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Everything posted by Mal

  1. When this started is when I fell in love with the game.
  2. Yes. That one. One thing I'm really liking is how sometimes it is not preferable to use any movement upgrades.
  3. Hollow Knight Amazing game. Pick this up if you don't have it. See FLD's post for more ways on why Hollow Knight is awesome. I personally expected to get sick by the 20 hour mark but no, I almost made it to 28 hours. Granted I could've shaved 5-8 hours off if I wasn't exploring and doing stuff to get myself at 89%. There's a few extra things I need to do to get to 100%, some of which are pretty menial (collectibles), some that I have some/no idea on how to do and there is one so frustrating that I left after trying for a few hours (!). I might try to 100% it to see if I can get a different ending. If not... I want to get the good ending. What I got was not preferable according to many NPCs, especially one I just talked to before I went in.
  4. "Holocaust centers". Sean, are you fucking serious?
  5. God do I hate the Note 3's camera but hey, phase one of my gardening comeback is complete. Bought and repotted a thyme, oregano, rosemary, peppermint (I like my mints) and a sweet basil. All but the sweet basil is permanent. The basil is honestly an experiment to see how long I can keep it going. I've seen some monster basil plants so this could last a while. Anyhow, unless snails and slugs hitched a ride in the potting soil, there should not be any pests in what is essentially a greenhouse by the kitchen. This spot gets full sun (YES) so they all should do well. I'm going to give them a few weeks before I harvest or fertilize them or anything so they can establish strong roots (they were okay from the store). Phase one is for myself really since I always wanted a setup like this. As for phase two... It's in progress and it'll be a slow burner since it's for my mom and her granddaughter (my niece, probably coming into our wonderful world this week). The notes are mainly for sunlight level and drainage. Strawberries in the plot in the center-ish and then probably flowers and veggies elsewhere. I've planted half of the strawberries and I might plant the rest this evening before the rain. I'm also thinking of reserving two of each kind to go into the window box. I'm really unsure how the critters are going to react so best to have a few plants in a safe space to spawn runners from. I'm just not sure if I have space or if it is wise to have so much weight on that hanging window box. It would suck to have the bottom give out. In any case there is a spot in the strawberry patch that I do not know what to do with. Maybe another kind of strawberry or I might leave it for something else since it's kind of like the prime spot due to drainage, sun level and the hypothetical ease of defending it from pests. I might go all out once the strawberries pop out. As for the other plots, it's to be determined. It's probably a bad idea to do any real veggies this late in the season but I can do perennials so they can get established. If I can get some other berries plants for cheap then in they go. One thing to note, the soil is a loamy clay/silt. Aggregates breaks up quite easily and it has some grit to it. Still though, it drains pretty poorly and the lower parts of soil horizon are tougher to work due to the clay. I can see that the previous tenants amended the soil with vermiculite... or more like dump their pot grow from under the stairs (I've found evidence of a hydroponic setup). In any case, I got to work that vermiculite into the soil to help with drainage. I also got a bag that I'm probably going to use in the poorest draining plots.
  6. Can the refund be more if you're seated on the plane? It'd be a really good incentive for the airline to get all their ducks in a row. The customer service side of all this is that the bumping happened within the plane which should not happen (it shouldn't be happening at all...). It's a reasonable assumption that you're good to go once you're seated even if you have the cheapest ticket on the plane. I should add that the manager (the same one that laughed at the $1600 highballing offer) told this to the passenger as the reason for him being chosen. That would piss off anybody. God damn is this irritating.
  7. Technically the passenger was trespassing once UA decided that he needs to be off the plane. From what I understand, in the court of law UA could win on that count assuming that rule/regulation is left intact, so that's nice for UA. On everything else, UA better be prepared to eat shit. Additionally, the cops should be in hot water for at least unreasonable force. I've read that they kind of got thrown under the bus by Chicago PD. And I'm not surprised by Trump's senility.
  8. It's a movie walking simulator but that immersive theater aspect is intriguing. It doesn't have to be in VR but it does help with immersion. Maybe this genre will be the first killer app of sorts. Or it just be like the Wii version of Resident Evil 4. Best version of the game but a splash in the gaming scene otherwise. Edit A word and yay, embedding.
  9. That was an interesting, funny and surprisingly cute episode of Samurai Jack. Jack is going to be (PTSD) Jack and Ashi will be (murderous) Ashi. Ashi will somehow pull a Zuko in 5-6 episodes. She won't be as endearing as Zuko who has multi-season worth of development but it should be good because Ashi is cute. CUTE! Next week, more Aku and bagpipes.
  10. Despite my buying habits, maybe should probably start gaming again.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal


      Holy crap, has it really been over a year since I last touched Trails SC? I got to save Joshua like right now, for Estelle!

