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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Is the Arrival(ME2 DLC) worth 5 bucks? Anyone have it?
  2. The 3DS is the first Nintendo handheld Im not dying to get. Ive owned all of them, but I feel so uncertain of it's future. Thats the real problem.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FMW


      Lol, Vita's battery life is the same though isn't it? Kotaku ran a comparison last week and they're within a few minutes of each other on minimum battery drain settings.

    3. Strangelove


      Yeah, but the vita is more powerful. It has a good excuse. It'll be a while til they come up with a version with a better battery. I just feel a new 3dS on the horizon. I'm paranoid I guess

    4. madbassman39


      The game market doesn't favor early adopters either. That's a major problem. You are better off waiting a year or so and buying than you will be buying either the 3DS or Vita right away

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Seems like a really easy fix, just change it so it *always* says "the e-mail address or password is incorrect". Problem solved.

    3. fuchikoma


      I'm glad I have no words in my password, and it would be so long it would take ages to bruteforce it online... MS' scumminess is compounding though, because when they autobilled me for more XBL, even after I canceled it, I couldn't remove my card number from their DB because the link to do so never worked. I only got it off by card expiry, and even then, some have reported MS would just guess the new expiry date and keep billing them.

    4. fuchikoma


      ...so even people who don't want their CC number on their account could get stung if hacked.

      For the PSN hack, I think the response was pretty reasonable - to make a press release instantly would hurt their image, hurting their shares, hurting shareholders, and if they were wrong, it would be disastrous. Once they realized they'd really been hacked though, they took the system down at tremendous cost to them and their partners to fix it properly.

  3. They wouldnt need this "Core" version if they just got rid of Ashcraft. I wish they would.
  4. I doanloaded the FF13-2 demo and started it and played for about 5 minutes. Im not going to start a demo of an rpg. Its possibly the worst thing you could do. Rpgs werent meant for demos.

    1. Luftwaffles


      I have to give props to Torchlight for how they handled the demo. I think I played the demo it when it first came out for about an hour and then bought it in the winter sale. Surprisingly Steam had saved that demo save, from a different computer, and started the full game save from that demo save, inventory and all. TL;DR, Agreed, unless the demo crosses into the full game.

    2. GunFlame


      RPG demos should actually be the introduction section of the game, about an hour or 2's worth. Then you can go onto unlock the whole thing if you want to buy it.

  5. I got a $15 iTunes giftcard from my aunt for Christmas in the mail today. I pirate all my music and apps, so Im going to sell it to a friend tomorrow. Pirating rocks so hard sometimes. Honestly, besides my morality being fucked up and occasionally feeling bad about it, I cant think of a single negative thing on the pc and app game pirating I do. It doesnt have drawbacks compared to legally purchasing something. I can get the entire game, install it to my pc, i can patch it, I can get the dlc. Just everything for free. Im not denied a thing. I suppose if you game online then it would suck. Luckily I dont play online.
  6. It's been how many years? I dont know, but I STILL want Audiosurf for my iPhone. Or even PS3.

  7. Why the neckbeard? Seriously why? I think everyone has the right to express themselves, but....fuck your neckbeard.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I think we need clear neckbeard standards so those of us who can actually grow facial hair can avoid the neckbeard moniker.

    3. Johnny


      I doubt anyone deliberately grows a neckbeard on purpouse.

    4. Johnny


      As far as I can tell, most neckbeards are a result of people who can't grow a proper beard trying to grow a beard, or being too lazy to shave.

  8. Just finished Deus Ex HR. Awesome game. Ill definitely replay it. Picking the ending was tough, but I went with Darrow. I guess I could do a little minireview. The bosses were cool, but actually fighting them was not. Visually, the game is kind of unstable. It looks good, but a lot of the animation is questionable. Everyone besides Adam moves weird and wobbles a lot while they talk. Its very distracting. Adam, Darrow and the bosses are the only ones that look good and detailed, everyone else looks meh as hell. Its ok to make the pedestrians and the regular characters look shitty, but people like Sarif and Reed look crappy too. Weird. I REALLY REALLY REALLY wish this had a new game +. Any game where you level up or gain abilities should have a new game plus. Especially since its pretty impossible to level up everything in one playthrough. Thankfully theres an infinite experience glitch Im going to abuse on my second playthrough. Thats just the bad stuff really, everything else about the game is awesome. Great gameplay, great story, great aesthetic.
  9. Im guessing this isnt cross platform?
  10. I hated the first one. Like someone else said, on single player it's like a super fantastic awful shitty version of Fallout 3. I hope they add a single player this time around.
  11. Yeah, Borderlands sucked. Is there a thread for that here? I wanna join in.
  12. figured out the Deus Ex HR hacking thing. Its basically connect the dots(green) and DONT connect the dots(red). I wish the tutorial had just fucking said it. Ugh.

    1. Luftwaffles


      I just clicked everything as fast as possible. Not too bad.

  13. Here's me(drunk as fuck) with the singer of an awesome Cure cover band.
  14. Rayman Origins is 19.99 at Toysrus.
  15. Its 3.50 on PSN. I think ill wait on that. At least until I throw my controller at the tv.
  16. id pay extra for that. ill see if its on psn.
  17. I just dont get the hacking in Deus EX HR. I just dont. I feel retarded when I watch those tutorials. Good god. Luckily I just found out you can break the doors down. I havent done it yet, but I hope its not too much of a hassle.
  18. Hmm. Weird. MGS bosses to me are a big part of why I love those games. Theyre just always very clever. Psycho Mantis in MGS1, The End, The Fury, MG Ray Vs. MG Rex, etc.
  19. I made this thread because someone on Kotaku said the Reaper boss at the end of ME2 was bad. I liked it a lot. We dont get those kind of bosses in games anymore.
  20. Oh God... SNK Vs Capcom SVC Chaos was a bad fighting game all around, but that boss(Mr. Karate I think). Sheesh. It knew the goddamn future.
  21. I should have just finished Deus Ex HR before giving DA:O and all of it's dlc another runthrough, huh?

  22. Videogame bosses, lets us talk about them why not. Videogame bosses have gotten pretty bad in the last decade(if the game even has them), so let's relive some awesome bosses from the past or some current bosses we may have overlooked. Favorite bosses, worst bosses, hidden bosses, weird bosses,hard bosses, easy bosses, non-bosses, midbosses, whatever. Do it. Spiderman/Batman was an awesome boss in The Revenge of Shinobi.
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