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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Umm... was that really a new episode of Rick and Morty? BECAUSE THAT WAS AWESOME
  2. Mal

    Forum Changes

    Unless I completely did not see it for years, this is probably one of my favorite changes. means no more manually snipping quotes and it makes quoting multiple parts of a post way easier. I guess the only other quoting thing I don't see is a way to recreate something like this: An quote (a quote?) with a custom name and even time stamp if I wanted to. In the above case (where I figured it out with BBcode or something, it was the upper leftmost button that stripped away all the fancy stuff and just worked on text and code) I did it for my amusement but there have been times where I would like to quote real people in say the US Politics thread. Kind of unnecessary if I link the article/source I guess but it's nice. As an aside... you can resize how images look in posts it seems. Neat.
  3. Techmoan: Primarily HiFi audio and retro tech channel. His audio related stuff is the bee's knees. He also like Muppets and frequently end his videos with a short skit. The 8-Bit Guy: Retro tech from early 2000s and older. He has quite the collections of retro computers and music equipment (his 8-But Keys channel). Lazy Game Reviews: I'm here mainly for the retro tech. He recently unboxed a sealed IBM PC which was neat as hell. It even has a NEW Model M keyboard! bigclivedotcom: Electronic break tear down. You'll learn how things you use everyday are put together and why they might be potentially crap or even dangerous. Matthias Wandel: Woodworking guy who is just amazing. He can be quite snarky though but his actual content is great. Real Engineering: Explains the engineering aspects of various things in our world. Practical Engineering: Same as above but more stuff we see and hear about. Bruva Alfabusa: If the Emperor had a Text to Speech Device. Need to say more? 3Blue1Brown: Math related channel who explains things really well and visually too! Forgotten Weapons: Firearms related channel that well, looks at older weapons. There's some really neat stuff here. hickok45: Firearms related channel of an old guy who like guns. He's kind of well known and he gets to try out some nice stuff. HaleyStrategic: Firearms related channel for how to up your game safely and efficiently, if you are into that sort of stuff. More instructional so more serious than others but they do have a sense of humor. Sometimes these guys and others produce enough content for quite a long session of Youtube from Monday to Friday.
  4. It honestly reminds me of the earliest days of Minecraft. The ground get littered while the underground get excavated and the sun get blotted out from the creations from the users. What Dean has there is the earliest stages where it's just color cancer but it has now evolved into art filled spaces.
  5. Mal

    Cube World

    Mother funcker, on this day of all days.
  6. A status update with a live Youtube stream is working on my preview. It should work while posted. What a time to be alive.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Realized that status updates stack. I doubt I'll ever get drunk enough for such shenanigans...

    3. deanb


      Yeah, status updates are pretty much posts. No more complaints of bits of your post going missing. But yeah media won't show in the feed on the front page. And I do wish I could stop the "stacking".

    4. Mal


      I wish you can stop the stacking. Little news blurbs are a bit harder to do with the stacking.

  7. Such large videos now and wow, you can just paste the link and it goes. How can I get my video to be large size?
  8. Nothing more loathsome on the Internet than April 1st.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Eleven


      This update isn't an early April fools joke, is it?:unsure2:

    3. Mal


      FLD, judging by what people have uncovered, Bayonetta might really come to PC. I can almost do hair magic in celebration if it is true.

    4. toxicitizen


      Yeah, that countdown does seems to hint at it. At the very least, if it's not coming then SEGA are just cruel assholes. I still expect Bayo and Vanquish to come but if nothing happens this year then my optimism will start to fade.

  9. What's your opinion on Gdgd Fairies? Shows like Gdgd Fairies and Kemono Friends thrive on their characters despite the god awful 3DCG animation.
  10. Monkey Trouble's face is appropriate for the series. Since I'm such a weeaboo, I'm going to drop/repping some stuff that caught my interests. While I haven't read anything from them, I've followed Made in Abyss creator (Tsukushi) for a long while since their style is so unique and insanely detailed. It's interesting to see it translated into a more animated friendly form. It should be a neat adventure (I'm getting a Sora no Woto vibe) with great visuals so check it out. The Ancient Magnus Bride is getting a TV anime after its successful OVA, which I heard good things about. Third. The Black Lagoon manga is back. Hopefully in the near future we'll get a new anime series. Roanapur, the free and dangerous city by the sea, calls. Lastly, Kemono Friends ended but it has a second season planned due to its unexpected popularity (it absolutely took Japan by storm by the fourth episode). It was a fun and wholesome ride. You guys should check it out. I highly suggest sticking to the 3-episode rule since I cannot blame you if you drop it within the first two minutes of episode one. The only reason it recovered was the characters. Do it for the Friends.
  11. They're not that adorable when you go into a random elevator and the door open up to a bunch of zombies robots twice your level. Never before has dodging work so well and so beautifully. Seriously, it's one of the best ones I've ever come across. You phase out and come back in via one of your image doubles. Or you can come back in the air for a ground pound. Or knock them into the air and you teleport again to do an air combo (might be mis-remembering this one which may be a combo which launches them into the air which you can then either jump or dodge into it). Those robots were mercilessly destroyed.
  12. Wow. I knew it was bad but this bad?
  13. I'll wait for the PS5 remaster. I waited a decade (and got the PS3 in hopes for it) so another half decade is nothing.
  14. I'm not sure if I want a modern take of a WWII CoD game... war has changed.

