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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal

    Learning Coding

    After forgetting my USB stick and my homework assignment, I recalled that it should be possible to write up scripts that can activate with say an USB stick insert. I can imagine it could copy any new files into my Dropbox folder so it can be backed up. I'm not making the possibility up am I? As a side note, I find it hilarious how many people think I'm a computer science major. I guess its how I look?
  2. I should stock up but I suppose it is kind of a moot point now since I can easily connect my DS3 controller now (if I have a bluetooth receiver). I imagine the PS4 controller can continue the trend but... that 360 controller form...
  3. Try checking the Twitter post now... now that is terrible.
  4. https://twitter.com/NASAVoyager2/status/384887422477430784
  5. Kingston HyperX 3K. I have my older one which I think is still workable. The only reason I replaced my SSD is because I though my older one died but it may have been because of some weird BIOS change. Overall, I'm happy with the two. Once you go with a SSD OS drive and a HDD storage, it is really hard to go back. Sure the bootup time is only superficial... along with immediate action but I compare it to cheap shoes to some good shoes (And maybe cheap socks with good socks). One combo does the job, the other is fantastic. Who knew computer can be so snappy? I suppose it depends on how much you use a computer and how much you turn it on and off. If you are a power user (Or walker), you may want to look into the better stuff.
  6. I needed a shoe that doesn't have a hole in it for everyday wear. Overall I like it but maybe the rim isn't for me. Not sure.
  7. Yes, switch me to the other team after I've been with the other for five rounds... it was the final mathc that determined if my new side lost or not. Boo.

  8. http://tommyrefenes.tumblr.com/post/62476523677/my-time-with-the-steam-controller Super Meat Boy dev thoughts. I think we all know how unforgiving SMB is to wrong or mistimed inputs. Also Splunky. Overall, he thinks it is a great start to something new but of course he prefers the 360's controller due to familiarity.
  9. Red Orchestra Franchise which also includes Rising Storm (for those who do not know). This is what is going on in my mind right now. I wanted a more game-y military simulator than say Arma 2 or 3. I also want to head back into WWII.
  10. The Beep Beep Beep Song is better. Deep Time Rap. Impressed as fuck here.
  11. Mal

    KITTEH <3

    I've heard conflicting reports that the kitten died. Either way, the firemen done good.
  12. Castle Story Now that it is on Steam, I can look at the launcher everyday so I can play it.
  13. The money for the GRE could of went towards something wonderful, like food. Oh well...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Whose back was broken*

      or, better: Whose back broke*

    3. deanb
    4. TheMightyEthan


      "Who broke their back"


      Fuck you, "they" is acceptable as a general term for an indeterminate individual.

  14. YES. I can't fight it anymore. It goes DOKI DOKI within me whenever I come across tanks*. Tanks are back on the menu and apparently I still got it after being out of World of Tanks for months. I need more tanks games. *Not really. Edit: They added ways to get premium status with gameplay in addition to missions that can be undertaken to get credit faster. I like that.
  15. Mal

    Xbox One

    If it starts bricking consoles then it would be a problem. I think I mentioned before that I only ever had a 360 malfunction because of disc drive problems. The way I operate now with my TV on my desk (Which is fairly large but still) means that the consoles kind of need a small footprint. I also doubt how well they can handle having other stuff on top, especially some electronic. I think my 360 bricked because I put my small cable box on top. Magnets. How do they work?
  16. This was the song that got me into any sort of metal about 10-12 years ago.
  17. I need to get back into this show. I didn't have time to catch the new season(s?) on TV so I just lost touch.
  18. A few hours in. Sooner if you don't dick around.
  19. Watching a stream of GTAV. I'm impressed. I jsut got to hold out... I know you are out there somewhere PC version.

    1. CorgiShinobi


      Rumors say Rockstar is holding out until the next-gen hits to release the PC version along with those platforms.

    2. TheMightyEthan


      That sounds like wishful thinking to me. IIRC Rockstar has flat denied that this game will release for next gen consoles. It will surely come out for PC at some point, but I really doubt that's why.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      And if it turns out to be true I will stab someone.

  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbWNin8P1mY
  21. Well Annie, that was unexpected... are you okay Annie?
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