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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. FFXIV. It was so horrible they fired the director and half his staff and sent out an apology letter to its registered users.
  2. You left these in my microwave, Baguette
  3. Toeto is adorable~~~~~. Every time I hear this song I explode into a mountain of hearts.
  4. Pretty much my guy dropped his undies and I made the Zelda 'DAH DAH DAH ♫' He facepalmed and went to the bathroom and I had to spend the next five minutes reassuring him I wouldn't make gaming noises in bed anymore.
  5. Pick up lines are one thing. Middle of the horizontal button mash is a different story.
  6. My boyfriend shares a few games we have interests in--though I think I'm a waaaaaaay bigger gamer than he is. Which honestly is good for me because I have a tendency to bogart the computer/XBOX. I am glad he has some interests though, otherwise I would feel a little self conscious. There are some guys who seem way more interested in their games than you, too. I do have a social life, I don't like to stay at home playing video games all day. I like to run around the forest trails, take walks at night, and hit the bar/arcade/movies/mall with friends, too. So I think it's good to be balanced. I'm pretty happy with the guy I'm with. We spend time out together, but we can also kick back and watch each other play Fable or some other game. P.S. It's not very sexy to make game references in bed.
  7. I've always liked games that make you think outside the box. Some of Layton's puzzles are just mean, though. They make you think harder than you really need to you or you just have to guess out your ass.
  8. Honestly some of the puzzles stumped me, too. I was surprised when I got the first game that kids played it. You gotta be pretty witty and know a bit of algebra for this game.
  9. I've only gotten past the first chapter. So far it's pretty intriguing.
  10. I used to collect little shirt pins for my green 'gamer' jacket. I still have the pins but the jacket is gone. >: Otherwise I have shirts, keychains, my shirt pins, wrist bands, and random knick knacks for my games. I used to have the Harvest Moon cow and dog set but my dog got to it a couple years back.
  11. I dunno... something about that thing following your movements makes me a little paranoid.
  12. I remember my mom being horrified by some of these. 'WHAT game are you playing?' ' O n O' They make you feel like a real jackass with its commentary, too.
  13. I used to hum this on the way home from school.
  14. Why don't you and I find ourselves a nice multiplayer platform?
  15. I loved the sad-ish music of Lavender Town, really. It was my favorite city. Otherwise I will practically live in a town that has great mini games. I think I spend more time on mini games than I do on battles.
  16. I will play my old platformers over and over. I think I've played Conker to death. Same with Crash Bandicoot and Spyro.
  17. My Steam Account I mainly play TF2, but I do have the L4D's and Bordlerlands for multiplayer.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      My parents watch that travelling appraisal show so they laughed at that one.

    3. staySICK


      hey you dang pirate, quit stealing my status updates!

    4. staySICK


      aw darn, I can't go back far enough to find when I put that same update. :(

  19. Heather is still my favorite Silent Hill character. That game kind of freaked me out in the opening, though. I also love Silent Hill 2 in particular just because you can really feel for the characters. The mannequin was also the first Silent Hill monster to make me jump when I saw it.
  20. Aww, those are all so adorable! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want one, now.....
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