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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. Crap, even Snow White was 83 min. I remember it being shorter though.
  2. Here's IW's response. http://www.psu.com/Infinity-Ward-defends-Modern-Warfare-2s-single-player-length--a008298-p0.php
  3. It would be really hard to beat any COD in 6 hours. 8-12 is probably more likely.
  4. Incomplete: Not complete; not filled up; not finished; not having all its parts,
  5. Is it really going to be the final MvC3 though? Should it really be called Penultimate MvC3?
  6. I think the question of length is directly tied to cost. If you're dropping $60, how much are you getting in return? A lot of FPS games can be blown through in 8-10 hours and that seems a bit short for $60 IMO. A movie costs about $8-10 for 90-120 minutes or so. By comparison, if you wanted 10 hours of entertainment from a theater you'd be spending about $50 for 10 hours or so. I suppose that's on par. I tend to factor in the multiplayer too though. I dropped over 13 days of online time with COD4 so I think I got my money's worth. Now, do some games drag on for far too long? Maybe. I'm having a hard time remembering the last game that I wish was shorter. Generally people don't say "Wow, that was a great game if only it had been shorter!". Also, developers need to stop shamelessly padding their games to make them longer. Scavenger hunts for 350 pieces of intel doesn't constitute another 10 hours of gameplay to put on your box so you can say "Over 100 hours of gameplay!". Most of the time I can overlook it but some games (Zelda Wind Waker, Darkstalkers) artificially pad out their game with back tracking and such because they clearly didn't have time to finish the game.
  7. Some people refuse to see minor innovation. CoD had some minor creative innovations regarding multiple playable characters in the story and even main characters dying in first person. That freaked me out first time it happened. There's also the way that Halo created the melee and grenade buttons and also kicked up the regenerating health craze. I just hear so many people saying "Call of Duty is boring and deriviative!" It's not though. There are tons of other shooters which may be boring or derivative but Call of Duty and Halo are premier games. Others are imitating them. It's kind of like if you said Star Wars is just another derivative sci-fi movie.
  8. Just got back from HPATDH. It was pretty good. I wish it was a little happier at the end to make up for all the hours of darkness and glumness. Could have used a longer epilogue.
  9. It's basically a sim city rts mix. You can create buildings and units but you can't directly control the units. It's a fun little twist and as a mobile game it's pretty good.
  10. http://www.industrygamers.com/news/doom-creator-fires-back-at-devs-with-snooty-attitude/ He's got a point.
  11. Right now I'm addicted to the Android version of Majesty. It's pretty awesome.
  12. A consolation prize at the tournament this weekend. I really enjoyed the demo so I'm looking forward to playing this.
  13. Just got back from the HardOCP tournament. Came in 2nd. Lost by 1 control point, 11-10

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pirandello


      Not good day to be tiny baby man.

    3. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      you still get a prize right? Weren't some other (with all due respect) "losers" also get a chance at winning the graphics card?

    4. Yantelope


      Yeah, I didn't win the graphics card but I got a copy of Shogun 2. It was a lot of fun too.

  14. From SD: Green Man Gaming has Deus Ex: Human Revolution pre-order (PC Digital Download) for $35.99 - 20% off code FACEB-JULY2-20PEC = $28.80. Thanks Remmib Note, this game requires the Steam client to install and run I just bought a copy. It activates on steam I think too so you don't have to keep the GMG account. Pretty good deal for a preorder.
  15. It's friday night. Who's up for some TF2?

  16. http://m.engadget.com/default/article.do?artUrl=http://www.engadget.com/2011/07/15/microsoft-snatches-up-a-pair-of-sony-related-domains-internet-r/&category=classic&postPage=1 Sony and MS join forces? Would be awesome.
  17. I tend to believe the success of the wii was a fad and probably won't be duplicated. So a late 7th gen system seems like a bad deal to me. The early start did help the xbox get a huge lead. The sustained high price, xbl subscription fees, and lack of bluray and RRoDs have kept it from being a runaway winner.
  18. A couple of notes. MS killed the first xbox in large part because the mandatory hdd inside cost too much so they rushed out a new system which had a detachable hdd. Also they kept saying first to market is a huge advantage and it turned out to help a lot with the launch of the 360. I'm surprised they appear to have forgotten the whole first to 20 million consoles sales march.
  19. Agreed, but in many cases their own servers are shut down just to spur people to buy the newest game.
  20. The problem with the stop-gap solution is it may end up like the Dreamcast and get killed by the PR of the bigger better systems Sony and MS have around the corner. Also, MS keeps saying 2014 for the next xbox. I don't want to believe them but that's what they keep saying.
  21. This all kind of feeds into another problem/annoyance and that's the prolifieration of every single studio having their own online service. Now you need a Uplay account, EA online, Bungie.net, Rockstar, Steam, and soon Activision will probably get in on it. We already have the XBl network that these things operate inside of so how many more studios do we need accounts with?
  22. I didn't realize that. So they're even more biased. As far as the Wii U being stop-gap, I don't think Nintendo sees it that way. It seems more like Nintendo is just continuing the 5 year console cycle whereas the Sony and MS have decided to stretch this generation out further than normal. Really, I can understand why simply judging from the cost of high end hardware. PS3 was $600 for a reason when it was released and neither Sony or MS have the slightest desire to repeat that debacle.
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