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Everything posted by Mal

  1. You know, I never played Zelda 1. Even though I had a NES, I was born too late for that to be one of my formative games. That title goes to LttP (along with FF IV, Street Fighter II and Super Ghoul n Ghosts*) which was kind of free-form but guided. All I know is that you can bomb random looking cliffs or burn bushes to reveal caves and that you should probably go back into the cave you came out from at the start to get a sword or something like that. *I remember the day my dad brought that home. Unknowingly very cruel on my dad's part since the game has vexed me ever since. I think I only seen the last level in person once. Never seen it beat personally. Edit: Also it is unfortunate that BotW suffers from frame rate issues but hey, Nintendo rolled their die on the hardware and what they want to do with it. And it's not a deal breaker.
  2. Zelda is probably a series (most Nintendo series in fact) that I would really look for opinions after the honeymoon period is over. Not to say the reviews are false but they may be tinged by even a small secret love for Nintendo. It's something beyond wanting all games we try to be good.
  3. With the showcasing of the 1080 Ti, SE showed off FFXV running on it. https://rampaga.ru/8225/pervyj-vzglyad-na-tehnicheskie-eksperimenty-s-final-fantasy-xv-zapushennoj-na-gtx-1080 They're even showing off a video at GDC. Maybe it's time to say something or do we have to wait for E3?
  4. Mal


    Wired 360 controller for lyfe.
  5. I took a peak at a stream and it looked great. I got spoiled on the above though. Also, something odd and (potentially) spoiler-ish:
  6. Mal

    Xbox One

    You got to marvel at how trounced the Xbone is this generation. I'm turning up blanks on exclusives that matter. On the other hand Microsoft did release some games on PC via their Windows Store. Like I am pretty interested in Gears 4. Though we got to wait for Scorpio to see what Microsoft has up their sleeves. That should be this year and it could change things up. Slowly.
  7. While we need more details, the "environmental" Nemesis system they are touting now sounds a lot like how bases reacted to you in MGSV. So if anything, Monolith got ideas from the outside. And on the outside, if anybody should take it up a Nemesis-like system, it's Bethesda for Fallout/Elder Scrolls and Rockstar for GTA/RDR2. Especially Bethesda since their game worlds are pretty dead when you really look at them.
  8. Spoilerish. Skip to 4:00 for performance. In short the base PS4 has some issues with keeping up to 60 FPS with drops to 40 FPS for, at times, little reason. The odd thing is that the PS4 Pro has issues in places that the base PS4 does not. Most importantly, I think, are frame time drops (stutter/hitch) being potentially really big. At around 11 frames, you cannot help but notice them when they appear. Performance aside, the game looks fun and it changes things up (e.g., perspective and even gameplay type) to keep things fresh which is neat. Yoko Taro is going to Yoko Taro. Furthermore, I consider region delays must be destroyed. Oh yeah:
  9. Wow, the mutilation of Tolkien lore continues. I'm with Goh, there's just so much more you can do with the First or Second Age and it has more leeway in terms of artistic liberties. Plus, you get to duke it out with Morgoth's armies which makes Sauron's adventures bottom bitch level.
  10. ICEY I think I beat it? Like the Stanley Parable, you're never quite sure if you beat the game. It's a short game that I got back around to beat. At its core, ICEY is a good 2D brawler with really responsive controls. It feels really nice to murder everything nice and quickly. The bosses has their own quirks and are pretty straightforward. The level design though is not that straightforward since it branches a lot. You can disobey the Narrator in the fashion that seems appropriate to you and just have fun. New and free DLC is dropping tomorrow so I look forward to that. English narration by MGS5 Quiet's VA is coming too!
  11. Little King's Story I love and hate this game. I love the gameplay (in general), the aesthetics, music and even the nonsense story. What I hate is the reliance on 30 FPS Mode to beat most bosses due to some animation speeds being tied to frame rate. I knew it coming in but the good feeling game is now sluggish. I just can't believe how much it affected me. The last boss' final form was a piece of cake on 30 FPS since his instant kill move (a gaming sin) now has a very generous wind up time. His projectiles are now also dodge-able (goes for all of them really). I also think there's something funky with the port or my machine running this game. The audio can desync from animation during cutscenes which indicates to me that there's some deeper issue with the port. I'm glad that I got to play it since I think I could put it as one of my favorite or memorable games but god damn this port. And I swear it shouldn't take 64 hours to beat.
  12. I'm really confused. Every so often on Firefox a click and/drag will register as dropping an image or video I viewed some time during my session(s). Have you guys ever heard of or experienced such a thing before?
  13. Well, at least Nintendo can make a Joycon V2 down the line.
  14. AMD has Ryzen. When was the last time Intel been this pushed?

