So I've been dabbling in Yooka-Laylee and I can't shake this feeling like the dev team, despite their prior experience, bit off more than they can chew. I don't agree with all of the complaints in the reviews. The controls seem fine to me, at least with the PC version and while using a controller. The music is great. The voices are...a subjective matter. They don't bother me that much but I can definitely understand why constantly hearing the WONKWONKWONK of Rare gibberish can grate on someone's nerves. No, my main problem with this game is unfortunately probably the most important aspect of a platformer: the level design.
I've played N64 platformers and I can say without a doubt that the levels in this game are too fucking big. I guess since they only made five of them they wanted to make them as big as they could, but this introduces a number of problems.
A) The objectives are spread too far out. I'm missing 15 pages in the first world despite tirelessly searching every inch I could for new pagies. They must be in there somewhere, but damn if I could tell you where. It also makes the levels feel like big, empty fields that happen to have random crap just thoughtlessly dumped in them for you to do.
B) There's no map. I know that N64 platformers didn't have maps either, but they really should have. Plus, those levels weren't this god damn huge. It should not take me half an hour to forty-five minutes to figure out where my next objective is.
c) The objectives are...boring. There are a few neat ones here and there, but I've literally jumped through hoops for pagies at least five times now. I realize it was a small team, but if it came down to smaller levels or more pagies, I think I'd rather have smaller levels with more interesting things to do in them.
I dunno about this game. I certainly wouldn't give it a 2 (come on, Jim Sterling) but I also wouldn't make excuses for all of its flaws like people are doing on the steam forum. It's...thoroughly average. If you're determined to buy this game, wait for a sale.