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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I seem to recall holding off on a Steam Controller due to a possible revision soon or am I mis-remembering things again (Like forgetting Obi Wan Kenobi's name)? Maybe I should just jump on it. @Mister Jack is in for a great time. Hollow Knight and Dragon's Dogma DA? As for myself, I may just sit out this sale. My backlog of games that I care about is still active and i have little time now when I am juggling a job and thesis work.
  2. That's like the coolest and worst thing to witness. Like "Ooo, evaporation! Scienc-" but then it's turns into the soggy buttcrack of Florida in the span of in a few minutes when the ambient air temperature and the sun takes it to the logical conclusion. Or as my parents call it "Hong Kong". In cases where I encountered those or similar days, I had AC somewhere so it wasn't too bad. Also 34°C is about 93°F which is just about when things get shitty. You don't need 100°+F to be shitty. If it is humid though, the temperature needed to be shitty is lower. I'd argue that you can put it in the upper 80°F for the start because: With higher temperature, the quicker it saps you of energy. With dry heat, you can kind of still work even at 110°F. It's an oven but you'd be fine and be downing water (with a salt source) like crazy.
  3. I saw them live with Sabaton and I never realized one of their album is full of songs inspired by Berserk. And they were great live. The lead vocal is so damn bouncy!
  4. If it comes out before you leave for vacation and if you haven't played it yet, check out Stardew Valley. Besides its addicitive nature where you must play one more day, it's almost perfect for portal gaming where you can put it down after going to sleep (in game) and saving. Other than that, nothing pops in my mind. As for me, I could get in on some of that BotW, Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon 2 action for my vacation at the end of July. Only reason I am holding back is that there isn't a Splatoon 2 version of the Switch in North America. That's almost an impulse purchase right there.
  5. Might be good but it's hard to say from an one-man operation.
  6. It would be a good thing in Attack on Titan's case. The manga at this point is pure comedy.
  7. Micro-climates! I live near the split between 85°F-95°F and the 65°F-75°F temperatures. Now I know that I live on the hotter side. Earlier when the air was stagnant, temps was probably at least 90°F. With the breeze blowing, it's dropping to the cooler temperatures. As for the 100+°F, I think they're due to poor placement near something that was getting heated by the sun. Not sure how ot explain the islands of low to mid 70°F temperatures in the 85°F-95°F zone though. Stagnant cool air not unlike those in the first floor of my place? Now that's micro-climating.
  8. Let's say Trigger knows how to put together an artbook. For example: This clear sheet together with the off-focus art makes it look a lot like the ED. The paper and print is really nice as well.
  9. I need this.
  10. Officially getting it after playing the fan translation years ago is weird but welcomed. 1440p Xanadu Next is weird to see.
  11. I think SEGA as a whole is on board the PC train so Yakuza is just a matter of time. Persona is a bit more tricky but since SEGA owns Atlus, resistance can only hold out for so long. Atlus USA, Sega of America and Sega Europe know what their audience wants. It's just a matter of if Japan get what their overseas audience wants.
  12. Mal

    E3 2017

    Maybe Game Freak and Nintendo should've started on the Switch Pokémon game earlier. A potential for a 2019 release is too damn far.
  13. A Pokémon RPG on the Switch. IT'S HAPPENING.



    In 2018 or beyond.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      I'm expecting holiday 2019 because it's Nintendo.

    3. TCP


      You're probably right.

    4. CorgiShinobi


      It's probably holiday 2019. :(

  14. Mal

    E3 2017

    Oh hey, a Monster Hunter game on PC. Hopefully it's good? And I'm not going to lie, Shadow of the Colossus remake is pretty neat. First time players might be in a for a treat... well, maybe not the control scheme but it does work...
  15. Mount and Blade II Bannerlord still doesn't have a release date. Why do I even bother?

  16. While Doom stole the gameplay thunder from Wolfenstein TNO/TOB, the setting for Wolfenstein is on point. TIME TO KICK FRAU ENGEL'S NAZI ASS IN NAZI AMERICA!
  18. Seeing some of the moves, I think I still kind of care about Kingdom Hearts. But then again, it has been like over a decade and this game just seem to refuse to come out.
  19. Mal

    E3 2017

    Yeah, Death Stranding won't be at E3 this year. Which is fine. As for TES VI. Maybe it'll be the game where your decisions will be a bit more concrete. No more being a top guy in every faction in the region. More of being acknowledged by the NPCs that you are indeed the super badass you are. Yeah., it's theirs.
  20. Too much of the budget was spent on Kazuma's hands.
  21. Half the cost is taken by my work since I needed a safety toe boot. When I went to buy this, another boss covered a new hire $300 for the really quality boots. This one is upper mid range. Pretty damn good boots especially for my wide feet. It might become my daily driver since during my training, my old boots tired me out. My toes doesn't seem to mind the toe box either since it's big and non-metallic.
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