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Everything posted by excel_excel

  1. Its only certain external powered hard drives that require the Y-splitter from what I've read. USB flash drives are still okay to use, but there's limitations on how well certain ones will work from what I've been reading.
  2. http://www.examiner....-first-24-hours Got to be considered a disappointment. They only made over $500 million. didn't make a 100 billion. PHH.
  3. God, I'm so happy random battles in JRPGs are seemingly a thing of the past. I'm playing Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Reverie on DS, and damn, the sheer frequency of these random battles is infuriating. It was in the first proper dungeon with a boss that it became near unbearable. Oh okay so I can search the path up, a path down and to my right. Well I'll 'RANDOM BATTLE' go to the right, oh there's 'RANDOM BATTLE' nothing down here, may as well head back to where I was 'RANDOM BATTLE' ok now I'll check down 'RANDOM BATTLE' on the way, oh good, a chest I'll just o-'RANDOM BATTLE' open the chest, ok may as well head back up to where I was 'RANDOM BATTLE' now time to go 'RANDOM BATTLE' up. I want to explore unhindered so I use holy water to ward off monsters and 'RANDOM BATTLE' THEY AREN'T BEING WARDED OFF. THE HOLY WATER IS FUCKING USELESS. Well about twenty random battles later I beat the boss and decide to get out of this dungeon. I use a chimera wing to warp out of there and OHOHOH I HIT MY HEAD OFF THE DUNGEON CEILING BECAUSE WE CAN'T WARP IN A DUNGEON. So I have to go BACK THROUGH THE FLOORS I JUST WALKED AND 'RANDOM BATTLE''RANDOM BATTLE''RANDOM BATTLE' till I get out. other than that I'm quite liking the game. But screw random battles like that. Especially when your Holy Water doesn't do SHIT.
  4. I think it should have been advertised as 4GB. But saying that it destroys the consoles chances for a decent digital purchase system and third party DLC and all that, I don't see it. Even at 7GB you weren't going to be buying retail games for the thing, without a USB drive. I understand having only 3.2GB is crap, but there's never been a more user friendly way to fix that. Just pop in a cheap USB flash drive. You aren't bound down to expensive licensed for the console flash drives. Heck everyone I know has flash drives of various sizes somewhere in their houses.
  5. Man, Rockstar know how to put together a trailer. Holy crap there looks to be some exciting sequences there.
  6. I'm quite happy taking my time, nearly finished season 2. Oh my Glob too many spoilers! Love the show so much. Its so easy to fall in love with, its got so much charm. hope Cinnamon Bun has more appearances. I love that guy!
  7. That sucks, but it is the basic model as they call it, you weren't going to be able to fit a full retail game on it, even if it didn't have that massive setup size. Plus we are talking about retail games that are coming on 25GB game discs, so they might be taking up a lot more space than usual when it comes to downloads. In fact, this hurts the people relying on that 32GB size far more as that's cut down to what 26, 25GB? Well at least you can expand it easily.
  8. ah yeah, well it depends on how big your monitor is and how close you sit to it. In funnier news... http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-11-13-call-of-duty-black-ops-2-pc-disc-2-is-for-some-mass-effect-2 It appears to be a very, very small amount of people that have this problem but its still hilarious. Some people are installing Black Ops 2 on PC and when it comes to inserting Disc 2, they do and the Mass Effect 2 auto run pops up. Seems that somehow, a small number of Black Ops 2 Disc 2 have Mass Effect 2 disc information. .....well at least they got one good game when they bought Black Ops 2
  9. Me and the girlfriend at Halloween. She only wore cat ears and painted her nose! Whereas I went as Finn from Adventure Time, I had to savagely attack this Bear hat thing and take all its stuffing out to make the head gear. And a blue outfit woo!
  10. The Day 1 firmware update enables Backwards Compatability with Wii titles. Bizarre. But there you go. The Nintendo Network ID uses a name creation system like PSN and XBL, and you can add people from their profile pages, so no more having to both add each other like the friends code system.
  11. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/11/07/bl/ Sorry guys, increasing the FOV will break too much, its 80 on PC, and we aren't changing anything. *fast forward a week later* http://gamingbolt.com/call-of-duty-black-ops-2-to-get-a-fov-patch-stats-wont-be-reset-for-playing-before-launch A FOV PATCH IS IN THE WORKS GUYS, DON'T WORRY!
  12. Ok, Sly HD collection for €10 on PSN, or Jak and Daxter HD Collection for €15 on PSN?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TCP


      Outside of Sly 2, I wasn't that impressed with the Sly collection. I haven't played Jak yet but given that it's Naughty Dog, I'd imagine it'd be pretty good.

    3. SomTervo


      Yeah, I always felt Sly was a bit of a pretender. Good series, but not the classics that Jak are. I've got the Jak HD Collection, it's pretty goddamn good. Haven't reached III yet, and never played it, that's the one I'm looking forward to most.

    4. excel_excel


      ALRIGHT! I may have to buy Jak then!