      I should also mention that I do like all these games but you know that funk that you get every so often? It just really been murdering most of my progress.

    3. toxicitizen


      Oh God, don't remind me of God Eater. I paid like 30 bucks for it during the Christmas sale and I've barely touched it. I get what you mean, though. It was kind of a relief to find out that Cold Steel is coming to PC because now I have a valid reason to ignore the Vita version of Cold Steel 2. My original plan was to get back to it before 3rd's release but now I don't have to worry about it. Having such a massive JRPG instantly scratched off my backlog is such a damn relief.

      Now that leaves me with only DQVII and the second half of SMT IV. The latter should probably take priority... Yeah, that's what I'll play if that SEGA countdown doesn't lead to a Bayonetta PC release.

    4. Mal


      After a couple hours of SC and a hour of Hollow Knight, I'm not sure why I stopped playing either.

      It took me a bit to relearn SC's gameplay and what I was doing but once I did it was like going back home. The world is so comfy and so lived in. To think I won't be gone from this world for too long after maybe beating it next weekend is kind of nice. SC, 3rd (May 3rd) and ToCS (June-Aug) back-to-back. It might burn me out but I'm going to enjoy it.

      Hollow Knight is just plain well made. From gameplay, art to music. Loving the lush green area. I think I stopped because my attention didn't get grabbed by the boss I just happened to avoid before I stopped. If I had fought the boss I would've been hooked. The boss was literally the corridor above where I saved.

      As for Bayonetta PC,  hopefully I get Nier Automata done before that comes out (I'm almost certain it is happening). It's probably just Bayonetta but if 2 ever comes out from its Wii U graveyard I will be floored. With the Switch out, maybe Nintendo is willing to part with it.


      Thank god for auto save. The forums really been choppy but the auto save feature seems more robust than the old one.

