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Everything posted by Mal

  1. http://www.secretsofgrindea.com/ This game is something to keep in mind. It potentially has the foundations of a solid game. Try the demo and see if you agree. In any case, I would sit and wait for this one.
  2. Mal

    Cube World

    Playing the long game with this gae development which is fine. I came in buying it expecting it.
  3. http://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=11484 https://twitter.com/MartyTheElder/status/456303189998841856 Well, Bungie won't die from this, hell it might not even hurt, but... part of the experience in the Halo games and I'm sure Destiny by extension is the music. O'Donnell, go be awesome somewhere else. Help immortalize a new IP or something.
  4. Zone of the Enders. I played the first one before and I recalled liking it despite its length. I gave it a quick whirl and the controls are surprisingly holding up. Smooth, to be short. Sure the camera is a bitch to work with at times but you move so fast and at what I think is 60 fps that it kind of negates the bad camera. Might be due to the emulation though. I think I'm going to knock it out this weekend then get onto The 2nd Runner.
  5. How many of you are watching Cosmos?
  6. Same. My face (from the episode itself) towards the end:
  7. I keep on forgetting about my GOG account and that backlog. Fallout 1 and 2 should fill me up quite good.

  8. It looks a lot like Hotline Miami and the soundtrack sounds too much like it* but it should be good. Hopefully they can nail the duel wielding. * It should be more like this:
  9. Is it bad that I want to play Hyperdimension Neptunia games? I got to figure out which nepu somethingsomething nep nep something nepu.

    1. FMW


      Yes. Why do you want to play it? Do you think it will be a well designed RPG? Do you think the "parody" will be funny? Do you think the little anime girls will be sexy? WHAT IS THE APPEAL?

    2. Mal


      I just want to see how the nepus nep in their world. Along the way I may play a terrible game.

  10. Yeah. The Doom still reigns in Valyria even after 400-500 years (~300 of Targ rule with ~100 before Aegon conquered Westeros). The place got blighted and still remains a danger for people to go into. Regarding dragons, there may still be more in the Far East in the lands beyond Asshai. Anyways, fuck the King. That was a nice good start to the season. The little part before the opening sequence started was nice and made my blood boil. Such is the Song of Ice and Fire. At least I got Dorne to love.
  11. In the last 24 hours, a pricing error on a SSD (120 GB) went through Amazon, Newegg and other sites. Quite fun to watch people chase the $33-40 SSD.

    1. Mal


      Note: Orders are being killed off in droves.

    2. TheRevanchist


      Nothing wrong with trying to get a good deal. It's overpaying for things that people should be embarrassed about.

  12. I think the main reason would be is that we do not know much about Southeros besides its covered in rainforest and the like, and is dangerous as hell. Sure we know that some cities dot the coast but that is pretty much it. Same can be said of the Summer Islands (Not as much) and Ulthos (Continent southeast of Asshai). We need to know the topography, stony building material or any geologic resources that these people may be around. Edit: Also notice how they only covered a portion of Essos. I think the main reason is to avoid the Doom. We know enough to do something with Slaver's Bay but even I would avoid Valyria. That would be quite a gap in the map. Hell, even now I would be hard pressed to come up with something for the Doom. Shit is odd.
  13. Mal

    World Politics

    So I did catch myself. Good to know. +1 Mighty to Ethan.
  14. Mal

    World Politics

    While South Africa may have a high break-in rate and I may empathize (Sympathize?) with him for feeling powerless... Revan got my sentiment. There is also a thing called verbal warning. There is at least an audio cue. Totally wrong flow to reach for the conclusion of shoot to kill.
  15. If there are mountains, rivers and valleys, you bet that we geologists will be on it! To be fair, the mid-ocean ridge and the thrust/subduction seems to be kind of odd but overall... Old gods and the new, eat rock and magma.
  16. http://www.gog.com/game/risk_of_rain Risk of Rain at $4.
  17. http://www.giantbomb.com/videos/quick-look-dark-souls-ii-pc/2300-8726/ Youtube Solid port. Indeed the lighting is not there but solid 60 fps, high resolution textures and quick loading times. So pretty much none of the bullshit that was the DS1 port. Honestly people will be reaching for a major complaint with the lighting. Edit: Actually, go to 16:30 and compare it with the earlier lighting. That is really weird. The torch/lantern projected lighting at 16:30 but not the one earlier. Maybe it is in there in part.
  18. No and I learned that HBO was free yesterday for the premiere. I think I'll be sailing the high seas again till I get the blu-rays.
  19. Mal

    English vs English

    I'm pretty sure even the folks across the pond in /r/gardening uses zucchini. I personally never heard of the term "courgette".
  20. While there is nothing much yet due to the embargo on the PC version, but stuff coming through the cracks seems to indicate a much better PC version this time around. No idea if the lighting thing is a thing or not but we'll see in a few days.
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