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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. I made sure to start out with a doctor to go along with us. I usually lasted longer, but then we'd run out of food at some point.
  2. The 'first game' I was good at had to be the Lion King game I had for my Genesis. I spent HOURS on that game. I have a hard time starting topics without realizing it might be a little too specific. I guess go ahead and post your first games as well as the first games you loved/were good at.
  3. Oregon Trail This was a game we were required to play in school. I don't think I've ever gotten as pissed with a game as I did with this one.
  4. I loved the Jumpstart games as a kid. I also had those Living Books, for Little Critter and Arthur.
  5. Do you remember your very, very first game you've ever played? I know for a lot of people it might be Super Mario Bros for the NES. Post the game, how old you were (or think you were) and where you played it/got it from. My first was--you guessed it--Super Mario Bros. I didn't have my own console until I was about six, but I remember when I was at Day Care, they had an NES. It was the Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt combo. This is where I first learned how to 'cheat'. The rules were: Once you ran out of lives, your turn was over. They quickly did not count jumping on the turtle while it's going down the stairs to count. It was great--up until one kid destroyed the NES during a tantrum.
  6. I prefer to make goals rather than resolutions. My goal this year is to put more time into my work-out sessions. Once or twice a week doesn't seem to cut it very much. Better go get the kick-boxing tapes again...
  7. Admittedly, I love industrial, techno and club beats.
  8. Commissioned for a couple friends.
  9. Professor Layon and the Curious Village Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box Rune Factory 2 Beautiful Katamari Sam and Max Season 1 Sam and Max Season 2 Batman: Arkham Asylum Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition Yume Nikki Silent Hill: Shattered Memories Fallout 3 Elder Scrolls: Oblivion I haven't had much time for games this year since I did a lot of moving.
  10. I bet your ass she's a Sleepwalker.
  11. Well judging by the fact she still had a security plushie with her and stuff I gotta wonder about her mental state to begin with...
  12. That's pretty severe. I think this was more awkward for the clown than for the lady... I can't think of seeing someone this upset by clowns alone--maybe something bad happened. inb4 IT clown and molesting jokes.
  13. The best part of being old is how awesome the video games are going to be. Now one thing I fear is that I will be like the old people who have trouble with technology. I don't want to be so far behind the times I became a nuisance.
  14. Dude being old will be awesome. I can pretend I'm deaf to ignore people who annoy me, make people carry my shit by acting like it's too heavy... Scream at kids and just use the excuse that I'm senile.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHAshi4vdbg Eeeee~
  16. If we ever go to Japan by some odd miracle of fate, I will buy you a bowl.
  17. I used to put sliced beef strips, onions, and carrots. As in my boyfriend did for me because I can't cook.
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