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Little Pirate

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Everything posted by Little Pirate

  1. I love this brand. I won't get sick of eating ramen if I had to so long as I have Maruchan.
  2. Well, for sake of being technical, maybe we should change the title to 'Fears'.
  3. Is there a way to claim items in the lost and found? -Want-
  4. That's half the reason I don't mind spiders. They keep to themselves and eat the bugs that get in your face.
  5. I've only flown once and I slept the whole way. Being in car is a little scary for me--I don't drive, myself. I've been hit by them walking across the street and I've been in accidents with friends. People drive scary and can be REALLY stupid. Texting while driving and using your knee to steer... -Shudder-
  6. I've never been afraid of spiders. They've spooked me a couple times (Had one land in my hair and I didn't realize it til I went to brush it) but that's about it. I used to actually pick them up and mess around with them as a kid--much to the horror of my sister and mother.
  7. SNES. Had a GREAT amount of games to play, and half of them are still popular, now.
  8. The internet. I can be on here for a while...
  9. (Great idea for a forum game, Raine~♪)
  10. I bet the catfish wasn't too happy about that either. :grin: It jerked a bit, which is why I freaked. On the subject of underwater, I also get kinda timid when I have to go underwater in game. I played Shark Hunting games one too many times so I get a little freaked.
  11. I love swimming! Though I did step on a catfish in a lake once--and I remember freaking out pretty bad because it was huuuuuuge. I don't like not being able to see things underwater. It's why if I ever go swimming in the ocean I'm staying near shore.
  12. I got Prince Tavish's Crown, a nice hat for my demoman.
  13. I cannot stand parasites. If my kitty gets fleas I will wash EVERYTHING, give him a bath and comb him thoroughly, then go sleep at my parents for one night.
  14. Some people are terrified by spiders. Some people can't stand clowns. Some people are even frightened by baldness. What gives you the willies? Post it here.
  15. I loved Dexter's Lab, Johnny Bravo, and Powerpuff Girls. Now all they have on CN are the crappy live action game shows and half-assed cartoon series.
  16. I didn't say anything. You're hearing things, crazy person.
  17. Fussing with my hair. Chewing on my soda straw/candy wrapper. Watching Jack while he sleeps and putting him in inappropriate positions. I don't think I'm really addicted to anything, though.
  18. I have a friend who's obsessed with the Vocaloids and sent me video after video. This one got stuck in my head and I'm having a hard time getting it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=insCeDwbPaI
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