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slithy toves

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Everything posted by slithy toves

  1. funny you should say that, either on my other arm or down my side i'm going to get a giant octopus or squid attacking something. i'm not quite sure what yet, it might even be me!
  2. yeah, tattoos are a costly habit. that's mainly why i've left her the way she is, because i know if i start filling in different parts of my arm for the sleeve i'm going to feel like it looks incomplete and then i'll be like $3000 in the hole because i needed to get the other side of my arm colored in
  3. the one on the front of my arm hurt soooooooo much. there are like 6 different colors on top of one another and by the time he got to the last color i wanted to kick him in the face every time he came near me with the machine. but i mean the hurt is totes worth it, and really most of the time you're just in a zone.
  4. i'm listening to bleach. nirvana's best album imo, mayhaps because it's the only one that doesn't still feel overplayed from the 90s. great album nonetheless. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhCIZnhco3k
  5. total alice butt. all the way baby. thanks for the comments! i hope to flesh these two out into a sleeve someday. but they're soooo expensive.
  6. ok, these are pretty crappy quality but here is the front and back
  7. bwahahaha, yeah, i enjoyed the little chicken legs. those shorts in general were just endlessly amusing to me.
  8. yeah, i know, i need to get around to getting some pics of them and posting them. it isn't easy to get a picture of the back of your arm.
  9. oh, you did update teh mm thread, don't ask me why i didn't notice that before (i should have known you'd watched adam's apples!). but yeah, mm's range is crazy impressive. i'm actually pretty darn excited by like everything i've seen thus far. i'm watching the green butchers tonight, i'll let everyone know how it goes. i feel like i actually saw part of it some time ago at someone's house, but i wasn't really paying attention to it.
  10. i have a tattoo. it's kind of two tattoos. alice is coming through the looking glass and her bum is on the back of my arm and her front is on the front.
  11. "Here it says you're evil. It's rude to write that on a person's CV."
  12. you forgot a personal favorite of mine, sloshed.
  13. but the mm movies are sooooooooooooo good. totes worth it.
  14. i don't even think it was a nice attempt, the whole thing felt really stale to me. no one can troll like andy kaufmann could.
  15. i haven't worked a full 5 days in over a month. this is gonna suck.

    1. diedan


      Same. And now the next day off is May. Ugh.

    2. slithy toves

      slithy toves

      ooph, yeah, that sucks. we get MLK day and president's day so i at least have something nearby to look forward to.

    3. diedan


      Yeah, good thing I get loads of vacation time. I'll totally take a random Friday off to sit at home just because I can in a month or two. Or plan a vacation back to NY. That sounds fun.

  16. happy new year dan!

    -- huggies and kisses


  17. and so much THIS because as you grow up there is less time to play, so if yr story is compelling let me do that w/out fighting for it.
  18. there is stuff i will only make at home, but there is a pizza place near to me called sorrentos that makes flatbread pizzas that i would stab small children to eat. not only is their crust like the perfect marriage between chewy and crunchy but they'll put pretty much anything on the fucking pizza. personal favorite? hamburg, pine nuts and pesto (and i usually hate hamburg on pizza, but there? soooo good!)
  19. ok, everyone watch adam's apples, together, terribly happy and DEAD SNOW!!!!! watch them all, now!! dd - i watched the jp/ca movie and was surprisingly angry. they could have life trolled so bad and i felt like they not only wussed out on the life trolling but in their half-assedness just made a bad movie. i know, he ruined his career for a year or so ppl say, how is that so bad as if they'd totally trolled? because even with the hookers and making pdiddy feel dumb it was still not hardcore or real enough. something was totes missing transferring jp from being a potential, brave role-model or person to just a dumb actor being dumb to try to prove a point that like no one else will get. also, watch flickering lights and reno 911. that is all sliths
  20. unfortunately yes. i never watched it but my mother did. along with party of 5, melrose place and other shows i would rather not ever remembs.....
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