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Everything posted by Mal

  1. The stories always been melodramatic (those death flags) and pretty anti-war. Thing is though, war always comes back in less than a decade (all these sequels) in all these countries. Like come on Osea, stop getting into everybody's business. Yukobania, stop trying to paint the world red. BELKA DID NOTHING WRONG. And you can be part of all this alt fact world in jet fighters. You can fight over some northern sea where some ancient god demon sleeps, trying to knock something out from LEO. You can fight over cities or in some mandatory tunnel to blow up some weapon system. All with great soundtracks.
  2. Joyoland's there but everything else is gone.
  3. I can't help but narrow my eyes on Bannon. He shouldn't be where he is.
  4. Open boxed 1440p @ 144 Hz with G-Sync. In a few years I'll jump to that 4K monitor that I mentioned in the other thread. That or give VR a whirl sometime next year. I'm undecided if I want to duel monitor it up or give my current monitor to my brother. It would allow me to work outside on his proper desk with my laptop instead in my janky setup by my bed (I'm sitting on it) with my gaming PC. He gets a better monitor and I can get rid of the silly workaround of using a small TV behind his old monitor (only has one port for his computer) which I have to move when I use my TV monitor. It doesn't even produce an image correctly... Weak justifications for this purchase.
  5. The Last Tour concert in May in SF. Unsure who's opening but hopefully Sabaton will have more than enough time to play most of their classics in addition to The Last Stand songs. I feel that The Last Stand doesn't really stand up to their previous albums. Too samey for an already samey (but awesome!) band. I loved the previous Heroes album though! I would pay good money for a Carolus Rex based tour like how The Blind Guardian did Imaginations from the Other Side tour last year...
  6. D.Va is so nerfed that she can't even hold a point. /s
  7. VR for AC7 is for select side missions only and it is exclusive to PSVR for a while (like with RE7). One of the limitations was to never break first-person view during gameplay but with how the missions are put together with cut-scenes and such (barf alert!), it wasn't possible. Reading through the article though, it seems really worth it though. Pretty interesting to see two takes on VR with AC7 and RE7.
  8. Ni No Kuni II is coming to PC as well. What a time to be alive.

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. TCP


      FLD, since you have two games you want to play, you could take a month or two subscription on top of your free trial. That'd probably be better than renting each game individually. Just make sure they're both included in the over-all rental. I don't know what it's like now, but at one point, it was confusing because some games you could only rent individually.

      You can also play Red Dead, on a PC, thanks to PlayStation!

    3. toxicitizen


      Nah, it's just Ni No Kuni. I'll probably just activate the free trial when I'm ready to play it and try to get it done in the 7 days. I'll stick to Vita for Cold Steel II. I'm already 10 hours into it, I just wasn't really in the mood for a long JRPG when it came out. If I start over just to play it on PSNow, I'll lose my save import from the first game, anyway.

    4. FMW


      My complete thoughts can be viewed on Page 16 of "Games you beat in 2016" justifying my snippy dismissal of Ni No Kuni.

  9. Honestly, part of me don't want to believe that RE7 is good.
  10. I don't understand what you're saying in this post. Why is it odd to see science folks getting riled up about them axing programs and putting gag orders on agencies? It's odd in the way like seeing someone acting in a way you don't usually see them act. Like seeing a poker face smashed or something along those lines. Now imagine the huge majority of the scientific community do it. Sure, prior to the last week, individuals get riled up and do political activism. The possibility of a majority of scientists getting pissed off due to axed programs and gag orders was there as well. It's natural and part of things. So is the DEFCON levels and what just happened with the scientific community is like witnessing DEFCON 3-2. With that said, when something is odd to me it is also interesting. To that I go with my usual "Huh...".
  11. I've been playing Shantae all wrong till the second dungeon...

