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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Reading all these posts... what a god damn mess. I'm staying in PT and OT territories, thank you very much. CAST THE ST TO LEGENDS!
  2. EARTH DEFEN- Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Mirroring DMC5 in a lot of way, a mainline AC game was not released for 12 years. Sure, there's Infinity but that was pure multiplayer and not really comprehensive in the AC experience. We also don't talk about the misguided Assault Horizon. AC7, while not perfect due to troubled development, was a return to form that I have been waited for for so long. It delivered. The chilly glee you get from piloting a fighter jet and doing insane maneuvers to a fantastic soundtrack (try listening to this while driving) cannot be understated. I guess I should give Three Houses honorable mentions since I did play it a bunch (gameplay is on-point) but as a whole never quite resonated with me like say Xenoblade 2 did (and I HATED XB2 initially). Make no mistake, I like the characters (Golden Deer for life!) but the story... eh. Also, I like to say that Three Houses is basically Trails of Cold Steel games and what I sense Trails of Hajimari to be, crammed into one game. Re: DMC5
  3. We all will be able to judge if Hellblade is really being milked without getting the Xsex (NOT XBOX).
  4. So Saint Ethan understands the concept of the holidays. Basically JSRF in all but name. After this though... Yomawari (and its sequels) has been a game I always wanted to try out since it looks so adorably creepy. I hope I don't regret this... As for Death's Gambit... well, I'm going to die a lot. Very holiday like. Thank you!
  5. Rise of Skywalker must really suck if everyone and their moms aren't liking it.
  6. Well judging by the name... Hajimari no Kiseki (Trails of Origins/Beginnings), it could be a prequel of sorts which ties into all the games. I also hear that character from all games should make an appearances. I honestly think it might need to involve some sort of prequel. Anyhow, this game is for sure after Sen IV so this is the game you're thinking about. Re:XSEED I can roll with what you posted but yeah... management... if done poorly they can sink ships or at least just barely float along. Hell, NISA situation is all about bad management. They have the resources to be great (it's what made me so mad). I'm glad Falcom is keeping an eye on NISA and at least have some standard. Truth be told, it's amazing how well the Sky games and CSI/II turned out. Praise be to the people that localized them (really what I really cared most about). Hopefully the folks who are doing other things now (e.g., Hatsuu, who seems to have finally landed on her feet. For a while she was in a bad place) get a chance to come back in some official, permanent capacity. And also, I will also include the fine folks who are fan localizing Zero. They're putting their all into it and I believe they should have the chance to do it in an official capacity as well.
  7. New Kiseki game has been announced during the Falcom shareholders' meeting. I WOULD look at the screens but they're spoiler filled (CS IV)... have the title screen though. DO NOT CLICK THE TWEET. Hajimari no Kiseki planned for Summer 2020. Also have the Kai versions of the Crossbell games incoming. We might have a chance for them to crossover the seas... dunno. Not sure if NISA is up for not making money by localizing these two old games... and it seems like the sort of thing they would half ass. SO WITH ALL THAT SAID... If NISA shoots off CS IV next year (PC 6 months after... maybe) then maybe we might get lucky and have Hajimari come over in 2021 at the soonest. Like shit NISA, if this is not part of why Falcom chose you moving forward (quick to release), I dunno what Falcom was thinking...
  8. Umm, no. I don't think we'll just call it Xbox.
  9. From what I've seen from art streams, lot of them don't shy away from resizing (less so), rotating and moving parts of what they have drawn. For lines/strokes at an odd angle, it might help to rotate the canvas to make it a bit easier to do (it helps to have this rotating function as a hotkey or two so it's quick to do).
