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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I look forward to hearing about your fist only run where you punch people out and catch enemy blades and use that to impale them in the chest. On my front, I never expected Little King's Story to take up 50 hours of my time. And that's without cut scenes which I just realized are not playing for me after unlocking a theater mode. So I pretty much missed 80% of the plot and gags. Somehow I still enjoy it enough to go through some really bullshit bosses.
  2. NISA stole Ys VIII from XSEED. Steam release as well.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Mal


      I argue that they were one of the main parties responsible in the current flood of Japanese games on PC. Kind of expected them to fail in the first few years. And it all kind of started with Ys.

    3. toxicitizen


      Yeah, there's that, too. They were definitely among the early players that proved there was a market for more niche Japanese games on Steam.

    4. MetalCaveman


      I kinda don't like the way they have handled certain special editions, so I don't have as much love as others do for them, but I'm also not into the Ys series. :P

  3. Ah, I was looking at the See All Games section. It wasn't listed there.
  4. I don't see BF1 on there. I might use it for Catalyst and Furi.
  5. Engaging the GAF crowd regarding fracking is going to be interesting.

    1. TCP


      Fracking is the devil's tool!!

  6. Kemono Friends is comfy. Very comfy. Terribly animated in 3D but it is so comfy. The Japanese are right for once. The MADs don't lie.
  7. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE. Edit: One interesting thing is that they call it an "Expansion". That's a term that I haven't heard in a while.
  8. Edit: Micheal Flynn is gone. Too much to do with Russia I guess...
  9. How long till a fist fight when somebody have enough of that pull?
  10. Hey guys, want to see a modern dam failure in the US of A looks like? Even if the dam holds till it's drawn down enough, we got another round of storms coming Thursday till about Sunday. The emergency spillway is on its knees right now and the coming storms might blow it out. The damaged spillway can be used since the core of the hill is rock but that too can erode when you have to blast water out at max. What cannot happen is that the main dam being over topped. Allowing that to happen would be... bad. You'd get the worse case scenario as outlined in the maps in the article. 100+ feet of water at deepest. And the river it goes to connects to the Sacramento River and all of its levees. Heh. STAY FRESH
  11. That's after my holiday backlog. The CPU issue, now fixed I think, held me back buying it initially. My will is weak on tackling my main backlog...
  12. Let me tell you something...
  13. How silly would it be if I broke down and got the Switch for Splatoon 2?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      How else am I going to STAY FRESH?

    3. TheMightyEthan
    4. Mal


      I suppose... I want to STAY FRESH but Nintendo is the complete opposite of fresh. Limited Switch supplies, paid online and open world Zelda.

      I'll Automata my Niers.

  14. Skip the first minute or so. This video shows how 3rd Person games could work in VR and modded VR at that. It could be from RTS to traditional 3rd Person games. It's interesting to see in even this janky form. To me it kind of makes the self inflicted typecasting (for a lack of a better word) to 1st Person games by VR devs seems almost silly. Yes, they make the most sense but other views is possible and should be explored. Also this video is also nice to see how Nintendo IP can work in VR. To me, it looks like the same breath of life that motion controls gave Resident Evil 4 on the Wii. Nintendo hardware got ways to go though.... if it survives the Switch era.
  15. With server browsers and custom games, I feel that we might see a really weird side to Overwatch. A weird but fundamentally more fun Overwatch.
  16. Apparently the Circle of Life led to some shady things like replacing a customer's new PS4 with a refurbished one. That and the Circle of Life program as now described would've been hard to believe but after the shit that Wells Fargo pulled (quotas on opening new accounts led to fraudulent accounts opened without consent or knowledge of customers) makes the Circle of Life and shady things a possibility that can happen.
  17. Caught back up with Attack on Titan. It's done. The original intents is done.
  18. Mal

    KITTEH <3

    http://i.imgur.com/YlBS8NQ.gifv A back scratcher is the best thing to get a very mean cat to begin to allow you to scratch or pet them. Worse case scenario is you can use it to backhand that asshole.
  19. Looking at Nioh, it might be better than Souls games due to movement being/feeling faster.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deanb


      Also it's ninja Geralt.

    3. Pojodin


      Can't wait to start it! But I'm going to finish World of FF first.

    4. Mal


      The "Only on Playstation" tag on the cases are gone...

  20. If I ever die before some of the Republicans that I used to look favorably to, even look up to, like say John Mcain. I want them to be my pallbearers so they can let me down one last time. Disregard. I suck harder at reading than than maybe Trump reading his EOs.
  21. That's quite a bug on this egg boss in Little King's Story. Makes you guess the answer that changes every time. Oddly this problem is only with this portion of the "fight".

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal


      I used it for a previous boss since his movement was hardlocked to frame rate. Same goes for the flying chickens if you get the prompt wrong with this boss.


      It's a bizarre bug since it is only for this one question. Other questions after this one that are similar are not bugged. I might start at 30 FPS to see if the bug persists.

    3. toxicitizen


      Ah ok. Pretty weird then, yeah.

    4. Mal


      Gave it a go on 30 FPS Mode launch. That boss works flawlessly. It's 60 FPS Mode.

  22. It wouldn't surprise me if Synthwave begin to have a sort of mainstream footprint in the coming years.
  23. Holy crap. That certainly a way to get around being bipedal while remaining upright. I wonder if it can go up the hill it came down on while upright or if it needs to use its arms to "claw" it way up hill? But shit. In any normal urban/developed area, this thing has insane potential. I imagine if they need to carry more weight they'll just add more legs/wheels. Suddenly, with four legs/wheels we have Tachikomas. Indeed.
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