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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Now Dragon Age: Origins is giving me corrupted saves problems too...ugh. Fucking Bioware.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Strangelove


      I personally had never played an unplayable game until right now with Dragon Age 1 and 2. So its really from around 1989 or so till 2012 now. To me not being able to save in an rpg makes it completely unplayable. I understand games have glitches and bugs, but you could still finish the entire game. All systems were basically the same, there werent that many different models per region and they didnt all have different firmware either. I just cant believe I put up with this shit.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Maybe your HDD is borked?

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, I don't know that your corruption problems have much to do with game consoles getting more pc-like.

  2. I just feel that gay representation needs to seep into other mediums first before gaming. Gaming and it's fans are...........ummm.....shit. I dunno. I just know that gay stuff in games can lead to a lot of laughter over how bad it's done. And it has nothing to do with sexuality, but the missteps videogames make are usually hilarious, moreso than others. Bad writing, awful voiceacting, bad animation, glitches, etc. It all becomes stuff of legends. Im confident that videogames would fuck up gays in the same way that Jason! and master of unlocking hot coffee. Which just reminds me how behind most games are when compared to films. But thats something else entirely.
  3. If I saw Marcus Fenix hugging a man on a photo, I would assume it was his best friend or father. Id have to be told explicitly that hes gay. And then the whole point of it would be useless and only controversy would ensue. As easy as it is to turn someone gay in a game, its just as easy to make them straight, plus you know....not pissing off people AND catering to most of the demographic for that medium. There are pluses to having a straight character instead of a gay one. Its just smart for business.
  4. Someone i knew ended up on isanyoneup.com, Sadly, it wasnt someone I wanted to see naked.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      And why are you on that website, young man? /handsonhips

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I had never heard of that site before...

    4. Strangelove


      It's the best website ever conceived.

