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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I have no shame. CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkT9xehVYec SIEG ZEON!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-grZDvXBm78 I just found this to be too damn cute.
  3. Oh fuck me, World of Warplanes is real. I wonder how they're going to do this... all planes seriously had what amounted to paper armor.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mal


      They're actually denying that it will happen since they don't have the game engine for it but... it could and would be pretty cool.

    3. VicariousShaner


      Coming soon: World of Infantry.


      Also known as CoD.

    4. Luftwaffles


      Malicious: I actually have no idea. Only tried it with a 360 controller and HOTAS so far.

  4. REVIVAL So this morning I had some coffee that I made from beans from a local roaster that sells at a Saturday Farmers Market. For one medium roast (He called it "Red Head" and the dark roast "Brunette"), he suggested to add some honey to it. I looked at him confused when I bought it since honey usually doesn't work with coffee or at least all the ones I heard of. Well, today I finally tried it. I pressed the coffee with some extra grounds to make sure it wouldn't come out weak. I added just honey to my main cup and another with whole milk and brown sugar as a control. It fucking works. Night and day between the two. Granted, the control had more of the bottom liquid than the main but the taste don't lie. The honey complimented the flavors from the coffee really well. I feel that it cannot have cream or milk to it. So yeah, I had coffee with honey (Citrus flower from a local bee keeper. Best honeys I can get, hands down.)
  5. Trying to get a job where I work for the city to tell other college age folks to quiet the hell down. I hope I can take this job if accepted since its mainly the weekends and at times I will need to take weekend field trips or have potential summer internship. They specified college folks so I hope they understand...

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      You're trying to get a job to be an old man?

    2. Mal


      That works nights and weekends. Yes.

  6. In that time frame, I would suggest odd jobs. Under the table pay may be for the best? No idea what is available in that time frame in your area but yeah. I doubt any store would hire someone who would jump ship in three months.
  7. Ah. It all makes sense now. So now you're waiting for P-D-Kong to find a legit guy to get his contact, I hope? I also would shudder to think what would happen if you weren't planning on going to your parent's place.
  8. I stayed for bookies and left confused. So did the P-Diddy-Kong get arrested or something? Was his place a half-way "house" so he couldn't leave?
  9. I wouldn't mind a new form factor if they go back to a traditional controller.
  10. I think my roommate is high enough that he mistook my room for his. Heheh. Or at least is what I think and hope that is what just happened. I never been high before, just drunk, so I wouldn't know how it affects a person first hand. In my drunken state, I just need to concentrate really damn hard.
  11. What (I think) the Chinese stabbing spree and perhaps the Swedish (If you guys can remember that one and I'll admit I don't know their gun culture) shooting spree shows the mental health side of these kind of acts very strongly. For our homegrown stuff... Sandy Hook is for sure the last straw. In our lifetime (I know there are a bunch of other stuff even further back), we as a country have been kicking this can down the road after every major shooting. We done nothing but some superficial fix or just plain lip service. Time to get something done. As a side story... I was in a minor shooting while at school. Kind of humorous. It was during my community college days and I regularly take naps in my car with the radio on. One day I heard my CC mentioned with a shooting. Some gang member popped rival in the ass in a parking lot on the other side of campus and fled but at the time, no one knew. Well, it explained all the noise I heard behind me. Cops fully decked out and ready for war. I just laid back down and just mind my business until they came up to check my car and let me leave. Thanks for that since else I would of been stuck there all day. Not sure how my story relates to our topic but eh. Guns. Its just that I have no idea how to stop gang members from getting hold of guns since a good deal can be illegally obtained. So yeah, about that protection... why does it have to be so complicated? :\
  12. After a few use of my new cast iron pan, I think I should do a reseasoning since I want it to get to the point that it can cook eggs no problem but yeah... that heat retention.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      At first (likely because of the previous status thread) I read that as "cat iron man".

  13. I have become what I love(?), MILFs?
  14. I just found this guy this week and apparently he was part of the folks who discovered that spider. He's seriously becoming one of my favorite Youtube channels to follow since he has tons of cool stuff.
  15. http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/16/politics/gun-laws-battle/index.html?hpt=hp_c1 http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2013/01/politics/obama-gun-control-plan/index.html Since we're on guns. Obama is moving. I'll read it over dinner.
  16. Mal

    Wii U

    Perhaps we can see it in five years which can allow Nintendo to work around Sony and Microsoft. Those two can dance around each other in their cycle and Nintendo can dance solo. Five years also can mute any sting for any early adopters of the Wii U.
  17. To put it out there, the furthest I would compromise on gun regulation would be reduced down rifles (semi to bolt) and shotguns. Those can actually be tools that a person might need out in semi rural to rural areas. To ban it out there would be down right silly. For something that can apply to everybody... the almighty home defense option. Very icky option, I know. There should be a gun education course to go along side with any of the above and of course, the background checks and stuff. And I would love to see a gun cutting a steak.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghlQswk82C0
  19. http://ieee80211abgn...entry-2696.html http://www.kokaku-a.com/ Executive director: Kise Kazuchika, screenplay Tow Ubukata, music by Cornelius. 2013 WTF have they done to the Major? Also no Yoko Kanno? As a fan of the entire series, this is either going to burn or shine like a thousand suns. MY BODY IS READY. --- Edit: In other news. Everyone in Bleach has psychotic disorder. That one captain is scaring me... that rape face.
  20. I think they're taking it a bit far with the 10 to 7 round limit (Or any ban on a form or accessory for that matter). Assault rifles I can understand though. Flagging people for buying too much ammunition is also very odd. Ammunition can cost quite a bit and if there is a sale, you bet people are going to stockpile cheap ammo. For a shooting, do you really think it matter if a person 100 rounds since in my view this system failed when he fire even one shot at a human being. There really needs to be a much more robust mental health care side to this bill.
  21. I just realized I need to preorder this game and I want the Wizard Edition. Seems like I am out of luck since it was Namco's website exclusive until Aug 31st of last year. I'm sad. Hold me. ... And with that, I'm heading to Gamestop to use my giftcards. Hopefully I have at least $30.
  22. http://www.helpivanmartin.org/2013/01/ivan-martin-free-on-bail/ If you never heard, two devs from BI got detained on espionage charges. Now after a long ass few months, they're finally off on bail. These guys were map making specialists, I think. So not having them there was quite a blow to BI. We'll see how it all plays out since the Greek judges are still on strike...
  23. I'm still good as well, as expected. My GPU is just one gen or so behind the recommended. If I still had a Cross Fire setup, I would easily eat the game.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TCP
    3. Mal


      Sequel to V or VI. Just because they can and when nobody asked for it. Kind of like IV After Years.

    4. UnstableArk


      Seems more likely to be V, if those silhouettes are something to go by. I don't remember funny hats in VI. Jobs system and all. If not that, something similar. Still doesn't stop us from speculating wildly. FFXV!!!

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