  11. I'm assuming not CGI like Tarkin and young Leia. With current footage, they could do something like what was done for Oliver Reed in the Gladiator. The issues, which to me is just a few, with Oliver Reed's CGI should be solvable with 17 years worth of tech advancements. At the very least the face should not trigger the uncanny valley effect while having some flexibility in the footage that they do have. Of course it could means really no CGI in which case I'm intrigued.
  12. For SAC, the anime came before the movies that condense down each seasons' main plot. I would just stick to the TV series so things have time to stew and you can get to know the characters better. I honestly don't recall the summary movies till you mentioned it. Solid State Society though is after the 2nd GIG. It was pretty neat and the last we got of this timeline. The original movie and Innocence are on another timeline. Most heavy in tone. The manga is on another and is the original. It has a even more light hearted tone than SAC which maintains a more serious tone. Then there is Arise. I don't like Arise. Lastly there is the movie. I'm apprehensive about it. Anyways, FLD, get to the 2nd GIG. Some episodes are just legendary.
  13. If only I could experience GitS:SAC for the first time again. Me third. 3DCG is a terrible mistake here. It works for stuff like Gdgd Fairies and Kemono Friends (somewhat) but not Berserk. Berserk deserves better. Of course then there's the missing arcs and such... eh. And holy shit that's a massive difference between aired and BD. The CG one looks so dumpy. At least Maid Dragon got nice MADs. As for Axis cult... it either means Youjo Senki or Konosuba. One got not-Nazis with duck face people. It's pretty good from what I seen and hear. The other is a comfy yet pervy anime set in a MMO-Fantasy setting that is just plain awesome. Well, maybe not the Axis Order since their followers are weird. Really explains Aqua, the Goddess of the Axis Cu- Order.
  14. I'm fine with it because since they usually take some aspect of Nazism (or anything for that matter) and show its absurd roots. And I should clarify about politics in entertainment. I'm fine with it if is woven within the artistic work itself. It's the tangents that happens in the communities that gets cancerous since this is the internet and it comes from the full political spectrum. Some of these tangents may be legit but it grinds whatever discussion to a halt as people go back and forth or double down. Then of course it is kind of everywhere, especially on the bigger sites (more activity=more possible discussion). Also happens on sites with an usually narrower political spectrum at which point some people are just jerking themselves off of which then some other people turn it into a circlejerk.
  15. As with a lot of things on the internet, PC Master Race is pose to be tongue in cheek but then people within and outside took it seriously. Naturally, those who took it tongue in cheek are not going to bother to wrestle back the name with those who takes it seriously (some do and band up to preserve a community. God bless them). It's generally just isn't worth the time and god damn, it's a leisurely activity/hobby. And yeah, politics in games or any form of media is cancer. Some combinations are just bizarre too...
  16. The EU part was a nice touch but yeah, that expansion into France. The Germans will never catch a break for that. I cleaned up parts of a Sith Legend that the Jedi will never tell you, BABYMETAL (it's a mixed relationship with them) and Berserk. Overall, it is really surprising just how cleaned up it looks. All the spaces got well used one way or another.
  17. FFXII, after I gave it a chance (I'm sure I said something about that before), was the one that made me give up pondering that question. It's a legit good game perhaps hampered by Vaan and Ashe being the main characters in the story. A Final Fantasy just need good gameplay, story and the typical FF tropes (e.g, magic, chocobos, there is always a Cid and he's usually pretty badass in one way or another that is commonly tech based). As an aside (spurned on by Vaan and Ashe and Samurai Jack S5), I hope for that someday maybe, just maybe, Square-Enix (and a lot of other devs for that matter) accepts and embrace that us kids and teens who played their games grew up (e.g., us here). Having an older main party, more than the early 20's of say FFXV's cast, would be nice. The early 20's is a... neat time period but discovering what we can do and adventuring can start at any age. Anyhow, enjoy these fresh Tactics fan art.
  18. People pay extra for curved screens and Switch owners are getting it for free! On a serious note, maybe having a more minimalist dock would help with more direct air cooling rather than being trapped in the dock. The dock is mostly empty space. That or add fans.
  19. I was in the kitchen doing my thing and I honestly don't know how to react to that. Are we really going to using XIII to compare to what is and what isn't Final Fantasy? What is Final Fantasy really though? I've had over a decade to ponder that question.
  20. If you haven't, you really should. Back when it was airing my friends, family and I compared it to Dragon Ball Z a lot. Yu Yu Hakusho wins out quite frequently. The big tournaments in them, Cell Tournament in DBZ and Dark Tournament in YYH, really lends themselves to be compared to each other. Sadly, the anime is rather incomplete which brings the third and final arc down quite a bit. It was shaping up to be quite good too...
  21. Mal

    Cube World

    Long ago, many people (e.g., Mojang/Notch) wanted to hire Wollay full time to make this game with a team but he declined since it is pet project. He can work on it on his own pace but then he, for better or for worse, briefly put the game on sale after much nagging. This was four years ago. Yet, deep down, I still believe.
  22. My folks has two stove top one (at most from 2000) that they use every so often. One large and one smaller. Amazing for stock, soups, stews or braises that require a long cooking time for flavor extraction. That soup that is amazing at 3 hours is now amazing at 1 hour. The regular decent version at 1 hour is now 20 minutes. Super helpful if you started cooking later than planned. I haven't tried it on tough cuts meats or meats with tons of collagen but intuition says that is really down to cooking time to render them good and soft. Not sure if pressure can speed that up (even though increased temperature and pressure generally equals greater reaction). I've been meaning to get one for myself due to the above and for pressure canning. Note, you should check your pressure cooker first to see if it can pressure can. Most electric ones can't.
  23. I love Salt Bae so much.

    1. deanb


      You're really liking testing the stretches of the embed & status update system aren't you?

    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Salt bae is super overrated viral nonsense.

    3. Mal


      I only like this aspect of Salt Bae. Just the right kind of "Wat". His meat slicing game is stupid though.

      @deanbmmv Why, yes, yes I do. 

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