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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Jack, as expected, got burnt out trying to defeat Aku and judging by the trailer, everything got to go back to that fateful battle when Jack was sent through the portal of time. Edit: This trailer is TOO GOOD.
  2. I never liked Eggos, especially not now that I associate it with eldritch abominations. Honestly, that ad might have shown a bit too much. We know the Upside Down is a whole other world. Should've let it turn up to 11 naturally as people watch through season 2.
  3. Little King's Story is a bloodbath.

    1. toxicitizen


      At least it's less thematically disturbing than Pikmin.


      But overall, good game? You can still convince me to go for it.

    2. Mal


      Now that I have 8 hours in, I'll probably write a gameplay and performance impression later.

  4. Sure, I bitched about the last few levels (especially the final level which is pure instant death platforming) a hour ago but this is still a great game. Besides from the great music, I like how each item from each stage changes the game in neat ways, unlike the transformations from the last game. You could only use one transformation at a time so there were no synergy between them and moves. The items though has great synergy which culimates to being able to blast through levels which makes backtracking a breeze. And backtracking you will if you want the real ending. The real final boss is a blast to fight as well. There's four stages where the last one is just for fun. Now I really want Half-Genie Hero. Seems like they are combining the transformations and items to work together. Also there's more Rottytops. Edit: I got to mention this: There is one level that screams the first level of Super Ghoul N Ghosts. All it was missing was changing platforms. It nearly kicked my ass until I started to run. God, so many flash backs.
  5. Okay Shantae, enough with fucking instant kill platforming sections. The later levels are filled with them and it's tiresome. Give me interesting enemies to fight.
  6. Killzone 3 MP was pretty great. Also Helghan did nothing wrong.
  7. Surprised that KT did that for Durante. If it has blessings from him then maybe...
  8. This is me right now so I might get Atelier depending on how the port is. And see my edit regarding my initial impressions on LKS' port. Main complaint is with inputs but I can get used to the quirks.
  9. Gotta show XSEED (and other companies) that their efforts are not wasted. Edit: Quick port report. Little King's Story performance has improved. Some minor (non-gameplay important) stuff does run at double speed but you kind of get used to it during 60 FPS mode. For when it matters, F1 switches between modes on the fly though It feels way too good to play on 60 FPS to move back to 30 FPS but I can see why this was an acceptable workaround. My only major complaint and it appears to have not been address is controls besides adding more supported formats. The M+KB is still terrible. No rebinding and there is nothing for the mouse to do (i.e., camera control). WASD to move but camera turning is binded to QE so it is awkward to move the camera while moving. M is to pull up the menu, to select is Enter and to exit is Backspace. The controller inputs is weird too. Menu navigation is tied to the D-pad so you cannot move while fumbling around in the menu screen. This might be solved by tying menu navigation to say the triggers (leaving the right and left bumpers for the specialized functions). Otherwise it's not terrible and this might be the preferable way to play. I can't help but feel that letting people rebind their controllers would solve most complaints here.
  10. XSEED just patched Little King's Story with the direct help of Durante (What can that guy NOT do?). He fixed the stuttering and improved overall performance. 60 FPS mode isn't perfect but it is way better than it was previously.
  11. The Pirate's Curse blows away Risky's Revenge in every imaginable way. Though I think there's a slight input delay in jumping that I didn't notice in Risky's Revenge and that the accessory item/spells are more of a pain to use. The core gameplay loop is better though and that is what truly matters. Also this song is here: Every level so far has some mission that tosses a wrench to the main mission. This appears on one of them, a one hit KO run-through section. The music makes it so good.
  12. One down. Now onto Pirate's Curse and perhaps I'll get the new game during a sale.
  13. At least the new Battlefront will have SP. It's a travesty to have such a beautiful engine/game (Star Wars at that)be only MP.

    1. deanb


      Pretty much confirms the "it would have had SP but it was pushed out to line up with VII release"

    2. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      Nope. Never was going to be SP in the game. Sorry to burst the conspiracy bubble.

