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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Numerically it may be small but hopefully it's enough by week's end for internal murmurs of Crossbell localization at Falcom and XSEED.
  2. Oh. You're one of those Eris heathens.
  3. The reason there are ghosts is not only because of lingering regrets but you get recycled into a new person or thing(s). Most ghosts are just running from the law.
  4. I believe so. And Konosuba is more about it's comfy EDS than their OPs.
  5. ONE MORE DAY TEN YEARS IN THE MAKING -------------------- ^^^^^ Obvious spoiler for some stuff in the first two games. I wonder if Kevin getting rebalance to be a more all-rounder. I had him as a tank healer that fire off okay arts. I could've tuned him to be the third best after Kloe and Oliver but still, it'll be odd to be separated from Estelle. I'm guessing Ries is going to be the offense now but she doesn't shine like the sun. Yet. I also got to say, the weapons are getting more super, for a lack of a better term. I would say anime but ridiculous super weapons aren't only found in anime. It's not bad but it's odd to see after mostly grounded weapons.
  6. They're doing it at night so he doesn't fall into a ditch that's in from of that cutout at night and get stuck with nobody to get him out. Either way, it's for his own safety and he gets to be with his waifu all day.
  7. Ys games are on sale on GOG so it's a good as time as any to give them a whirl. For the series as a whole, I think the most major flaw of Ys' gameplay is just how clear cut of a difference one level up can make. This comes into play when dealing with normal enemies where one level up is all the difference it can be between not being able to kill them to being able to do anything to them or straight up murder them. Bosses are fine though since at that point you're essentially dealing with a puzzle and reflexes. It should be noted that Origin has three playable character arcs. You have to play all three to get the real ending. Each character are built differently from each other so how they go about the tower are quite different. I think this is where the argument of whether Oath or Origin is better comes from. I would say that Origin is more varied but the boss designs are less refined, I suppose? In Oath you only play as one character, Adol the Badass (essence of the whole Ys story). In turn Falcom was able to tune the whole game around him. With that all said, they're still fantastic games. I do a yearly replay of them. This should interesting. I wonder if Falcom are going to dive right into the lore stuff that they've been dancing around for so long. Like why is Adol is such a badass. As for Trails, what FLD said about lore and character. I also found SC to be harder. FC have a few things that you can do to easily overpower enemies and bosses. For example, Kloe's debuff move can stick to everything besides the last boss and it applies to both physical and arts damage. They're largely been rebalanced in SC. SC also rewards looking and planning ahead for gameplay and story which I don't recall in FC. 3rd seems to go even further and add in more gameplay elements. Then again, if you don't like the foundation then anything built on it might not interest you.
  8. It can't be helped that 1) I am getting old, 2) Krita is a neat drawing software and 3) I naturally go for simple and cutesy style. All the better to contrast it with real life I guess. Let's see if I can practice out to a more serious style. And no, I do not have gray hair... yet. That's how I tend to look after neglecting my appearance for a few days combined with not cutting my hair. Cutesy-fied.
  9. Seems like I forgot to configure my RAM speed. Gone from 2133 MHz to 2400 MHz. At the same time I OC my CPU from 4.0 GHz to 4.3 GHz. I think I can do 4.6 GHz.

