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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. New Super Mario Bros. U. Really good game. Id say great if I wasnt so tired of this series, even so this is the best one. Its kind of lame that the flying squirrel costume is the only new powerup. Thats kind of lazy. I suppose the baby Yoshis count as powers too though. Im also kind of tired of Bower doing the same thing in every one of these games - turning gigantic. I admit the fights are different each time, but I kind of want something different. Im not sure what though. I also ended up playing about 75% of it on the gamepad. Im not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing. I turned off the sound while I watched Netflix. I wasnt missing much. The music is still very generic and forgettable. Anyways, really good game.
  2. It took them 4 games, but Nintendo finally made a Good NEW SMB game. The Wii U version is fantastic. For the most part its because every world and every other stage on those worlds seems to introduce new mechanics and enemies never seen before. I dare say most of the game truly is new and the old enemies are only really sprinkled on into the game.
  3. "Mario number one!" Im really tired of hearing him, Toad(s) and Peach talk/make noises. Luigi and Yoshi I can tolerate. Plus, the guy who does Mario's voice is super creepy. he seems like a decent man, but he loves his job too much. Ugh.
  4. Yup. They also said so in the art book that came with the Survival Edition. It sounds cool, but it wouldnt have worked. Its not like switching out 2 characters or keeping remotely the same story, the whole thing would be different.
  5. Update: 3DS friend code is 3454-0438-0811 Wii U name is Strangelove77. Let's NOT play online together. Thanks, Nintendo.
  6. ...And I thought the 3DS Eshop was terrible. The Wii U Eshop is almost nonexistent. Come on now. Ive got a $20 giftcard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Earthbound and SMB3 are the two products on the eShop. Nothing else.

    3. Strangelove


      SMB3? I only saw SMW. And it was 7.99. F that noise. SNES games should be $5 tops, NES should be $2 or $3. I dont care if it is Mario.

    4. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      Agreed, they cost way too much.

  7. This had to be the most annoying as shit console Ive ever had to deal with. The set up has taken hours because it just wont stay connected to wifi to update the firmware or to even set up a Nintendo network ID. I got it at 10am today and its 4pm and I finally have created the id and updated the firmware. The firmware wasnt even that big, it just kept disconnecting every minute. The wifi in this thing is a huge piece of shit. Every single device I own, including the 3DS and the original Wii connected flawlessly to the wifi....this one not so much. I even had to look up online to find a way to fix it and lo and behold I wasnt the only person with this problems. Tons of people. Theres even a Kotaku article about it. Is this even something they can fix with a firmware or is the wifi just fucked? Its like they just dont want money. They fuck themselves over in the most basic ways. They dont have a real online account system, their eshop games are overpriced, the games people really want arent on there AND the wifi sucks so that i cant even connect to their eshop. Fuck you Nintendo.
  8. Well, I caved... Ebay. Everything for $295 with shipping included. And I didnt get charged taxes either. Its supposedly been used about 2 or 3 times. I dont think it's too bad of a deal and I dont mind it being basic, I can just get a big usb drive to connect to it.
  9. Of course its automatically on. Any subscription program pretty much ever is always on autorenew automatically. Off the top of my head Netflix, Shoprunner, and Amazon Prime do the same thing on mine. You have to disable it yourself. Its a little slimy, but its smart.
  10. It must suck to be Ben Savage. Youre never going to be as good as your brother, shithead.

    1. deanb


      Or their cousin Dan, or uncle Randy.

    2. TCP


      Boy Meets World was rad.

