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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. I'm actually really surprised by all the MM love in here. When it came out it was almost universally bemoaned for how short it was and for the 72 hour cycle which had you starting the game over and over again.
  2. Oh, we're talking Japanese culture eh? http://gizmodo.com/5670648/this-vending-machine-sells-live-crabs (crap, that's in China. Well, Japanese people still love vending machines)
  3. Thanks to netflix Thomas is running nearly non-stop in my house. Now I can't get that song out of my head. "They're two they're four they're six they're eight! Pulling cars and shunting freight!"
  4. I never got into the SWAT Games. I remember playing the demos but always enjoying the Rainbow Six games better.
  5. I thought most people didn't really like GTA IV. At least, all I hear is that it's not that great. I think they may have patched it since it's release though because I'm just now playing it and the phone doesn't really ring very often at all.
  6. so, tell me again, why the need for two completely different boxes? Is one of those so different that it's really going to impact sales in a different reigon?
  7. yes but the releases for the Genesis trailed off quicker than they did for the SNES.
  8. It was the Sega CD, the 32X and other stupid crap that helped kill the Genesis quicker. It was also the fact that the SNES was just a technically superior system in many ways.
  9. I've heard that name but never played any of those games.
  10. Yeah, I didn't differentiate which of those games I played on a console but it was a fair few of them.
  11. I liked Super Mario Sunshine. It was pretty fun and really not all that different from Mario 64 or Galaxy. I don't really understand all the hate for it. What were you expecting?
  12. I'm still rockin this old thing I got a while back.
  13. Wasn't there some major budget crisis and they were forced to hastily finish the game? Disc 2 is so different from disc 1.
  14. It's amazingly convenient and they make them double wide now. I'd highly recommend it for people with a significant other who doesn't want to see your controllers lying around everywhere.
  15. MS Paint FTW! Also, shame on everyone for not playing Full Throttle. That should be our videogame book club game.
  16. This game would be great if smooves would, you know, post new games occasionally.
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