anyways. I can just buy a scale.
  7. Ive got a big itch for getting a 3DS. Ive just got so many doubts about it. I dont know. I feel like i dont need another game console since i already have a ps3, psp, and Wii. Then again, the psp and Wii will soon be obsolete and wont receive any new good games anymore. While I think the Vita will be the better system, im not down for owning a portable ps3 right now. Maybe later on. I just kind of miss having a Nintendo handheld. Im just scared of the redesign and i hate how crappy the battery is. Dammit. People with 3ds, any input on making my decision for me?
  8. I hope my laptop can run it. Otherwise....
  9. Wasnt the 3DS like a 100 dollars to make? Then they sold it for 250? Its a bit different Id say. Not too much though. The Vita just does so much and looks so pretty that it doesnt feel like youre getting ripped off. Same as the iPhone really. The 3DS couldnt pull that off on its best day.
  10. I havent tried it, but the fact that nerds were hyping it up before playing it still cracks me up. Stupid nerds.
  11. RE5 was longer than it needed to be. The pacing really sucked in that game. When a game is like that I reject the "value=length" notion in gaming. Plus, I dont think its true. Theyre not about to make a 20 hour game....at least not without some severe pacing problems and a lot of recycling. I hope not. Id rather have a shorter game that ends up being a better experience than a forgettable neverending shit.
  12. Skyrim needs to drop in price already. Even Arkham City is 40 now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eleven


      It needs to drop, so that when there's a sale, its even lower!

    3. peteer01


      Agreed. I did not buy during the Xmas sale, but I will be buying new games in February, and I'd like for Skyrim to be the next purchase.

    4. TCP


      I'm assuming it's still selling well, so we won't get a price drop for awhile. Maybe after the first DLC pack... whenever that may be.

  13. Fuck yes. You can walk AND shoot at the same time now. It's a revolution!! Seriously though, it looks awesome. Everyone shits all over RE5, but its probably one of the funnest RE around. I wonder if theyre going to shoehorn in co-op again. Single player in RE5 was such a bummer because of co-op. Make them separate modes or....something.
  14. I'm only an hour in, but holy shit is it awesome.
  15. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell......
  16. I hated Soulcalibur 3 and 4 so much. I feel like I will never be able to love again.... another Soulcalibur game anyways. Im actually waiting for MK to go down in price so I can get that. Im not even an MK fan, but that one looked good.
  17. Is Sonic Generations worth buying for someone who doesnt like the 3D Sonic stuff and prefer 2D?
  18. I hate AMVs so much. SOPA would stop the making of AMVs and GMVs. Thats the only bright side of it.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      I am guilty of making an SOAD AMV years ago...

    3. Strangelove


      Naw. I want them all banned. Just their mere existence is too much to bare. I blame Obama.

    4. MasterDex
  19. My cock is ready.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TCP


      Looks like you guys are all set for a fun night.

    3. Eleven


      That's strange, love. Shows a lack of sense from the both of you.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Excellent. I'll go get the mohel.

  20. It had really good reviews on Amazon and it was lass than 150 dollars. Thats all I really wanted.
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