  12. Why isn't there more VR games like that with traditional movement? It seems viable. Probably not marathon-a-whole-game viable but viable. Anyhow, I really do like what I'm seeing from above and from the limited streams I've seen (late-game with some monsters somewhere dark and rocky). The restrictiveness of first-person view and commitment to movement works well together (think Alien Isolation). It kind of mimics the tank controllers with fixed third-person angles of RE1-3. RE7 also seems to have some jankiness to the enemies as well (in the above, monster guy misses twice with a shovel when it really seemed like it should've found its mark). Perhaps shenanigans like the video I posted is possible.
  13. I don't think I can be bothered if Mercy lost her place in the every evolving meta to Ana (I can't snipe for shit). I feel that Ana at her theoretical worst is like Widow at her worst. A healer that can dish out the best healing at range? It feels icky. And Dva nerf? I swore they gave her much needed buffs around the time of Ana... god damn meta. I agree Crow, we need a PVE mode so I can still enjoy my purchase.
  14. Imagine that they axe the Department of the Interior and all related nature-y agencies for being hippie liberal terrorists (I'm Alt-Right Mal and I says KILL THEM ALL) that uses facts about the world to enlighten fellow Americans about the Lovecraftian horror that is climate change from scientific insight. FRENZIED. I'm sober and sane. I think? It's just odd to see science-y folks (even those I know) being a bit riled up.
  15. I've been saying that everyday since Friday.
  16. SWAT 4 illustrates the totally true fact on why police usually go in guns blazing. A pepper ball in the face won't compel an armed suspect to drop their gun but maybe a bullet to the gut will. Shooting to disable is a thing! And if I'm fighting against literal terrorists, I think I can shoot first.
  17. And freeze all grants and hiring for the EPA. That's going to screw with any upcoming and perhaps ongoing EPA-related work. The hiring freeze also seems to extend to other federal agencies like the IRS of all things (hard to confirm a mobile screenshot of an email stating such). Neat. This and all the other things this administration has done in 4-5 days is neat.
  18. Good citizen, you are being zip-tied for your own good while we pepper spray and bean bag all armed suspects. You may or may not get shot in the cross fire. Thank you for your cooperation and have a good evening.
  19. Give it enough time you'll be like this: Except Nemesis, William and Mr. X scared the shit out of little me. Luckily, we're adults and we can laugh at zombies and the like (Thanks RE4-6).
  20. TIL more about M.2 and related SSDs.

    1. Pojodin


      Interesting stuff. M.2 can just cruise.

    2. Mal


      The PCIe version blows away traditional and M.2 SATA III SSD. I can't believe the jump in speed ... And my mobo supports it.

  21. Considering the events in the last twelve months, really the last few, let's see if we get out of the UN before the midterm elections.
  22. I'm not entirely sure if it is true but there might be more marchers/protesters today at the National Mall than there were people at Trump's inauguration yesterday. Then there are the other related marches/protests around the country and really, the world. I know Los Angeles is around 750k people. Heh.
  23. Flip Flappers This is pretty hard to talk about without spoiling stuff so I'll go over it generally. Flip Flapper is neat anime that caught my eye like Rolling Girls did with its great visual design while managing to remain good (I really did wanted Rolling Girls to be good). Like what is currently out there is airing quality and it blows the socks off most other anime in their DVD/BD form and it really didn't give way until the final few episodes (of 13). The characters and setting are pretty imaginative while remaining mostly consistent. Though, going hand-to-hand with declining visual quality, it get rushed towards the second half with what I believe to be half explored side-characters. The whole story is kind of confusing at times as well but within its whole overarching theme with the two main characters, it makes sense. This also got a good bit of ecchi fan service in the modern sense and in the Sailor Moon sense. I'm not a fan (I'm getting too old for this shit) but the whole package makes it worth it. If you are interested, the OP and ED really gives a good impression of what you'll find (there are more comparisons but they're spoilers). Do it for the ED (yes, Hansel and Gretel) and witness the wild ride through Pure Illusion! Edit: Holy crap, it does calls out a bunch of stuff...
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