    3. deanb


      I notice not disputing the "pushed out to line up with VII release" bit :P

  14. Okay, that's not a bad price for an online service of unknown quality. And yeah, VR isn't happening for the Switch. It will have to be a new standalone system. With Nintendo track record, they'll have a hard time attracting support.
  15. Now that I can go 1440p at 144 fps, I've been running my computer through the paces and I manage to freeze up my computer like I did with Civilization 6 with DOOM. I guess I didn't resolve that problem with reseating my GPU cooler? Anyhow, for some reason pulling the first Gore Nest did my computer in. Prior I was somehow capped at 60 fps with screen tearing so I think I can see it coming but now that I got Riva and Afterburner on to monitor via graph log and on-screen display the CPU, GPU, RAM usage along with temps, no issues are turning up. CPU temp is 50-55C's and GPU is around 63-68C. Strange.
  16. Best Buy is going to be Best Buy with no shipping notification and sending our a monitor in just its original box...

  17. To this day I'm undecided if that did more harm or good to teams who had to play with four people on one console.
  18. Videos about geology. A bit cheese but it has nice production value to them. There's only two episodes so far but I like what I see and hear. Science communication is a much needed thing.
  19. Looking at it now, Jesus, it has been ten years since a mainline game came out (2007 for 6). AH is 2010 and Infinite (F2P PS3 game).
  20. Nothing supernatural at all. Razgriz was a folktale being that brought destruction in a war torn land, killing everybody and itself. Sometime later, a traveler came by the decimated land and cultivated it anew. That traveler called themselves "Razgriz". So Razgriz is both a demon of destruction and god of hope. During the events of 5, multiple things/groups got referred to as Razgriz. It eventually fell upon you and your squadron by your enemies and allies alike for first kicking ass, faking your death then coming back stronger and hard to the point of stopping a weaponized satellite with railgun and nukes and an ultrasecret Belkan (THEY DID NOTHING WRONG) organization that started the whole war in 5 (After the events of Zero where Belka started that war (THEY DID NOTHING WRONG). I had to look that all up because even I was confused when I play it 10+ (I think...) years ago. Silly, cheesy and melodramatic, I know, but you flew through a tunnel to destroy a control center (staple of the series, for better or worse) and then shot down a falling satellite with a nuclear payload. And you get called a mythical demon god while this is playing: At the very least in these games you'll feel like a badass. Maybe I should track down 6 to play. I didn't play that one since I didn't have a 360 for the longest time and it fell off my radar.
  21. They are all self-contained. You only see passing references to past games and events. You might need a map to orient yourself of where you are though. Honestly, you don't need to know any of this since I didn't even know where I was when I played 4, 5 and Zero and I had a blast. Also the countries are confusing since their names are thrown left and right but you won't have any idea of how most of these countries are like. All these countries are based in part(s) on real countries or alliances. I've hinted that Osea is kind of like an EU/USA mix, Yuktobania is Russia and Belka is/was Nazi Germany lite. I believe Usea is another EU/USA mix but more like NATO than anything and maybe an Asian version at that. Just enjoy flying jet fighters and blowing shit up. In 7, it seems to be man versus machine and there's a lot of machines. I'm going to plow through them with an A-10 like I do to navies in the previous games.
  22. https://medium.com/@yonatanzunger/trial-balloon-for-a-coup-e024990891d5#.7bzpyo6aq Interesting thought when you consider everything (e.g., Resignation/firing of most senior-level State Dept. officials; disregards for the judiciary branch and court orders; Homeland Security Council shakeup and many more) that has happened in the last 9 days that seems to test our institutions. I don't buy it, yet. What I do buy is that they're trying to tire us all out. It has been a really "WTF?" time and I personally can't keep up. I got my life to live and sort out after all. This is where groups like the ACLU comes into play. They can play ball all day if you flush them funds (see Ethan's post re: ACLU donations).
  23. Interesting look into VR motion sickness and how devs are going about dealing with it. Resident Evil 7 VR is making people talk since it's a good game with good VR.
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