    1. Vecha
    2. Mal


      Sounds about right. Seems to be about a decade.

    3. deanb


      Sounds like it excels in multi-core stuff but falters a bit in single core stuff. So depends how well the game you're playing is suited to that.

  15. Originally from 2014 and it kind of fell under the radar on Japanese Twitter until now. DORAAAAAAAAAEEEEEMOOOOOOOOON!
  16. I would be pissed but then I remember that I have other games I could be playing. Manu from my backlog and a bunch of games from this packed March. If anything delaying it hurts them more than it helps.
  17. In thos case get people to buy it on PS4 then on the PC by means of delaying the release of the PC version by a few months or more. The most well known dipper is probably GTAV where Rockstar release it for last gen, current gen then PC. So triple dipping. I think each was at least a year apart and partially explains the great sale numbers. Supposedly some devs or pubs look to emulate that. Edit: The March 10th date might be the old date or something. The hell if I know anymore.
  18. Finally got a date on the PC release: March 10th. The rumors of deliberate double dipping is false. As for DRM, it's probably still Denuvo. Maybe it's nastier now or whatever. We'll see soon enough.
  19. Apparently the Performance Patch is out and it makes the nearly solid 30 FPS on the PS4 Pro even more so than what was shown in the DF's video I posted. Got to wait for DF to dig into it to see how much of an improvement.
  20. Even people who typically are adverse to open world games are liking it so that's something. Performance is really stable as well. If the PS4 Pro Performance mode (when it comes) is a solid 60 FPS, it might just sell me on getting a PS4 Pro (I love my performance). I do want to play the other PS4/Pro exclusives. Good job Sony and Guerilla Games.
  21. It's a single option in games where I see it similar to graphical presets (Low, Med, High etc) on PC. It's just named differently on consoles. In Nioh it's Action (60FPS, lower graphics), Movie (30 FPS, best graphics) and Variable (Somewhere in between). For FF XV it's Lite (used to be stable 30 FPS but now uncapped at variable resolutions at lower graphics) or High (30 FPS at 1080p via checker boarding with best graphics). Due to frame pacing issues (on PS4/Pro) there might be a third option in the future, not unlike Nioh, since Lite is now like Variable in Nioh. There is now no mode where you can have a steady FPS and frame pacing. It is either accept higher FPS or 30 FPS lock where both has frame pacing issues. Strangely, this is not an issue on the Xbone but it is using different processing options there. These options should exist since people have preferences. Some people can deal with 30 FPS, some need 60 FPS, some can deal with variable FPS and/or deal with frame pacing issues. Since it's on console, it's easier (in theory, see above) to get right and not alienate demographic(s). Edit: Seems like Horizon: Zero Dawn on the PS4 Pro will have a Performance option patch in on a later date. It's up in the air on what it means. It could be 60 FPS or it could be variable. I'm leaning on 60 FPS since Guerilla really nailed the performance at 30 FPS on both PS4 and PS4 Pro. It remains to be seen if they can pull off solid 60 FPS but if they can they might sell me on the PS4 Pro since it's a console exclusive and all.
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