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Everything posted by Mal

  1. The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd I think I like this one the best so far. At least we have Cold Steel games coming soon and I cannot wait. Bummer about the school setting but it's more Trails and it's in Erebonia at that. Arguably more interesting than Crossbell but damn did 3rd mention Crossbell a lot. Very fair assessment. Game play while similar throughout the three games evolves and get rebalanced with each game. While there is one issue (see Falcom thread if you're really curious) I think they got it just right with 3rd. To be sure though, some design choices are kind of bad even if they make in-game sense (it's very Ys like in this regard). But yeah, even with the gameplay flaws, Trails is easily my favorite turn-based RPG series (there's only so much you can do with a turn-based game). Falcom's Ys series is my favorite action RPG... Falcom is very competent in making games. Like Nintendo but less insane.
  2. Like hell I would read a spoiler for a place I was going to go. And...
  3. I just did it. Second try with the new build outlined above (decking them out for their respective roles). Though it went down a bit differently since... Also, Silver Will is so good! Especially how this version starts. Edit: Final chapter. I just got to figure out the the rest of the doors then I can finish the fight.
  4. Got up to this and I got to say, damn do I love the sixth floor. As for this...
  5. Will anything be left by Christmas, let alone by the midterm election next year?
  6. I'm hauling ass at a leisurely pace. I cannot get enough of the various doors. But that fishing minigame. That's a crime against humanity. While rod and bait determines what collection of fish you catch, it's more or less down to RNG once you get hook one.
  7. I wanted to be an animator or storyboard/concept artist, specifically for 2D animation. Imagine the soul crushing realization that 2D was pretty damn dead in the United States. Things has gotten better as things mature up a bit but now I'm 28, not 16. Maybe I should've stuck on and be the change that I wanted to see but tell that to a reserve 16 years old me. Now I'll just support the industry with dosh. On a personal level, I'm going to explore cartooning and storyboard/concept art on my own pace and time. Another reason why I got disinterested. Like sure, getting stuff like anatomy and perspective down is important. Exploring different techniques is great too, like how can a person work oil on canvas into this. Art classes felt like they were molding your style into something it is/was not, like how military boot camp mold you personality into something different. Beginner art classes has been described as boot camps but if it destroys what you think your style should be then it's kind of going against the spirit of art and self expression. You should really consider doing cartooning or whatever on your own time. It's frustrating at times but it's fun.
  8. I think this is the first time I really felt that I had control of my stroke direction and size with a tablet. These aren't much but they kind of surprise me during a doodle session. That cockroach oval. A product of proper mapping and Krita not having any weird and annoying input lag. You also can have like a much larger brush size than you usually need if you get used to how hard you press. Far easier to adjust thickness on the fly. In other programs, I always felt like I needed to manually adjust more frequently. Then there's the ease of choosing highlight and shadow colors. And no, just using white or black is not the proper way since the tone of the color will be off. And now I'll have some nightmare about a monster with fleshy eyelashes. It came to mind and now I cannot unsee it. It's pose to be a floating eye with the nerves dangling... a monster with fleshy eyelashes is more terrifying. Edit: I also realize that I wish a drawing program that can emulate changing thickness and opacity of pencil strokes. Impromptu coloring on the spot. Maybe Krita has it but it seems like the tablet software would need to determine thickness with pen orientation and opacity by how hard you press. Back to fleshy eyelashes monster.
  9. Third Demons and Wizards album in the works!
  10. If you put it that way, I guess I have to prepare my anus since I have a feeling I know who you are talking about. The structure is nice in that it allows for these expositions that otherwise cannot happen. And yeah, that first door was really long but I enjoyed it. As more about the structure, I doubt you or anybody would've like a Grand Tour of Librel again. Only way I would do it is if we have full control of where to go and do like we did towards the end of SC. Being a bracer was fun.
  11. 3rd really hits a nice sweet spot in terms of difficulty. In SC I never traded in sepith for money and I did it quite rarely in FC. 3rd is pretty much right off the bat you need money and it appears to keep you quite money starved. The doors are quite rarer than board requests and you need certain character(s) to trigger them. Reviving is quite the feat at the moment since nobody has the revival art and the revival items are quite expensive. I think I might be forced to use the cooking! I rarely used it in the previous games but I do recall I cheap sounding revival items in the recipe book... As for the battles, most of them you have to think as I resource manage so I don't get beaten back to base since I'm pretty under-equipped at the moment. I can hit hard but I also can quickly be overwhelmed if I'm not careful enough. As for the narrative, I'm really enjoying it. I guess it comes with the territory of knowing these characters through two full length RPGs. I should note though, 3rd's performance seems to be the worst of the three. I'll have to fine tune it but frames drops are kind of annoying.
  12. Not anime but please send help. I'm not sure if I should cheer up.
  13. Schindler's List About time I watched this.
  14. Sabaton live is quite something. You'll get a work out.
  15. Ditto since it's 25% off if you have Bayonetta. And you know what game I want to see ported and remastered? Metal Wolf Chaos by From Software. Released for the Xbox in 2004. Super patriotic game.
  16. FBI Director James Comey has been fired. After (I) getting swooned by Sally Yates for doing her job, something that House Republicans can't seem to do, we get the above.
  17. An open world Dynasty Warriors seems repetitive even to my tastes but sure, let's pursue Lu Bu everywhere.

    1. deanb


      Just seen some screenshots of it, looks pretty dang sweet.

  18. Cold Steel 3 releases in Japan on September 23rd. The wait begins. I expect one and a half years from now if XSEED works on it. NISA would be longer and any changes will be jarring. Falcom, please do no fuck this up. And I realized that for people who only follow Cold Steel, they won't know who some of these characters are.
  19. And if I recall, the lyrics to that Batman song is the writers or some group names but pronounced backwards. Apparently they were getting shafted so that was one way to get them recognition.
  20. Mal

    World Politics

    France seems to have avoided the madness that plagued the UK and USA last year.
  21. Mal


    Essentially money laundering. And I guess I should read replies that's on the next page. G2A can go suck a bag of dicks.
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