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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Ip Man Top notch fight scenes, which is why I came to watch this movie. Story... it is good but some of the stuff just feels off. I think this could be this generation's Last Hero in China/Once Upon a Time in China for tons of folks. Personally... I prefer the older stuff. Might have to do with the story. I might come to terms with it. Now onto Ip Man 2! I hope it doesn't disappoint!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWzgg_jYKOA Same dude did this (I shown this before):
  3. Mal


    Once I get some FA money, I think I will get a new mice as well. Thinking of Logitech ones.
  4. So, first map I spawned got me into Waterworld. Endless ocean with scattered islands. I went 4000 blocks one way before I gave up. Second map, I died in an abandoned mineshaft ravine because in one of the shafts was a spider spawner. Good so far. Also, combat seemed balanced out now. You have to spam click if you want to swing your sword without a break. So yeah... D:
  5. Hey... HEY! Let me get home to try it out before all of you faint or something. :<
  6. I have to run off soon but I will say this... polar bears aren't dumb. There has been reports of them going south and inland a bit more than they are pose to. Hell, they are even cross breeding with grizzly/brown bears. So yeah, I think the polar bears will be around, at least in spirit. Edit: Also, climate change is real. Now you guys can go at each other throats on if us humans can do such a thing and stuff.
  7. Didn't see one for the PS3 version, which is different than the DS version (I should get it... and a DS), so here I go. Its almost seems like the RPG that I have been waiting for for YEARS. I don't want to be overhyped but man does it seem like the game that have been missing from my life. Things that caught my most attention... the overworld and A DRAGON THAT ACTS LIKE AN AIRSHIP. Okay I'm done now. If this doesn't get a Western release, blood will flow.
  8. Surely there should be a gamepad option. It would seem pretty standard these days.
  9. I'm currently watching a stream of the game. Seems fine enough. Dean, why should I steer clear away from the PC version? Is it that broken?
  10. Hrmm, I haven't gotten this game yet. I want to but reasoning tells me to wait until co-op comes out then perhaps I can get the game for slightly cheaper.
  11. For those who haven't seen it like me. Wonderful short.
  12. Guys... no need to go at each other throats... go settle it by combat. Personally, I tend to try to break those base rapes instead of quitting. Its not impossible, just hard as fuck. When I and the rest of the team manage to, it is a great moment... Also, Maritan, your friends might as well just start a new round after five minutes of spawn raping. I just don't see how it is fun to do that for much longer than that. Now actually pulling it off... it pretty damn sweet.
  13. There is a real fear that Martin will die before he finishes, eh?
  14. So I watched a trailer of Ip Man just because I missed out on it for 3 years. HOW did I miss this movie!?

    1. MasterDex


      It's a great movie, there's a second movie too that continues right on from the first.

  15. http://twitter.com/#!/jeb_/status/111685165054562306 Hey, perhaps the Bukkit stuff won't break... is Mojang really doing it correctly? I'm holding my breath...
  16. Sansa is alright. She just believes/believed in all those white knight tales waaay too much. I can let her go since she is a kid. Still, she is pretty damn annoying. Oh Ed... Also good to know that it doesn't get bad, just frustrating that you haven't heard from so and so for a while. Also good to know that Jamie is here to stay for a while. He surely will pick up the slack left from Tyrion.
  17. Zombie Tea Party... This "game" is just funny. Link in the comment.

  18. At least it isn't like Jurassic Park: Trespasser. For those who don't know: http://www.archive.org/details/LPTrespasser Level 3, go to 18:20 and wait for it. Also, watch the whole series. Its fantastic.
  19. If that the case, then I want to see her go batshit insane. She is after all fathered by the Mad King and well, her brother was just as insane. So it runs in the family. Character development and all. Well, unless she does something waaaaaaaaaaaaay stupid like go drowning in the Narrow Sea or something. Without saying too much: She has three great assets. Use it. Also guys... don't skew my perception! A few weeks back, reading how Martin's stuff usually turns dismal dispels confidence... doesn't help that I do have an idea of what happens to Jon (Staying out of that thread... is hard) and Sansa (Not like she's in a great position already). As a side note: I like how the world in this series is more or less grounded in reality like ours. Its just that the mythical beings did or do exist and they are coming back in a big way. It takes the characters in the books and me off guard most of the time. Well, time to go into the market for characters I really care for. Thanks guys. >: |
  20. Mal

    Fucking Kotaku

    Perhaps someone should get Gabe on this BS... not sure if its worth his time since it is Kotaku.
  21. I'm on the 3rd book and I think its still great. If I recall hearing correctly, it just gets grim dark. It also might be reader fatigue kicking in since there are five books currently and they are all pretty damn long. They seem to get longer with each book. It also may suffer from what Harry Potter did... it just takes so long to get the next book and by then your expectations are pretty damn high to the point that they can't be reached. I personally read on for Tyrion, Dany, Jon and Arry. Some of the side characters parts are really nice too for example... want to read what is going on in the head of another Lannister? Keep at it and take breaks. Currently I am on a month long break, only reading one chapter every so often. I find myself thinking of the story every now and then to slowly process all the information from the first two books... which I killed in 2-3 weeks for both.
  22. The Wall looks like a wall, not a pile of rock and ice? I'm guessing the Night's Watch of old could have had kept it that way... Seems like one of those cheap cash in games but we'll see. Main reason is the game is taking place many many years before the books. So it might be good.
  23. Saw his tweet yesterday but... you had to see this coming. I love the game to death but man... /headdesk At least I hope Jeb means what he says with the testing part. Then perhaps we will get a much more stable game. As for the Halloween Update... I better see one this year with lanterns carried by a Tonberry like mob. DOINK
  24. Animation here (Harada's site): http://hoehoe3.sakura.ne.jp/u1h/ebbs/bbsnote.cgi?width=300&fc=anime&src=ANM_009641.spch&height=300 A nice watch to see how I progressed. This drawing was pose to be a quick doodle and far more crude and simple. I'm surprised that I could still do anything remotely like this...
  25. To mirror the response from the link... wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww This news makes me sad and scared for Nintendo since they drove themselves off the road so much.
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