  13. Well now I've got to finish Disgaea 1. BAH! I liked the art style of the original better but its looking lovely as is.
  14. Been thinking about this and while smart phones and tablets have evolved at an incredible rate offering us more and more gaming experiences as well as other media to watch and listen to, so have consoles. Using the PS3 as an example and its the strongest example because of how media centric it is, I can stream a lot of stuff on the PS3 browser, even download AVI files of shows, can use video streaming like Netflix, can buy loads of cheap PSN games and access games from the Sony back catalogue, and much more. I can just buy a PS3, and provided I don't have to the latest games right away, I can just get PS Plus and play all the games available on that. Heck I could just play DC Universe Online and not buy a game for a while now that its free to play! All consoles have browsers, netflix, Free2play stuff. I think if consoles were still as they were ten years ago they would be dead in the water with the progress Smartphones and Tablets have made but consoles have made progress too. They've evolved and changed, and they've still got a lot more evolving and changing to do to keep up and they most likely will. The AAA title (aside from a few companies still delivering them) may be dying off but consoles are still an attractive purchase with the other options they provide as well.
  15. As long as they are getting things right its a good thing. But the fact they are revealing this now, it could be that even they don't know and were scrambling to add things things, or it could be a silly marketing thing. Like just before release revealing 'YES WE HAVE A PROPER ONLINE SYSTEM WITH ACCOUNTS AND EVERYTHING'.
  16. FInished Solatorobo: Red the Hunter. Really enjoyed it, JRPG style presentation and a simple but fun battle system and it looked lovely. Best looking DS game ever I think, lovely prerendered backgrounds and nice 3D models.
  17. Well at least it shows they going to improve shit or something I guess! http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-11-07-wii-u-allows-10-user-accounts-per-system-eshop-downloads-played-by-all "Nintendo will allow you to create 12 user accounts per Wii U. These profiles are tied to your game saves, settings, browser bookmarks and play history, Nintendo has announced." But eShop purchases can be played by any user on the system, company boss Satoru Iwata explained in today's Nintendo Direct conference for Japanese gamers. Boot up the Wii U and your TV screen will be entirely devoted to Nintendo's new Miiverse social platform, which shows information on new games and details what your friends are playing. The GamePad will house a more standard menu, which includes icons to launch downloaded content and the currently loaded game disc. It looks very similar to the current 3DS interface. You'll need a Nintendo Network ID to use online functions such as video chat (presumably the details of your eShop account if you've used a 3DS). Once again Nintendo confirmed that you'll be able to interact with the Network via other Nintendo systems, PCs and smartphone apps. The company previously announced a plan to make the 3DS eShop accessible via these devices. Most importantly of all, pausing gameplay to access the Wii U menu uses the same sound as pressing the Home button on the current Wii. Da-dah!" These sound like good things!
  18. Been getting back into drawing doing a little more this last little while, trying to reignite my passion for it. Have to get a scanner to scan my drawings in, and I don't have a digital camera and my phone is an awful one. Still, I hope to put up something soon.
  19. This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy against spam, scams, and commercially deceptive content. Boooo!
  20. I feel so frustrated. Ok I joined the gym last year in September, been going to the gym about 3 or 4 times a week. well I've been really run down so the last few weeks its been about 2 or 3 times a week and today with my reassessment my body fat was up by about a percent. I mean its been down the last 3 assessments that I can remember. I guess I'm in a bit better shape but I just really feel the same as I always have. There's no new energy that I have since exercising and my body, I just don't know. I've got a bit thinner but I still have a belly and my muscle growth i feel has been tiny. I've changed my diet but I haven't been perfect and I've found it so hard to start eating 6 meals instead of 3 a day.
  21. So its also the first time an XBLA arcade game has beaten a retail game as most played title? Very impressive. Anybody here been playing the XBLA version a lot?
  22. I have followed it from the start. I was just saying how this massive phenomenon of Angry Birds seemingly isn't really effecting Mario sales and these comparisons that's its the new Mario are a bit silly. Angry Birds is its own thing completely, its hard to even say its even comparable to any gaming franchise ever its so past anything in terms of popularity, and popularity this quickly. Of course 5 million is way less than 1 billion, I'm well aware of that, but that's 5 million at a regular retail price that actually stays at its high price unlike other titles which have their price lowered after a few weeks. Its still impressive considering its on a dying platform according to this article. And the 3DS is less of a multimedia device than pretty much anything available right now. Bah right.... maybe I've gone off the rails here. Anyway, do Nintendo titles count as AAA games? Totally get the argument that AAA are a massive selling niche at this point, but do they fall under that banner? I was thinking about AAA titles and how they are massively produced titles with massive ad campaigns and all that, but I guess something like New Super Mario Bros Wii U wouldn't really count as something that's had a massive production.
  23. The thing with the Nintendo games being only available on the Nintendo consoles is it means it only applies to those who like the Nintendo games in the first place. And it's worth pointing out a fair chunk of their recent influx of players don't see Mario, they see Mii (their latest Mario game even has Mii's in it). Anyway, it's the same with all first party games and consoles, it's not really a thing exclusive to Nintendo. (Though as already mentioned investors would love if it wasn't the case). And yeah, t-mobile example was stupid. I just remembered them being used for marketing stunt and grabbed it when it popped up as t-mobile one. Wait which is it? It's not any more popular than Mario because Mario is a Nintendo power house, or it's more popular than anything? Its more popular than Mario, but that popularity hasn't effected Mario game sales. Mario games haven't all of a sudden with this massive billion downloads of Angry Birds been actually affected sales wise. I don't see Miis being a factor of sales at Mario games at all. There's no Miis in Mario 3D Land, there's no Miis in New Super Mario Bros 3DS, even Mario Bros Wii U which features Miis isn't even a factor in their advertising for the game. There's not even one mention of Miis in this September trailer for Mario Bros Wii U.
  24. Call of Duty. /thread Is it though? If we are going off those billion downloads then I think not!
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