    3. TheRevanchist



  11. Its actually 60 bucks on both Gamestop and Amazon now. Its robbery, but that Nintendo "premium" theyve been doing for the past god knows how many years doesnt seem to bother anyone, so I guess it's really a nonissue.
  12. I felt Borderlands 2 to be A LOT better than Borderlands. I cant quite pin it down on why, theyre ridiculously similar. Its almost a cut and paste job. Only difference is it seems to have more story and dialogue. Kept me interested enough I guess.
  14. Nope, just the sexiest looking mouse ever made.
  15. Onitsuka Tigers. They were about the same price as chucks, which ive been wearing exclusively for possibly 10 years now. Apple Magic Mouse. It was difficult to use at first because of how low it is but once you get used to it it's great. Then a shitload of blurays:
  16. I think it's time for some seppuku...
  17. Japanese companies are fucking up big time in that dept. Usually western companies fill the app store with spinoffs, side stories or ports, not actual sequels. Goddamn them.
  18. From what I heard the slow sailing in Wind Waker wasnt by choice, the Gamecube just couldnt load fast enough. Thats not going to be a problem with the HD version.
  19. Zelda really hasnt changed, has it? Not since Ocarina...
  20. Im getting a Wii U as soon as theres a decent price drop and Im going to hope for the best, but I really cant see how theyre going to dig themselves out of this one. For the 3DS it was easy, it was severely overpriced. 3DS had some good games and had even more coming. Not to mention that at this point Nintendo's handhelds have built up more must haves from first and third parties. The Wii or even the Gamecube and even the 64 before it have not. Im not sure what other people think, but the days of Mario and Zelda saving Nintendo's ass are over. Theyre not what sold Wii Us. Wii Fit, Wii Sports and dancing games did. I really dont think Nintendo should have ever expected the same kind of success the Wii had from the Wii U. That was just a "right time, right place" sort of deal. Being the first to capitalize on motion controls and attaching a goddamn speak and spell to your console are 2 very different things. The wow factor is gone and it isnt coming back. They need to get that through their gullible fucking heads. At this point I really just want to play Bayonetta 2, the new Mario game coming out AND hopefully get a "real" new Mario game that will hopefully change shit up like Mario 64 and Galaxy did. The rest is up in the air.
  21. UPS always delivers my packages at around 11am EVERY SINGLE TIME. Fedex on the other hand delivers my packages somewhere from 3-8pm....I hate you, Fedex. And Amazon for choosing them during the weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Are you worried about people stealing your shit or something?

    3. Chewblaha


      Complete opposite here. Fedex is always here at 11 and UPS some time between four and eight.

    4. CorgiShinobi


      FedEx can be whenever, but I've never had a problem. UPS has damaged a package of mine, but Ontrac is the one I'm always cautious of. They had a packaging error with my last package, and my wireless adapter today was "out for delivery" in another city. It ended up at my house still, but it made me worry.

  22. Almost perfectly. I guess its due to the simplicity of it all. Its not like trying to play San Andreas or anything.
  23. It was $20 on Amazon, so I bought it just for the Vita download. Will probably never touch the PS3 disc. And yeah, we'll probably get this for free on PS+ in a few weeks or months, but fuck it. Im not going to get scared of buying every single PS Exclusive because it could potentially be free someday. Thats lame. Sonic on my Kindle is awesome. This version is amazing. Id rebuy it on Vita or 3DS instantly.
  24. So Breath of Fire 6 is a thing...an mmo rpg...for phones. Goddammit.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      Sort of. I have premium games, most of which I got free. And I'm talking 10-20 dollars as the normal asking price for them. So, I'm wondering where is a good price point for a mobile MMO RPG. This is how the market is shifting, so setting prices for typically console/PC games is interesting to me.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      But $20 is much less than typical console/PC games and that's what XCOM was sold at.

    4. TheRevanchist


      I'm not arguing your point, as I think you are saying it will probably be about $20, much cheaper than a console full price and not that interesting or needing a lot of thought. Well, yes. But, I do manufacturing-cost accounting. We essentially cost items out, figure margins, and calculate COGS, as well as setting price points. So, it's interesting to me, and probably not anyone else.

  25. I dont think he really knows how to play the piano...
    1. FredEffinChopin


      He doesn't, but that is his real hair. On a side note, I totally forgot that the video starts with them snapping on each other on a bench... I like the video all over again.


    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      >Biz Markie is on tour with the Yo Gabba Gabba live show



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