  5. And I'm not trying to censor anything, but websites thrive on fads. I'm glad Betty white finally got on snl, but no one really gave a shit about her being on snl. They just picked up a random thought and everyone else just ran with it to see if snl would do. Just cus. That's not right. It cheapens it. If this thing ever comes to fruition, I hope the retards of the innernet had nothing to do with it.
  6. Diversity? Yeah, once we get blacks, Hispanics and women as main protagonists, gay people will be next. Probably lesbians first.
  7. Andrew Meade is fucking 'tarded. That was such an awful article. He says hes not about pandering, but his idea for Uncharted is pandering. I suppose he views Nathan Drake as not manly enough to be straight, and his relationship with Sully as a bit above bromance. Might as well make Indiana Jones gay too. He might as well say the same thing about Marcus Fenix. Oh, but he can't. That dude just looks TOO manly. That thought process in itself is fucked up and strereotypical. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now I read Jim Sterling's thing. Its just as bad. Two straight guys making awful decisions on making a gay character. This whole debate is an awful one. Im ok with gamers discussing it among themselves, but its not something that should be on Destructoid or any better site. Gamers want videogames to be as well regarded as all other media, but gamers are the only ones who clamor for it. You demand something thats subjective like its deserved. Reminds me of the whole "videogames are/aren't art" bullshit. You cant push shit on people like a FPS or open world fad. Art and homosexuality deserve a lot more respect and it has a lot more substance than to be manipulated that way. And to be honest, main videogame characters being gay wouldnt change a goddamn thing. At all. Videogames would have to develop better narrative and interpersonal storytelling first for it to matter. Hell, most videogames dont even focus on sex in the least. Most games sidestep it. At most itll have one kiss near the end of the game or for a Bioware games, somewhere in the middle. Maybe the reason there arent gay main characters in games is because it doesnt need them. Might as well go for the default. Being straight is accepted by 100% of the population, being gay? Not exactly. The videogame industry still operates like a business bent on selling as much as their product to as many people as possible. Even films and tv do gay characters wrong or stereotype them as sassy best friends. All big media is fucked up when it comes to it. EA, Ubisoft, Nintendo, MS, Capcom are not going to be the ones to make that first big important gay game. Like film, itll probably be something more independent. Thinking hard about it, a game focused on being gay would suck ass. I cant imagine a single genre benefiting or changing in big drastic ways from having a gay character. Videogames are still action movies. Plot an sexuality doesnt matter. They need to move past that first.
  8. Back To The Future bundle is free for PS+ members.
  9. I liked McWhertor too. I dont personally have anything against Crecente, hes likable enough. But the decisions hes makes or stands behind have been pretty retarded.
  10. http://kotaku.com/5872608/hello-im-kotakus-new-editor+in+chief Says here Joel is also leaving.
  11. Finally got around to seeing The Road. Liked it alot. Pretty depressing.
  12. Stephen Totilo is the new Editor guy now. Sounds good to me.
  13. http://kotaku.com/5872606/adieu
  14. Ubisoft Montreal also doesnt know how Hispanics talk. Goddamit, Canada.
  15. Dammit, now I have to move stuff over from the other thread. Ugh. /whitepeopleproblems
  16. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, on PS3 it has to load over again. Takes a bit. I also just did my first hack and I dont actually know what I did. I just guessed and pressed buttons and stuff. The tutorial for that was littered with all kind of pseudo-scientific crap that didnt make sense. Also, the black people's dialogue is fucked up in this game. Canadians dont know shit about them I guess.
  17. To be honest, if it were turnbased Id be with you. But its not. Im bad at games like these that are a mix of rpg and action. I have a lot of trouble keeping up with all my characters. DA2 does a lot of stuff for you. Usually stuff I hated doing in DA:O. In DA:O I hardly if ever used any other character but my warden. Im guessing thats why I found the game so difficult. It reminded me of FF12 and it's gambit system. I hated that game too for the same reason. I just cant deal with that many characters all acting at once and I dont want to waste my time making some predetermined automatic system(gambits/tactics) either. Seems boring to me. I just prefer different styles I guess.
  18. I really suck at Deus Ex HR. Ive always sucked at stealth games AND shooters, so either way Im fucked. I have such little health that outright having a shoot out is crazy in this game since I suck at shooters. Which reminds me, why is this in first person? Aside from shooting, absolutely everything you do is in third person. Couldnt they just have settles for third person like the other 90% of the gameplay? Oh well. Ill keep trying for a bit longer, but I have no shame in setting it on easy mode. Im a grown up now. I dont give a shit about challenge in games. Im just here to have fun. /pussy
  19. I just finished Dragon Age 2 for the second time. First was on pc, today was on PS3. I know im a traitor for saying this, but I had more fun with DA2 than DA1. DA1 is a better game, but DA2 is just a lot more fun to play. Its enjoyable and feels like less of a chore. As much as I love rpgs, Im a gamer first, rpg fan second. I hated all the micromanaging in DA1. Im glad they removed it for DA2 when it came to my companions. There are so many hours wasted away in menus in DA1. Its ridiculous. And I suppose as a console gamer, DA2 shows the big difference - it feels like youre just meant to control one character instead of 4. The other 3 are your support. Thats not how it was in DA1 and I found the game extremely hard. But DA2 I could manage. Its a lot less hassle. Simplicity isnt the devil. Though rpg/pc purists will disagree. I also found that the entire game being in Kirkwall gave the story a more intimate feel than being the world saving warden in DA1. I preferred it. I almost always do in anything I like. Ive always been about the little personal journeys instead of saving the world. I just cant relate to it. Recycling dungeons though? Fuck you, Bioware/EA. I will never forgive that shit. Ever. I still to this day have no idea what the fuck they were thinking. If I ever meet anyone who worked on DA2, I have to ask what they were thinking trying to pull that shit on us. The game is about 40 hours long, and its totally worth the money, but seriously....the dungeon thing is just such a fucked up weird thing. Im both angry and confused by it. I dont make games, but are dungeons harder to make than characters, animations, voice acting, motion capture, programming, music, etc? The entire game has really good production values to be completely rushed. Im guessing dungeons were the last thing that needed completing and they just didnt meet the deadline.
  20. I feel blue. I wish I was a guido so I could be orange with tan spray.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. excel_excel
    3. fuchikoma


      Hey... if you were orange and blue, at least you'd have a place in Hollywood...

    4. deanb


      ..too. (sorry couldn't leave that hanging)

  21. LA Noire is such a strange game. Gameplaywise I enjoy it quite a bit, but storywise Im really confused by it. I havent finished it, im about halfway through. Im teamed up with Roy at the moment. That guy is such a douchebag. Hell, most if not all my partners have been douchebags. Cole himself is remarkably neutral. He tries to do the right thing and go by the rules, but when push comes to shove he folds easily. Im confused as to what feelings im supposed to have about my main character. Am I supposed to like him or hate him or somehow see myself as him? I feel neither. The game seems bleak, but mostly its just very subdued. I have no idea where this is going, but I want to find out. I know it sounds like I dont like it, but I do. I will say that this game has pretty much made dead naked chicks completely tame. It was cool the first time, but now I dont really care anymore.
  22. Ar Tonelico? *shoots self in face*
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