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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. Nobody is trying to "beat piracy" as much as they are trying to limit or contain it for a short while. So much of a games profits (almost all of them) are made in the first 6 weeks. If you can make it take 6 weeks for someone to crack your game then you've succeeded.
  2. To be more specific, I haven' felt like I didn't have enough information to make an educated decision about purchasing a game in years such that I needed to "pirate a demo". If I have enough interest to play a game I spend my $15-20 on it. If it's not that great then I'm not really out a ton of cash.
  3. I still find it very hard to belive the "demo" argument. It's either worth your time or it isn't. If it's worth your time then it's worth your money. It seems to me the argument of "I wasn't going to buy it anyway." is simple justification.
  4. Someone explain to me why they're remaking Spiderman.
  5. How is this different than most FPSes?
  6. Nolan North is the penguin now? When will it end?

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Yeah, how dare he keep himself employed!

  7. I'm gonna give it a go this weekend. Hopefully they've fixed some of it.
  8. It's really rare that I spend $60 for a game. Maybe with new releases I will but usually you can get some sort of store credit or preorder deal for better than that. I got MLB 11 the show for $35 because of a pricing error on Modells. LA Noire was $30 on GoHastings and I just preordered MW3 from Newegg for $48. Usually there's some way to get a game for cheaper than $60. That being said the vast majority of games I get for less than $20. That's my buy price.
  9. What happened to Ethan?

    1. Battra92


      He and Bennedict went up to the NY/Vermont line to capture Fort Ticonderoga.

    2. deanb


      he's doing his Bar exam. Wanted to be a landlord.

  10. Yeah, the price cuts come hard and fast for some games that need it. I doubt that any company is going to give up the early impulse $60 buys. I just keep hearing more and more journalists calling for a tiered structure. Now, I will say an advantage to an immediate $40 price would be that perhaps more people will buy the game initially which could spread word of mouth and you could possibly garnish better review scores (reviewers seem to care so much about value).
  11. I know everyone feels differently about things. I think EA can foster a mindset of "we created extra content for this game" rather than "we cut out part of your game and are selling it to you later" by avoiding things like the locked rooms in ME2. It may be 6 one way and half a dozen the other but it's the perception that matters in the minds of many gamers like myself. I guess the other question that I ask is "would this content have been included with the game before the advent of DLC?" Things like the extra party members lean me to think "yes".
  12. So there's been a lot of talk about how all games are $60 (and I thought we had a thread but I can't find it) and some games just aren't worth $60. Some are saying that there should be a tiered structure where new games launch with different prices depending upon their quality and content. I suppose we already have this a little bit with a system like PSMinis and PSN download games vs full disc games. Anywho, I wonder if this will change and I can't help but wonder if some games go down in price will some other games go up in price? You think the new Halo or COD could command $80 or $100? I remember when prices were less fixed. I bought Street Fighter 2 for the SNES for $83 from Software etc. I also remember Toys "R" Us asking $80 for Chrono Trigger at release.
  13. One of the most valuable lessons I learned working retail is that value is all about perception. The online pass and dlc create a negative perception.
  14. http://www.destructoid.com/yes-anthony-burch-is-writing-borderlands-2-207926.phtml I don't know this guy but he can't write anything worse than the first game's ending.
  15. AR = anal retentive. The blank plates on cars annoy me.
  16. It might just be an AR thing but having two doors which clearly have a purpose but remain locked bothers me. Maybe it's like if you had bought a car in full and there's an iPod in the glove box. You can buy the iPod from the dealer and they'll give you the key to get it out or you can not pay and it just sits there for 10 years. If I never pay for it then it'd bug the crap out of me knowing that it's there. The analogy breaks down (DLC isn't a physical good like an iPod would be) but you get the gist of it. Another example is the AC2 missing chapters. If you want to add some content that was cut to the game at a later date that's fine by me but don't leave a giant hole in the game that says "CONTENT GOES HERE". It makes you feel ripped off after you've already dropped $60 on a game. I may not be getting ripped off but that's how it makes me feel.
  17. Yeah, they even admitted they didn't have the ending written for it when they started. That's the sort of thing that pisses me off. Story should always be written out before you begin, FFXIII I'm looking at you.
  18. It's a bit of a grindathon but that doesn't stop people from loving dungeon crawlers like Diablo. It's a bit like that. Also, if it's such a grindathon then what is Fallout 3? An explorathon? I just found myself lacking direction in Fallout 3.
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