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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. I cant agree with that, especially considering a top notch game like Arkham City.
  2. I already owned the regular version, but this was about $17 and I really wanted the extra costumes and Harley Quinn's Revenge DLC. Also, I dont understand the outrage over the cover. It's in my shelf, so I never really look at any game cover much. Honestly, people demanding reverse covers, buying the more expensive version of a game because the cover is "better", thats obsessive and borderline crazy. Chill out. I played the 3rd one on the GBA years ago and had fun with it, so im hoping the other ones are just as good.
  3. Must be fun working at GameStop around this time, getting tons of people asking if they got "dat new gran theff."

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Chewblaha


      More like "GTA Eye Vee?"

    3. Strangelove


      No one is 'tarded enough to pronounce it like that, Chew. That's just insane.

    4. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Mall Gamestops are definitely the worst. And they are, Strange. They are. Got that Halo Eye Vee?

  4. I wish I wasn't do greedy and/or always willing to help people. I don't really want to work 12 hours tomorrow. Fuck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strangelove


      Yeah. 100% of the tips is going to be nice. Just dealing and interacting with people for 12 hours straight...that's the problem.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      BOO HOO.


      uhhmmm. I kind of agree and feel bad for you but I feel like being a prick.



    4. Strangelove


      Well, I almost made 300 bucks in one day. I guess its not a bad thing.

  5. I'm willing to trust Page and Dafoe. They've both been in some stinkers, but it's never really because of them. I'm sure they both read the "script" before agreeing to be in the game. And as far as the budget goes, Heavy Rain wasn't an insanely expensive game to make, so I'm expecting the same for Beyond. I'm sure they're getting a few more million this time, but I doubt they had enough money to "buy" Page and Dafoe.
  6. I've found every trailer for Beyond to be extremely vague plot wise, but I'm excited for it because of how much I liked heavy rain.
  7. Im replaying Arkham City and Ive brought this up before, but Alfred is the biggest asshole ever. Everything you tell him he always has some asshole response, everything is "no shit, Sherlocke." Fuck you, you butler.
  8. They need to make bigger capacity memory cards. My 32gb filled up months ago.
  9. You do a line and i'll do a line, honey/You do a line and i'll do a line, babe...

  10. I hate the term "pop" for Soda. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. Im not sure why, I guess its because it sound ridiculously old-timey. Like during the "good ol' days". I hate those days. Its too quaint, like a Wes Anderson film.
  11. Sharing is caring.

    1. TCP


      No glove no love.

  12. I just always heard the first 2 were very average, but 3 is actually a good game. I hate FPS as is, so I cant waste time on "ok" FPS games. We'll see.
  13. Never played a Resistance game, but from what I hear this is the best one, by very far. For as much as I love Kojima and everything he does or is involved in, I have never played a ZoE game. From what I hear, I should skip the first one though.
  14. Japanese companies are stubborn assholes. US companies like Bioware will bend over and stretch out their butthole for their whiny online "community" and waste thousands of dollars to change a fucking ending, but you still have to buy about 10 versions of Capcom fighting games to get the best one. And people complain about Capcom just as much, but they never change. They just dont give a fuck. I dont agree with it, but at least I still respect it. Capcom that is. Nintendo fucked up.
  15. I quit Dragon's Dogma. Not out of difficulty, just out of boredom. Fuck that game.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Vecha


      Yeah...I played about 10 or so hours...just lost interest....

    3. Strangelove


      There is just nothing to push you forward than what the game offers in the first few hours. If you like it as is, then it's probably very enjoyable.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I played it up until the post-game content and gave up due to everything kicking my ass. But yeah if you don't think the combat of the game is fun as fuck then you'll get bored pretty quick. It's a very rough diamond that'll need a sequel that fixes issues to shine

  16. They really should just call all their consoles after the Gamecube, the "Zelda-Mario Machine". Except the Wii U is the "Zelda-Mario Machine HD."
  17. Just what Cooking Mama needs, NSFW... http://newsimg.ngfiles.com/170000/170166_mamaweb.jpg
  18. Big tits and a fat ass. That's all the "personality" a woman needs.
  19. If you like the Amazon in DC, I will direct you to "One Night In China".
  20. Go to Google image search, type in your first name, then "the hedgehog".

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. VicariousShaner


      Shane the Hedgehog This doesn't even look remotely like an animal.
    3. CorgiShinobi


      Ah, the ol' "Your Name the Hedgehog" deviantART search.

    4. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      I got several different results. All with multicolored hair and big boobs.

  21. People who start every sentence with "people who..."
  22. Hey, this Dragon Dog Man game is pretty good.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Strangelove


      Well, I guess it's time to suck the dick.

    3. TCP


      That's what we call doing the Vincentgrey.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      ah man this check vincentgrey'd me so much last night I almost Chewblaha'd

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