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Cyber Rat

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Everything posted by Cyber Rat

  1. Well, if GFWL ever decides my money is good or I move out of Serbia, I'll look into getting this. Or just buy the PS3 version when/if I get a PS3.
  2. Comment on my Gamescom article: "You sound like a nice guy please continue this series so we can see the evolution from naive but honest journo to a cynical and bitter writer, mired in alcoholism , taking brown envelopes of cash from dubious publisher PR reps for an extra 0.5 on the review score, culminating in a highly public coke and amphetamine fueled meltdown at E3 where you make an unplanned addition to Peter Molyneux's latest keynote by throttling him to death on stage."

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      I like where that went.

    2. Chewblaha


      What kind of alcohol?

  3. Gripe #1: Borderlands is boring, unimaginative bullshit which uses multiplayer sandbox as a crutch to justify fun.
  4. For anyone who wants to join the guild, here's the forum that goes with it: http://club-seal.shivtr.com/forums
  5. I tasted Dr. Pepper for the first time last week.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. VicariousShaner


      I really enjoy the Trader Joe brand cola.

    3. Chewblaha


      I live by Mexico so I drink real man's "once a week or you'll die" sodas. Pepsi tastes better than Coke when both are made with real sugar.

    4. CorgiShinobi


      I'm with Ethan, Dr Pepper > Pepsi > Coke. Though truth be told it depends on the mood I'm in between Pepsi and Coke.

  6. Finished Arkham City finally. Not gonna bother getting 100%. I'd rather spend my time playing other games I haven't yet.
  7. Back from Gamescom. WIll have a bunch of interviews posted the coming week.

  8. Off to Gamescom!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb


      Or live in Europe.

    3. fuchikoma


      I guess the way I look at it is any games convention would take a plane ticket to get to... even from much of Europe? (Don't know what the trains are like.)

      But yeah, that's about the description I hear from those lucky enough to visit multiples and compare them. It could be the nicest one these days...

    4. excel_excel


      congrats! Bring me back a t-shirt. OR I'LL KILL YOU.

      Naw I won't, you keep the t-shirt.

  9. Arkham City is also region-blocked. I only have it because I won the key on a giveaway.
  10. Hoorah for GFWL!! It's not GFWL-related. Steam blocks a lot of games in various regions for some reason(publishers, of course). It is GFWL-related. Games that are region-banned on Steam include GFWL games after a certain date and most MMOs. Dark Souls falls in the GFWL category.
  11. Well, despite this, I was going to buy it. Emphasis on was:
  12. Life is too short to despair for so long. My video game-induced existential crises usually last for an afternoon anyway. This one managed to take a bit longer >.>
  13. OK, rediscovered meaning in life. I am playing Arkham City now.
  14. Been actually waiting on this game for quite a while.
  15. Champions Online uninstalled. You have my permision to gasp now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Johnny


      Is anyone here NOT dead to you, Cowboy?

    3. TCP


      Not you, Johnny. BFFs?

    4. Baconrath


      I'm not dead yet

  16. Hakumen notes: Buffs - new move, no idea what it does. Nerfs - a crappier Japanese voice than CS Seems everyone is missing Astrals? http://shoryuken.com/2012/08/05/blazblue-chrono-phantasma-system-changes-and-move-lists/
  17. Finished Nier. Don't know what to play now... Life has no meaning anymore :<
  18. So... new BlazBlue coming this Winter. And not an update like Extend: Fun observation: No Mu, nor Lambda. I say "Good riddance"
  19. Turns out you can join guilds that aren't on your server and jump in to do PvE content with them. The only restriction is that you're unable to play WvW. So, if anyone from across the pond wants to join the Seal Clubbers' Clubbing Club, you are more than welcome!
  20. Ending D in Nier. I am gonna go stare at the ceiling for a while.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      Maritan: it took me less to get B, C and D together than it took me to finish my A run.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi
    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Agreed with Cyber Rat. You tear through the game on the subsequent playthroughs.

  21. Is there a way to donate without using PayPal? (Not available in Sibersberbia)
  22. Finished Ending B of Nier. Jesus Christ, this actually made me cry.

    1. TCP


      You dudes are almost making me want to try Nier again. Almost..................

    2. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat

      Yeah. Nier actually made me cry some manly tears (of sadness). I wish more games had stories where you actually gave a shit.

    3. Maritan


      Didn't make me cry, but Nier is one of the best japanese games of this generation.

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