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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I believe this was back in September/October. That's pretty good, especially so when you consider the last time she had real hands was when she was 15 months old. Not sure what kind of prosthetic she has been using since then till this one. I'll be floored when the day when she can do thumb to index, middle, ring, pinky fingers, backward, forward, random, thumb movement only and other fingers movements only.
  2. You sure you're not dreaming and breathing Friends? And Professor and Assistant are magnificent little shits. Fennic is smug as hell. The foxes are just cute. Red is a NEET while Silver is the responsible one. SUGOOOOOOI ( ̄3 ̄) That's the bits of the first episode on the left. That chase bit is probably the worst the animation ever got. That or the whole lot of us got used to it... now we're memeing it to hell and back. I'm in withdrawal.
  3. The joy of hardware limitations. The NES was a bit too limiting for games to really shine while the SNES was a sweet spot. It slowly devolve to where we are at today where you have a shit ton of power that you can pretty much do anything (not really but you guys get my meaning?), especially in the realm of 2D/2.5D games, where devs have to limit themselves or else they'll get in trouble. Anyhow, I wonder how fast Amazon's supply of the SNES Classic will sell out.
  4. When Marnie Was There A Studio Ghibli film so you cannot go wrong with the art, animation and music direction. It's always fun to spot the very minor but critical animation details. I really got to commend the atmosphere of the silo scene since it gave off the kind of scares when you are in a scary place and you're alone. The narrative while quite predictable also explored some topics a bit dear to my heart. Everything though is more low key than the Ghibli's greats. Kind of like The Secret World of Arrietty which is by the same director, Hiromasa Yonebayashi. He's definitely a good choice to continue on with Studio Ghibli's sprite since, face it, Ghibli is probably going to end with Miyazaki and Takahata. I look forward to Studio Ponoc's Mary and the Witch's Flower. Maybe I'll go watch Your Name next. Shinkai's narratives never jived well with me but maybe that will be different.
  5. I guess that's one way to make your Switch FRESH without hoping or hunting for a special edition Switch. And it gets around the issues of not being to apply like a dbrand skin on.
  6. Oh hey, a complete draft is done. Sadly I missed the deadline for this semester. I was pose to be done last semester. Summer it is unless somehow things get pushed through...

  7. My head canon is that while the clones are pretty much the same but the "pretty much" leaves just enough room for enough differences to explain Rex's longevity. Combine that with any changes that removing the Order 66 implant and not knowing how clones will function at such advance age gives me enough reason to believe Rex is possible. Also because he's god damn Rex. And you mentioned Obi Wan. You can blame Tatooine's sand and twin suns but he looked more than the 57 years old he is at the time of his death.
  8. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-04-19-sources-nintendo-to-launch-snes-mini-this-year SNES Mini maybe this year. Be prepared to kill some fools for one because Nintendo are fucking special cunts when it comes to supply.
  9. It'll be fine. Chin up. Or not. Feel free to break down and cry.
  10. I'm unsure if I want to dive into the books for the new trilogy now or later. On one hand it would expand the context of the movies but on the other, the movies should stand by themselves which I think it is hard for me to judge if I have read the books. A retcon at least a decade in the making. A pretty clever one if true.
  11. Mal

    English vs English

    I've only ever done one or two egg hunts in my life. All school sponsored and it rained the day prior or the sprinklers were on in the early morning. By the time we hunted, everything was still damp. There might be a third one at a public school in Brooklyn in their prison-acting-like-school's concrete courtyards. Seems odd so it might not be a real memory. Even though I've heard of it, egg rolling just seems silly. I think us kids would just start kicking eggs into the woods (or concrete wall or cars). Maybe not at church or at the White House but at a school one? Likely.
  12. It's a feature! You know how much extra you have to pay for a curved screen?
  13. Then he'll be a squid. STAY FRESH
  14. Mal


    Word is that it's going for $20. Enough to make me jump. Maybe. I got a backlog you know! Anyhow, come on! MCC for PC at E3 because face it, I'm not getting a Xbone and Scorpio is going to be a premium product. I'm getting the impression it'll reanimate the $599 $599 $599 joke again. The idea of a Microsoft Store is fine but they need to get their shit together.
  15. Got around to Saga volume 7. Helped by the wonderful layout, this one hurt. A lot. Black page. Black page. Black page...
  16. Colosseum DLC incoming May 5th and... I have no word.
  17. It's nice to see the actual last boss being the hardest boss in the game.

  18. No but I should. I just need to get over dem runes laddies.
  19. Ezra is obviously Snoke (Don't say that to Pablo Hildago's face). As for Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight, I have a feeling Bendu isn't done with him. But yeah, the stakes are pretty neat to have. Though it's nice to have a (probable) true survivor. And Hondo has to be in the Han Solo movie. He really cannot be in any other and it be a great missed opportunity.
  20. What the, umm, "first" game should've been. Should be at least gorgeous eye candy. Edit: And if you want a prequel to the canon story of Battlefront II then here you go. I'm actually kind of snoked that we're playing as Imperials, and as what I assume to be Death Troopers. It remains to be seen if our MC will turn to the Rebellion though. I hope not since this squad probably helped form the fledgling First Order. I wonder if we'll be in the Battle of Jakku, the battle where the Empire was defeated and out of the ashes came the First Order. In any case, I have little worries for the story. The gameplay however...
  21. If you are running some odd resolution then you'll get a double movie in the film strip cutscenes. A little odd and annoying but the core gameplay is normal and chances are you'll hit a stable 60fps. I'm sure there are people out there seeing if they can unlock it and then see what happens... On the Hollow Knight front, I might just beat the game again since I have what I need for another ending. Then back on to Trails SC. Then Nier Automata. Then Bayonetta. If I'm successful you guys will see a completion rate unseen in me for years.
  22. Final season. Hold me because of that and that that preview image is like a death flag. Anyhow: Maybe, just maybe, they'll pull a Netflix show next. Being unrestrained from Disney XD should help tell the stories they want to tell. Not to say that they haven't shown some serious stuff but it could've been more.
  23. I didn't wanted to go there when I wrote that but there you go. Puns will find a way.
  24. Finally got caught up with Rebels. As for The Last Jedi, I hope it's better than The Force Awakens which while good, played it too safe. The trailer above gives me hope. God, the next eight months is going to suck.
  25. @Saturnine Tenshi @Saturnine Tenshi Despite its pervy nature, Konosuba a really funny show. You get to really know the four main characters and see them bounce off each other a lot. If you don't like it then you are lost. Or something.
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