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Everything posted by Mal

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6HjE4LkdjI Aww yea. Listen well, you pigs in human clothing and knell to best theme.
  2. Under shirts, a scenery thing that I have to build and a 2013 Year of the Snake sweatshirt from a White Elephant thing. And oh yeah, munnay from the dad side. I think I got my flight to NYC covered...
  3. Next year I'll send out gifts as they come and not send it all at once. I've learned my lesson.

    1. Mal


      But I suppose I have Far Cry 3 now.

  4. Steam mobile app is silly in that I can't send gift codes from my inventory... hell I can't even access it. SOON PANZER PANZER.
  5. A four way!? Mako-chan, where are you when I need dramatic interceptions?
  6. A quick impression on Killzone Shadow Fall since I got a quick fiver in at a Sony store... solid but typical. It'll make you feel like a badass. Need a full Helghan character though.

    1. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      I don't know why Guerilla is so stubborn about doing a Killzone where you play entirely from the Helghast perspective.

  7. I want my giftee to know that Santa doesn't give gifts to those he deemed poor people. I would teach him a thing or two but he's pretty stacked and he has buddies who are equally stacked. I'm not sure if firing coal from a panzer will do the trick.
  8. Oh man. As a sign of thanks, I manage that simple edit with my phone. Anyways... a big thank you to Santa Luft for Monaco, Dishonored and Natural Selection 2. A triple punch knock out!
  9. Mal


    Craft beers mainly. I just want a place to browse through. I know there is a Trader's Joes but that is out there across town. A better Google search should do the trick.
  10. Mal


    I suppose a liquor store is just that in NYC. No beers. I'm trying to a lightning run through stuff I can't get easily in California. I think I'll need to go further than one mile out from my place since I doubt the corner stores will have stuff that I'm looking for.
  11. I recently went through Saga vol. 2 in one sitting. Maybe I'm not seeing the time switches or something but the pacing seems weird. Killer slave girl in one portion and somewhat normal the next. I understand the skips to the past like to the parents and the cliff hanger at the end. Other than that, very nice. Volume 3 will be a nice birthday and grad present in June.
  12. I see it as a better buy if you have a PC and either the PS4 or the X1. I can't see myself or someone like myself getting both the PS4 or the X1. They're too similar. But yes. If it is between all three it will be no contest. Wii U loses by a wide margin.
  13. True that. I think I'm done with pre anything. If not for cost but because of time. I hope its good though. I looked with longing eyes during the original release...
  14. Should I gamble $20 on Revengence PC port? I'm half expecting that it will be a broken port...
  15. The low income housing in East Harlem isn't so bad. Unexpectedly big and warm. A little hurt pride shouldn't hurt that bad...

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. staySICK


      lol yea I'm paying 700 for a 3 bedroom duplex with a basement.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      three bedrooms go for between $3500 and $5000 in my area. A decent apartment is around $1200-$1500 a room, fancier ones can go as high as $2k a room.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      The subsidized housing in my town can get as low as like $100-150/month for a 2-bedroom apartment. It can also be higher of course, it's on a sliding scale.

  16. Pacific Rim. Sure some of the stuff didn't make sense but as a giant robot versus monster movie, it works. I'm a bit upset that the Russians and the Chinese bowed out so quickly. Also the Chinese wasn't right for the region. Where the fuck was the Cantonese? Even with all those problems, I'll look forward to Pacific Rim 2 if it get made. I for sure look forward to Godzilla.
  17. I went with one of everything which I can see as being a liability (Can do a lot of things but not very well). Fortress and dancer up front with a sniper, medic and runemaster at the back. Dancer can do a dance that heals the front line and the fortress can use a healing attack (3 times) but the medic has healing duty. The dancer and the sniper actually has the hard hitting weapons and they tend to attack first. I really want to get a better weapon for the fortress. At this point I can at least defeat the first FOE so I was expecting something like that fight. Doesn't mean jack if I can get KO with one hit by the boss and I can't really afford to revive anybody.
  18. Man. This game is no joke. I figured level 10 would be fine for the first maze boss... nope. Wiped the floor with me. Having no way to revive... cheaply, is a pain. It doesn't help that the boss can one shot most of my people. GRIND. I'LL CRUSH YOU.
  19. I think I did alright on the GRE and it'll take me to at least where I need to go... I'm letting that sink in for a bit.

    1. TheRevanchist


      On a side note: The jerk who hosts America Unearthed is giving geologists a bad name.

    2. Mal


      Oh, that guy and program. Yeah they are pretty terrible. Honestly the dude is more of an archeologist. Geologic time is way beyond human time.

  20. Mal

    Day Z

    The most major changes/goals I see is better zombie AI with better placement, better netcode with at least 100 players and shitting.
  21. Welcome aboard. I'm the resident animu dude (Among others) and geologist in training. Panzer panzer.
  22. Mal


    Save/share, its really is the same deal with Firefox.
  23. Classic example of stupid stuff that best bros do together.
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