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Everything posted by Mal

  1. It's Berserk season again. Partial leaks/scans of 348 are going out ahead of the 24th release. Most important part: April 28th for the next episode/chapter. If this holds until June, we might get closure on Casca... and maybe suffering.
  2. That was such a nice surprise to watch into. It broke that sequence into 11/10 tier. Anyhow... It's the occasional Queen/Freddie Mercury binge time. This is after David Bowie...
  3. Only nuts and bolts... Samurai Jack S5E2 started off light with Aku being Aku but damn that portion from the giant bug robot till the end. Amazing. There's also a very lovely tribute. Episode spoiler.
  4. I will never ever play BotW or Horizon. What is this suffering?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal


      The more I think about it, the less likely I think I can find the money to get the systems and the time to get around to them. They're setup in such a way that I cannot impulse purchase into them.


      I suppose I can wait for the PS5 remasters and whatever Nintendo pulls out of their asses.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      That's a good reason not to play them.

    4. Pojodin


      BotW was quite good. And Horizon has been captivating. If you get a chance to play either, definitely do so. But there are also a ton of good games as of late, so it's not too big a deal to miss out on a few.

  5. I'm a few episodes behind.Thanks Dean. In all seriousness, that fight only was going to go one way. Obi-Wan is going to be on Tatooine to watch over Luke so he will be be going anywhere and it would be odd for Maul to just abandon that fight. I wonder how's Ezra going to shape up now that Maul's gone.
  6. Sold. After Shantae Risky's Revenge and Pirate's Curse, I want more metroidvanias while I'm waiting on updates for Half Genie Hero. It's also something to ground Nier Automata that's out in a few...
  7. I once fucked up my spaceship to the point that it couldn't leave the star system without one or two minerals that can only be found in bulk on icy or acidic worlds. Or just be found there. There are some very rare plants that gave out like 10 at a time or I could buy it if I see it at again, 10s at a time. I needed hundreds of units. I happened to fuck up in a star system without an icy or acidic planet. That was a long slog to get out from. So mineral/item absence and scarcity is a thing. Though with the previous update with warping from bases and space station, it is all moot.
  8. Nier Automata is on GMG for about $49. I got it on Steam and I probably will just eat the full price for the possibility of refunding it if the port is bad. I seem to recall you can't refund keys from elsewhere. Like sure I can refund it once confirmed to be good then buy it on GMG but I'm unsure if I will be flagged for refund abuse.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TCP


      What is going on

    3. CorgiShinobi


      We're witnessing the undoing of a future that is Aku.

    4. CrowKnow


      Yay severe PTSD

  10. I have not heard of such a thing until your post. I'm intrigued since I hate the sticky screen protectors. I might give it a shot on my old Note 4 (I use it as a tablet in bed or around the house or anywhere that has WiFi) to see how well it works.
  11. My computer is has finally entered the Bluetooth Age. To be honest, I'm surprised my mobo or any ones I've seen doesn't seem to have Bluetooth built in. I can understand WiFi not being included but basic enough to be sub $10 and fit on a small nub of a dongle. Anyhow... My brothers have a PS4 so the adapter allows me to give a DS4 a shot with it's full functionality. The touch pad is apparently pretty nice to have. I'm still debating about a Steam controller though. The regular Bluetooth dongle is speakers and such. Foobar didn't like it for ten minutes until Spotify had an audio connection to my speakers.
  12. Game time: +45 Days (on Monday) Trump casts Redirection: Obama Wiretapped Me This spell redirects attention from his potential personal connections to the Kremlin to the left field allegation of Obama ordering an illegal wiretap of Trump Tower during the 2016 presidential campaign. All mental willpower will now go to this claim and the original Trump-Russia investigations are now slowed or stalled. --- I swear, some intern should just give Trump a blowjob in the Oval Office and get this over with.
  13. Since I can't play Horizon or BotW, this will have to do. I won't have giant robot dinosaurs or excellent exploration but at least I will get something like this: And maybe a good port. That remains to be seen and I will return it if it isn't.
  14. Samurai Jack in one week!

    1. CrowKnow


      Just finished rewatching it! Hype hype

    2. Pojodin


      The ancient prophecies were true!

  15. I wonder what's up with the rising value of Bitcoin within the last month or so...

  16. Competition is good. An upcoming LG headset and controller that competes with the Vive. It's specs are all up in the air but the way you can move it out of the way is a big plus. It's also comfortable like the PSVR and great for people with glasses. Probably something to look out for at the end of the year or next year's CES.
  17. For better or worse, the dock and even the joycons can be revised Nintendo and replaced by early adopters. For a modest sum of course. What cannot be easily revised and replaced is the stand and the USB-C port location. The stand is pretty flimsy and the location of the USB-C port doesn't allow for to be plugged in while on the stand. There needs to be another port on the sides, top or for an unconventional location, the back so the wire is not in your way. Either of these two fixes requires a new Switch. Not a deal breaker for me but it would be nice. What can be a deal breaker is the dock and joycon problems. I'll be waiting for what Nintendo has to say about the dock and to see if the patch fixes the joycon connectivity issues. If wireless controller is so important then that aspect should be flawless. And Jack's post. Eh... come on Nintendo. You guys have successful models you can emulate. Oh wait, Nintendo hates emulation.
  18. It's best to just for sanity's sake. Everybody is such dicks to each other. From Gods to your playable character. Honestly the only reason why I am looking is to see how legendary of a dick Caim is.
  19. You know this isn't just a BotW thread... I started to play Zelda 1 because I too can enjoy Zelda damn it! Not having diagonal movement is a pain but yes, you are dropped into the world and get told to explore. I may or may not have died too many times to get my bearing (and getting stuck moving in such an old school manner) and making a map. And the game doesn't play around with upgraded enemies right off the bat.
  20. I tried to bridge the gap between Drakengard and Nier. Conclusion: I don't think Kojima has anything on Taro. Though, Taro do use multiple endings and parallel world bullshit to pretty much give himself a lot of freedom in what he can do. It also makes it very convoluted. And yeah, drama CDs, printed material and even a stage play. The above video goes through the line to Automata. edit: Oh yeah, if you look at some of the stuff in detail like in the wiki, it can get really bizarre. Like, why do Intoners have such high sex drives? You can argue about in-universe explanations (consider whom Intoners represent) but you can easily pin it on fan service and Yoko Taro. It launches thousands of ships filled with fan art which you can compile in a zip or website that can be sent to Yoko Taro himself to share with others. He's a mad man, I tell you! But yes, in universe stuff... weird. The Gods are incompetent as fuck in destroying humanity.
  21. There we go. Skip to 1:46 for the 1080Ti bit. Sure, they're working towards the future but we just got the Pro not too long ago and Scorpio is just around the corner. A Pro-er Pro is at least three years out. I also doubt SE is too keen on dicking around on a project for a decade again. Edit: Also can you imagine being the devs working on this? They're totally dick around in a version of the game that nobody else has access to. May be unstable or whatever but hey. It kind of a neat perk...
  22. If you have the game, the hardware and are itching to play BotW again in a few years, just NSF-Nintendo
  23. Might as well show the aftermath. https://imgur.com/gallery/mpUge(Before, the beginning and aftermath of the problem till Feb 28th) https://imgur.com/gallery/6IyCi(March 1st Update) I would embed but they're mp4.
  24. That sounds convoluted-ly amazing. This summary is good enough and I think I am ready.
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