    1. danielpholt


      I was under the impression that war, war never changes.

  15. Mal


    I could buy caster sugar but then it's another sugar I'll have in the pantry. I much rather just sent it through a grinder. More or less the same result and I think having the occasional normal sugar crystal is nice. Space it out and it adds quite the nice sweetness pops (think pop rocks kind of pop) to the drink. Simple syrup is, well, simple to make. I make my own caramel sauce/candy and simple syrup is pretty much first step or two of that process (if using water) but stopped before things really get to be a pain in the ass. Caramel is the type of thing you almost need an apprenticeship to learn to make consistently well. Might try this route but hold back on the normal amount and add some regular sugar for the aforementioned sweetness pops. Simple syrup might have a place in some food I make as well so that's a bonus. And I'm fine with the burn. I typically drink my hard liquor straight or on the rocks. It's the plainness of club soda that needs to be tamed. Flavor of plain soda water or even slightly flavored soda water just isn't a thing for me.
  16. That's so like Nintendo that it hurts. It's why I still care.
  17. It was a fun thing to learn about with my Uber driver (he tuned in just for this news) this afternoon (I only heard about them trying to have a vote this morning...). We both had a really good laugh. It may be our national government but shit is just hilarious at this point because: After a certain point, you just have to enjoy Hell. Especially so when the opposition is suffering in Hell with you.
  18. Yeah, anime bullshit everywhere (and geology; I have a book from the 1800's!). It's not even including my figurines and rocks. Holy shit do I have rocks (they'll be there eventually somehow). Besides for Dune, LotR and ASoIF, my Western media is pretty barren. Star Wars section has Saga and webcomics (KC Green) with it. I hope to remedy it (and expand) with some Samurai Jack and some Spaghetti Western stuff. Star Wars WILL expand. I want all the artbooks and maybe Lego sets. Star Wars going to turn into its own shelf. I'm also thinking of Indiana Jones, Terminator and Predator. I might hide a MLP: Friendship is Magic figurine or two in there (Applejack and Big Mac). Maybe Adventure Time will have a spot. With that all said, music is getting it's own spot besides my personal pictures and life events memorabilia since music is life. I still collect CDs so it should be somewhat easy to fill. If I ever have this out in say a living room, I'll have a bluetooth speaker there as well. Amazing series. I need to complete it but lets say that I want to kick myself in the balls for not completing it years ago. They're easily x5 retail if not way more... ================ BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE AND I NEED YOUR OPINION I have a real trouble about displaying games. I have desk space but most of my games are primarily digital ever since I went Steam, GOG et al. The easiest is probably a digital picture frame that cycle through box and game art but that this seems quite a PITA to maintain if I want a whole library of stuff. Might be manageable for my personal favorites though. I might need to get into coding and Raspberry Pi to link to my Steam account and whatever database(s) to pull art. There's a new Pi with built-in WiFi so it seems possible... Of course I guess my gaming PC is all there needs to be to signal my love of gaming... How would you guys solve this if you wanted to?
  19. Mal


    I loath spiced rum but white rum is pretty good. Not vodka in terms of burn and emptiness in anything so it's fine on it's own or on the rocks. It's also a great solution to my very healthy mint plant. Buy some limes or lemons, club soda and away I go to mojitos. For the sugar, I think I might blitz it through a grinder to get it fine so it dissolves easily. Regular sugar just don't dissolve as quickly as I like. One thing though, a 3/4 cup of drinkable liquid per serving is not very much... doubling or tripling or quadrupling it doesn't seem to be a good idea. I look at my bottle of white rum and I start calculating how much I would make if I was a bartender/bar owner. Or better yet, how much I save as a consumer. Oh yeah. For reference I got a bottle of Cruzan and Flor de Caña. Cruzan is $8 and Flor de Caña is $16. 750 ml of each. The Cruzan has an amber tinge and is a bit rougher. The Flor de Caña is clear and quite a bit better. At my level, the Cruzan is a mixer (but fine on it's own. I think of it as the Evan Williams [a bourbon] of white rum) while the Flor de Caña is a sipper but I can easily see why Flor de Caña is great in cocktails though.
  20. FMW brings up a very valid point. Open world games are by design disjointed adventure and with that comes with a cost taken from tight level design and, potentially, narrative. If a game is going open world from a previously more closed one, it can suffer greatly due to decline in level design and/or narrative. Having the best game play in the series might not be able to save it. See MGSV for a great example. Anyhow, at least I'm not as attached to Zelda as I am with Metal Gear. Besides, BotW really do seem to be the realization of Zelda 1 (tainted by more modern/common takes on open world game designs).
  21. Since I moved back with my folks, I've been slowly rebuilding my gaming area/my room. Not sure why since I may be moving back out within this year but I digress. WIP but displaying stuff like this is a new thing for me. Not entirely functional but having book covers facing out or laying down is kind of neat. The artwork explosion compared to traditional shelving of books is great. The bottom shelf gets the short end of the stick even though they're mostly regular books since I need it to be heavy. Good thing they're kind of my bedrock of my hobbies and interests. Could use some LED strips for lighting. So yeah... I just wanted to say something since this is so novel to me. I guess I'll post the completed bookshelf (and maybe a traditional one as well) and my desk when I get them completed.
  22. Lynyrd Skynyrd? Adding Johnny Cash to the mix...
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