    inb4 my computer burns

  10. I've forgotten about Tokyo Xanadu. While Xanadu Next was a fine game, it just doesn't generate quite the same pull for the Xanadu series as the games in the Ys or Trails series. Besides, I don't think you can judge how Tokyo Xanadu will be like based on Next. They're pretty set by themselves, like Final Fantasy, from what I recall. From what I've seen, Tokyo is close to a Platinum game or more like God Eater in tone. Next was a dungeon crawler in ways similar to Ys (Ark, Origin and Oath) but slower and more moody. Tokyo should be at least worth a shot. It's just a bit troubling that Tokyo and Cold Steel for that matter is more based on school and, for a lack of a better term, modernity. They're trying to be hip.
  11. Grape-kun only has until June 25th or so to be with his waifu in body since that's when the promo ends. Of course they can keep the cutout there just for Grape-kun. Eventually though, he will join her in spirit. They live to around 20 years and if Grape-kun never mated, then he's beyond a wizard. It should also be noted initially he refused to eat and instead wanted to be by her side. Anyhow, I love the fan art to Kemono Friends, especially with Grape-kun Left is before it was know Grape-kun was -kun, not -chan.
  12. Looking at the achievements, only like a 1/3 of people who bought SC on GOG beaten it. Compound it whatever FC has and yeah, I can see that. One thing to note, us XSEED/Falcom whores double or more dip quite frequently, like I just did with FC on GOG ($10). We're so desperate for the rest of the games. Even places like /v/ (8chan, halfchan, etc), dens of pirates, you specifically see anons highly encouraging people to buy the games which is unusual. Hell, personally, I've considered gifting the games during Secret Santa but jeez, they're quite intense gifts to just toss on people. It should be mentioned that there are fan translations in progress for I think Ao and Zero. You can imagine how difficult they are to complete. Anyhow, I'm considering going through the end bosses again for special scenes. That or I just read it up online... --- Edit: I think it's about time for a Falcom thread.
  13. It would be awesome if they spaced Cold Steel I and II out by at most six months. So say a June/July/Aug release for I, then have II out in in December. For the next month or two, I want to have a slow time with 3rd so I can not feel rushed (I skipped quite the few things in SC). As for between CS I and II, as far as Falcom games goes there is Ys VIII between the two. Even if it was XSEED who did Ys VIII, it be silly to have two Falcom games to compete for time. Ys games are actually kind of sizable due to their difficulty at times. This lag time also gives XSEED (it has to be them) time for Ao and Zero (They'll come. I feel it in my bones). I want the Crossbell games! Crossbell was named drooped so hard in SC. Besides, CS III finishes the Crossbell games as well from what I hear. Then of course as a consumer, I want to play other games as well, like say Nier Automata. That's a time sink as well. Let not also forget my love, EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5. I sank 250 hours into 4.1. What a busy year. Last year was intense but this year is another beast.
  14. Trails in the Sky: Second Chapter Let's say there is a reason why this series is legendary and leave it at that. As for my specific experience, I beat the game with a ragtag team even when I had a party in mind. Oh Aidios, I want to play 3rd like right now and I'm exhausted. If the average length holds at ~75-80 hours for the games, I got to keep on top of the series before I get flooded by the Cold Steel trilogy. Having all that much of the series in a backlog would seem very very daunting. Oh yeah.
  15. So far we'll get three months of Berserk. With each chapter, the odds for a new hiatus grows. Same goes for the climax of this very important story arc.
  16. That's when we will purge all the machines in a great jihad. Thou shall not create a machine in the likeness of a human mind.
  17. Oh I wonder why I'm getting so many anti-petrification and anti-one-hit-kill accessories in this one level...

  18. Honestly, if I get in a wreck, I want to be able to pin it on the computer rather than myself. As for doctors. An AI doctor won't fucking tell me that I'm young so I should toughen up and/or I do not know when there is something wrong with my own damn body. It takes out any personal bias or preconceive notions the doctors may have.
  19. I had the pleasure of being out in western Nevada/eastern California near the darkest skies during a new moon. If you grew up as a city person like I was, it will blow your god damn mind. You only need to read accounts of blackouts in NYC and the like to get a sense of it. It is really noticeable going from one zone to another so even having seen the Milky Way before in dark skies, it can still blow your mind. Of course, even in where I was at you can see the faint glow from the nearby town of Bishop. In other places you can even get hints of Los Angeles and Las Vegas since they are so intense. I believe this year's solar eclipse I'll be camping out in a dark area in Idaho (and else where) so I'll see the night sky in almost its full glory. It something everybody should experience at least once. Just grab a drink or whatever and just look. Take it all in... you Europeans are so fucked. The Japanese as well. Edit: Anybody knows what's up with central Russia? Oil fields, mines and/or industrial region?
  20. Speed run it now you goddamn maniac.
  21. Sums up my feelings. Seriously, Jared is a question mark.
  22. Chapter 4 and I got to say, Trails SC really builds on FC by this point. You can imagine and read about it but until you experience it, you just don't know. It's a total joy to go through even if my memories of FC is fuzzy. I'm kind of rushing it so I'm not really trying to get everything. I imagine that I missed a thing or two by not going off the beaten path to find non-board quests. Gameplay wise, I really wish Hard was a tad bit more tame. Normal is just a bit too easy but Hard is just a slog. Hard comes down to chance on how my encounter will go even if debuffs and buffs correctly. Hell, during this Normal run I got defeated by all the enemy going for a NPC at the start of a battle. That's no good. This good battle system needs a rebalance. Maybe in 3rd? Also some parts is just kind of weirdly designed. Like why do I need to look at the colorless fish when the front desk is already talking about the person I am trying to find? Couldn't my characters ask if this person been around and what's the deal with "colorless fish". I swear I ran into this place a few times before I found the prompt at the colorless fish... Hopefully I'll be done with this by the time I get my draft back so I work on that then go visit my niece. Maybe I'll start 3rd in New York on my rather crappy laptop... I wonder if it even runs. --- Chapter 7. The wayward son returns! YES YES YES
  23. She never ask for this.
  24. I look up my niece's name and I got RE7 spoiled for me. :|

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. toxicitizen


      Hahaha damn, that's pretty unlucky. For what it's worth, at some point in the game it becomes kind of obvious so I wouldn't worry about it too much. The story certainly wasn't the strong point of the game.

    3. deanb


      Wait, where were you looking up her name? (also it's weird that's a somewhat common name my cousins n 2nd cousins recent kids are both "Evelyn"/"Evalyn" though shortened to Evie and Eva respective)

    4. Mal
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