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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. I will have to try to find a cheap copy of Alpha Protocol.
  2. I know for sure that you can do 4 player split screen in vs and on XBL on Halo 3 but I thought you could do coop campaign in 4 player split screen too. Maybe I remember wrong. Update: Looks like it was only 2 people on the same box can play campaign.
  3. yeah, there also needs to be "Draconian DRM implemented" --> "Draconian DRM cracked the next day"
  4. Halo games are the best local 4-player games. You can do 4-player split screen coop in Halo 3 I believe.
  5. "She's little but she's tough. Her first kid come out sideways. She didn't scream or nuthin"
  6. I tried running the Mafia 2 benchmark on my GTX260+ with PhysX and it slowed down a bit. That's good to know that the Radeon cards are not having too much trouble with PhysX these days. Also, I saw this on newegg. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127502&cm_re=gtx_480-_-14-127-502-_-Product $300 (after rebate) for a GTX 480 seems great until I realized just what a power hog these things are. I don't think it'll work on my 500W PSU.
  7. DSi had cameras on front and back. Your chart is invalid.
  8. I did hate the water temple. Common ground again.
  9. Baseketball, I've never seen it but my friend always says "Steeeve Perry"
  10. So the framerates running physX on your 6870 are good then?
  11. So to the AMD/ATI people out there: have you tried to run PhysX on your cards? Does it work?
  12. Well of course, I carry mine around with me everywhere I go so that people can see how awesome I am. Especially in a gun shaped case so that I'm constantly being stopped by police. edit: looks like you were thinking the same thing as me.
  13. The most helpful review on newegg.com: "great card for the price!! bought 125 of these in bulk to use in my supercomputer, since i could only use 7 of these in my build, i used the rest to build a castle for my 2 yr old daughter to play in"
  14. Apparently some cards come with carrying cases shaped like guns..... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150500
  15. Yeah, I think this is strictly a brand name issue here. Do you guys call adhesive bandages Band-aids in the UK?
  16. selotape = scotch tape I've never heard the term selotape before probably because it's a brand that doesn't exist here.
  17. I save a crapton but I usually use the F5 button and most games the quicksave just over wrights itself. Whenever the quicksave doesn't over wright itself I end up with a million saves. I had over a gig of saves from the witcher.
  18. Hahaha, quick, make a youtube remix!
  19. I don't think that's a great general rule. I'd probably still play CS Source if it had matchmaking but as it is I hate trying to find a good server.
  20. It looks like it was made by Fisher Price.
  21. Why does it have a VGA port? I thought VGA was totally dead finally.
  22. I love matchmaking. It keeps people from all camping the crappy maps and turning the odds in their favor. It also ensures that you're gonna get in a match that's somewhat close to your skill range. The other great thing about matchmaking is you don't have to sort through 5000 servers all running 24/7 DE_DUST!
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