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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. Yeah, the whole $60 price point issue is a funny one because as much as developers say they're sticking to it it's really no the case. Most games, even AAA games can be had for $20 even 6 months after release and bad games even quicker than that. I'm not sure we're ever going to see more games being released at a straight up lower pricing point simply because I'm willing to bet that those few precious impulse buyers make it worth it and then dropping the price a month later yields more revenue than just releasing the game at $30 from the get go. I'm not all that familiar with the quality of the mobile games market and maybe I'm just comparing it to my experience with flash games but is the quality or charm of Angry Birds really that much different from the other games on the market?
  2. In order to keep the E3 predictions thread clean I'll revive this one. Have they said if NGP is PSP backward compatible? Also, if they announce MGS 6 for the NGP then I'll probably buy one.
  3. Yeah, that's a big difference. I doubt Sony will be able to manage a $250 price point right at launch and I'm willing to bet they're gouge that extra $50 out of early adopters until product begins to sit on shelves. My guess is that it'll drop to $250 after maybe 6 months to a year.
  4. There is a fair amount of equipment in a phone that wont be in the NGP and there's a bit of profit in that $599 too. I think Sony knows that it would be product suicide to launch anything for more than $300. Personally I think sales will be sluggish at anything over $250. The 3DS has been slow to sell and I think pricing is part of the problem there in addition to the 3D not going over well.
  5. I personally think that Half-Life 3 will never ever happen. Also I agree with Deans pick that NGP = $300 but I didn't choose that as my bonus because I want it to be cheaper. If it's $250 I'm seriously considering getting one and making that my primary MP3 player and forgoing the smartphone. Oh and Dean, are we talking $300 for either the 3G or non-3G version?
  6. So what exactly causes a game like Angry Birds to become a household name? I've played it a couple of times now, for only about 5 minutes or so, and I'm very perplexed. I don't fully understand what qualities games like that have which make them just super popular among the casual non-gamer crowd vs. the thousands of other great mobile games. Is the mobile game market really more of a fashion show? Does being popular and hip matter more than the content or function of your application? Also, I disagree with Dyack and other developers who think that the mobile market has any sort of effect on the core gamer market. It seems much more likely that they're two mutually exclusive markets.
  7. Yeah, this list seems more like "what game has been meaningful to the most gamers". I guess KOTOR has pretty wide appeal.
  8. Woot for KOTOR. Good list meatbags.
  9. I would so very much love for this to be true. Or rather, I would love for them to agree on a game standard which they can both make hardware for, like how lots of different companies can make DVD players. This would also be awesome. Yeah, I really think they'd both stand to make a ton of money too if they both signed up and made the uberconsole. Sadly it'll probably never happen.
  10. @dean, Yeah, I only made 9 other guesses so I was with you on that. I guess I want to rephrase to Kings and Castles gets shown and given a target launch window. Does that count? It's a pretty low chance but I'd really like to see it happen.
  11. I'm generally totally wrong about these predictions but they're fun anyway. 1. For my Dean bonus pick I'm going with Xbox successor announced mostly because I really want to see it happen. Next predictions. 2.New Halo Game announced by 343 studios. (probably a Halo CE remake) 3.FF Versus XIII is totally absent from the show. (Does this count?) 4.Microsoft announces a portable system. 5.Sony and Microsoft announce that the next generation system will be a joint venture. 6.Red Dead Redemption sequel is revealed. 7.Metal Gear Solid Rising is scheduled for release in March 2012. 8.Modern Warfare 3 release confirmed for November. 9.Kings and Castles gets shown and given a target launch window. 10.Sony shows off new 3D headset for PS3 as an alternative to current displays.
  12. These facial things are okay and all but personally I'm more interested in making the actual game worlds more dynamic. It still amazes me just how much of a game world is totally static and unchangeable and I really look forward to the day when game worlds are fully dynamic.
  13. On the overheating thing: New game comes out, people log far more hours than usual on said console and are shocked when it overheats. GASP!
  14. It still staggers me just how much time can go into WoW. I know I logged 8 days over 10 weeks before I quit in order to save my life.
  15. So I put COD4 in my top 15 games because I realized that I had logged over 13 days of online time in that game maxing out my rank fully after 10 prestiges. We all have a favorite game but it's not always the game that has occupied the most of our life. I'm curious what game you think you've sunk more hours in than anything else. Halo 3 or 2 has to be close to that but they don't log total hours on those games so I can't say with any degree of accuracy. Halo 3 I've logged 1639 games online and if each game averaged 10 minutes that would be a little more than 11 days online. Sadly I can't pull my Halo 2 stats because I cancelled that account but I bet it's close.
  16. Well, looking back, I appear to be the only person who put COD4 on their list at all. It has to be KOTOR then.
  17. Just finished Portal 2. I'm a little behind everyone else. I haven't done the coop part yet though.
  18. Such a shame. PC Gamer used to be very reliable back in the day. Of course that was when EGM was the magazine of choice too.
  19. Yeah, we need the list compiled in an easy-to-read-in-one-page form.
  20. So Halo CE is #1? also, Portal = #3?
  21. Am I the only one who liked MGS1 better than 3?
  22. This. It's like Apple putting new proprietary HDD cables and firmware so they can charge way more for larger HDDs in their computers. They're artificially creating demand and increasing their revenue. They're not recouping "lost" revenue.
  23. Gohastings honored the deal and shipped me LA Noire for $30. Woot.

    1. Connorrrr
    2. TheMightyEthan
    3. Yantelope


      I think it was a pricing error but if you got your order in they shipped it.

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