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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. Yeah, really this should be "last movie I saw that I didn't enjoy" but I was trying to keep naming consistent with old threads.
  2. BTW: Anyone who thinks people are generally good matured has never been on XBL or waited tables.
  3. We should probably rename this thread to make it more about the West Zampella story. So, Now EA releases an email indicating that Zampella helped them? Why would they do that? Are they trying to piss off people and keep them from ever helping them again? It's a pretty strange turn of events to be sure.
  4. @6264 I think I didn't make the same criticisms of the movie because I understood they were working from a comic book as source material and by trying to stay true to the source material they created a pretty bizzare film. (I've never read the comic graphic novel so I don't know how true exactly) The problem I had is that as a piece of film by itself it simply doesn't work. The word "jarring" is a pretty good one. The movie is just mostly incoherent and unexplained and as fan service it might be fun but as a stand alone film it's a mess.
  5. I kind of missed that little point. I prefer FPS more than any other genre.
  6. Wind Waker begs to differ with you...
  7. There is a whole long angry videogame nerd about swordquest on gametrailers.com that's worth watching. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBMQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gametrailers.com%2Fvideo%2Fangry-video-screwattack%2F61988&rct=j&q=angry%20videogame%20nerd%20sword%20quest&ei=1Y45TZ3dFsrLgQeBj4ieCA&usg=AFQjCNHlJbVLE88ELCgI42iehbnO0OMQZA&cad=rja
  8. You mean like PC games have? Honestly, why haven't consoles gone that route?
  9. The other thing that can be really irritating about rage quitters is when the quit just before the game is over and they are host and as a result the game locks up and then trys to migrate host and sometimes it dumps you from the game during migration and as a result it takes like 2-3 minutes to get back to the lobby when it would have taken 10 seconds. Why do people ragequit 2 seconds before the game over?
  10. Apparently the new one takes place mostly in caves. This seems a strange place to be doing tons of destruction.
  11. Sorry, this work day is going so slowly. Buck Melanoma, Moley Russel's wart. Since I'm leaving work now answer here:
  12. Bodycount is the spiritual sequel to Black or at least it was until Stuart Black up and quit again. What's with that guy?
  13. So we've got Brink, Breach, Bulletstorm and Bodycount. Stupid one name B FPSes.
  14. Yeah, ragequitters are far worse in a game like Halo. In reach I get left all alone and it's 4-1 and I don't want to quit out because then it's mark against me. The problem is I'm pretty much screwed from that point, it's no fun and my stats are gonna get flushed down the crapper. At that point I pretty much just hide and make it as long as I can without dying. Really there should be some sort of rule that allows the last person left on a team to quit without penalty since it's not really fun for either side at that point. Ragequitting on COD really isn't such a big deal because new people just drop in mid-game and you go from there. Also I can never get my Win/Loss ratio up on that game because 9/10 times I join a new game it drops me in a match where I'm losing 250-0 with 60 seconds left.
  15. Netflix tends to make me watch more movies that I'd probably pass on normally. SPVTW was one of those. My wife spent half the time looking at me and saying "why did you get this?".
  16. Just remove the anonymity from it. If you quit in the middle of a team sport nobody wants to play with you anymore. If you quit in the middle of a one on one game then generally people are just gonna make fun of you. Making all the quitters play with each other seems pretty fair to me. It's better than labeling quitters as such outright and giving people the option to avoid them.
  17. Yeah, SPVTW was a bit too much for me too.
  18. I played the demo of both Blur and The Club but never liked them very much. I never played Okami either.
  19. Yeah, Twilight is supposedly the crap that lives up to it's name. I've not seen it though.
  20. Why do all mom in gamestop stories end this way?
  21. Hmmm, I might have been mistaken but I thought EA said they were dissapointed with Mirror's Edge sales. If you remember Dead Space was released at the same time as part of EA's push for new IP and its sequel is being released soon. Even if it is in production they're certainly dragging their feet on the sequel.
  22. Only the first really really did. Red Faction 2 was such a letdown in that respect. The new system is pretty darn cool though. Definitely way ahead of most other destruction systems.
  23. Well you'd know better than others but I thought EA wasn't moving forward with Mirror's Edge. I really think of all the games that really deserve a second push it was one of them.
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