  10. Edit: Formatting madness. I got tired of carrying around a standard monitor around so I decided to try this portable version out. Basically just tear off the screen portion of a standard monitor. So now everything work related with regards to electronics fits in my backpack. It also might even fit in together with my personal laptop in my laptop bag. I'll probably also get a compact wireless keyboard and mouse too (looking for one now actually... most have really lousy arrow keys) to seal the deal (my current one sticks out of my backpack...). Anyhow... An air purifier for my room/house. Note this isn't that small. I'm really sick and tired of all the dust in my room clinging to everything so I'm hoping it'll knock it down somewhat. From what I can tell (based on my desk), so far so good. It seems to work nice after a vacuum session too. Actually, one thing I didn't count on is that it mixes the air in my room really well, to the point that there's no upper hot air mass from my desktop if I shut the window (as I often do over the winter) and door. It can impart a gentle breeze in my room that I really like. This also will be really nice if/when the wildfire comes roaring back. I'm debating of getting another model like the much raved for cheapish Honeywell or I might get an expensive Dyson one that can also act as a fan (wildfire sometimes comes in tandem with heatwaves...).
  11. I think I have floated the idea of an incremental upgradable console on here before or at least had drafted up a post that I never submitted. It'd be neat if it were a thing... again? I know in the past there were things kind of like that for the NES/SNES and the like. Hell, what would you call the Playstation in its earliest concept?
  12. A few trailers are dropping so I'll be updating. First off... Cool but narratively, I'm not sure if this was needed? Why are we back with Senua? Why is this a franchise? New cast of character in line of how Final Fantasy did it. With this coming, I expect the first two games to make the move too... god, so many games on the Switch...
  13. It's literally a box. I feel like we have come full circle somehow... Ditto, Harada, ditto... BUT YEAH, PS5 and The Box is going to be out holiday 2020.
  14. Am I silly for transferring most of my media files to an external HDD and trusting it to last? It was the easiest option since I wouldn't have to fiddle with SATA ports (I used all of mines) but I wonder... it would be a bummer to lose everything. I guess I need to join the last decade and look into setting up a NAS with RAID... 0? Other than that, I freed up space on my internal HDDs.
  15. https://open.spotify.com/album/3DNHW2ckMRr3v0f7JF3HcR?si=2P6R064hR0uqKD6xxDDUyQ Hmm, I know these used to embed...
  16. Kind of nice to see so much love for Scott Pilgrim VS The World: The Game . It wasn't just me who adored it. Seriously, it's amazing that it's a movie/comic tie-in game. It almost don't have the right to be this good.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      I've always kind of admired it from a distance. It's super pretty, and looks like it's the perfect style for the content, but I don't think that kind of brawler game is for me.

    2. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      Second favorite 2D beat-em-up next to Streets of Rage 2. It's a damn shame that the music rights issue means we'll probably never be able to play it again.

  17. Steam Anything goes at this point but I guess no sports or fighting games since I suck at those. While my wishlist has been cleaned up but not reordered. If you think you know of a game that I might like, I'm totally down too. Bonus points if it's pretty or does something really well.
  18. Just so I can say that the new Demons and Wizards album is coming out on February 21st. ?
  19. Well, I think I hosed myself for being behind on CS3... the box's pretty though. If the turnaround time for a PC port is like 9 months then maybe I can wait for CS4. With that said, if Durante is on porting duties (not just a consultant) then we should be in good hands. Hmm... if it all pans out correctly then I'll say "good job" to NISA. CS3 localization has some issues but it's nowhere near Ys VIII's terrible one. Anyhow, oddly enough, the Switch version is dropping here first, rather than Japan. If NISA want brownie points then maybe work with XSEED (be really weird) for TitS ports. It would make the library so damn strong (as if it doesn't already have a strong library).
  20. Gotta stand firm on not wanting Disney +...
  21. Where the hell did the whole Ukraine hacking the 2016 election come from? Pretty sure that's new. And weren't they getting their shit shoved in by Russia around the same time period (Crimea)? Never knew they had the time to do election interference...
  22. Ugh... Ditto. I always wanted to play them but you brought it back to my attention. @TheMightyEthan I had a feeling but never confirmed that it could. TIL. I think a 10GB network would just allow it to be uninterrupted, I think. When streaming videos with my Link, I already do get slowdowns/stuttering if network usage is already high (might not be an issue with your household though).
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