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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. Racing sections aren't terrible if the race isn't overly long and the AI isn't overly competitive. If it's one of those sections where you have to race for 5 minutes without making a single mistake and you can't progress until you beat it then I understand the frustration.
  2. I think the brand name for coronetto is drumstick in the US or at least it's similar.
  3. To clarify again: the problem with Wind Waker was that it was clearly rushed to market, not that it was too cartoony. I liked the art style but hated that the game was only about 4 hours long if you removed the 22 hours of redundant sailing thrown in to pad the game.
  4. I still want a saturn for my collection. I had a friend who got it when it was brand new and we stayed up all night at a party playing virtua fighter. It was freaking awesome. Also, Saturn was the only system to have a truly great port of X-Men Vs. Street Fighter but you needed the RAM cart for it.
  5. http://store.nvidia.com/DRHM/store?Action=DisplayProductDetailsPage&SiteID=nvidia&Locale=en_US&Env=BASE&productID=224915000&&resid=TUd@9woBAlYAAFZIfS0AAAA2&rests=1296841851642 Metro 2033 for free? Huh?
  6. Oh I hate that one too. It's just a better game than Saga Frontier was.
  7. Nice, I guess I need to get an R4 for that then.
  8. Yeah, I'm not surprised by the new specs. Really the first game still looks better than most other games on the market. The real question that I'm dying to know is how well they've managed to optimize the engine. Hopefully they've been able to take advantage of multi-core processors better.
  9. Oh man, if we're gonna talk about broken dreams in here then Saga Frontier needs to be at the top of the list. I bought FFVII, one of the best JRPGs ever and then bought FFTactics shortly after. Then following those two stellar games I bought Saga Frontier a month or two later and it was a steaming pile of poo.
  10. Was only $8 with amazon prime through warehouse deals. Should be a fun diversion.
  11. Can't stop thinking about graphics cards. I want to order a Radeon 6950 but want to wait to see benchmarks on Crysis 2...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb


      They're minimum mind.

    3. Yantelope


      Yeah, I'm concerned with one architecture being preferred over the other as can happen sometimes.

    4. Mal


      Of course Nvidia will be preferred. As always... see it everywhere.

  12. Yeah, the uses of the DS were cool without getting in the way of the game and using the stylus for everything was surprisingly effective. I still would have liked the option to use the d-pad though.
  13. Yeah, the review score matters less than the information in the review with GT.
  14. I just finished Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass. Not the best Zelda game but fun nonetheless.
  15. http://torrentfreak.com/internet-piracy-boosts-anime-sales-study-concludes-110203/ I found this on HardOCP. "Estimated equations of 105 anime episodes show that (1) YouTube viewing does not negatively affect DVD rentals, and it appears to help raise DVD sales; and (2) although Winny file sharing negatively affects DVD rentals, it does not affect DVD sales," the researchers conclude.
  16. I'm terrible at these things because it's so hard to say that one great game was better than another great game. I'd probably go with Ocarina of Time though.
  17. Yeah, it's a Sony trailer. I thought bull shots were implied. Time to go watch the PS3 game trailers again and relearn what bull shots are. Sony is the king of BS when it comes to selling their new hardware.
  18. I actually did some snooping and was able to locate Screwattack's secret headquarters. I've been very tempted to go bust in on them and demand to be in a video but I'm pretty sure they'd just kick me in the nards.
  19. I go there a lot to watch screwattack videos and to watch their reviews. I think finding good reviews is all about finding someone you agree with and then just trusting their opinions. I generally agree with GT's opinions so I go there for my reviews. It's also great because you get to see a ton of gameplay and examples of what they're talking about and I feel like that helps me understand the flavor of the game before I buy it. Also I met Stuttering Craig at his game store once. That was kind of cool finding out that some people you see on the internet really exist.
  20. I'm a firefox guy since I can get it portable and I'm really hooked on ABP.
  21. sorry for the non 100% accuracy of my quote. Good job.
  22. no takers... another quote: "I could endure any insurance seminar for hours with a big smile on my face. They'd say "how can you stand it?" I'd say "because I've been with Del Griffith. I can take anything." "
  23. Only 400 points and I got the points on sale so less than $5 for this game. I hope it's worth it.
  24. I just discovered there are a couple of Five Guys in my area. I'm gonna go try them out. My friends tell me you guys are lying when you say they are the best.
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