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Everything posted by TCP

  1. It's coming out September 25!
  2. Still no broadcast date?! What's the hold up, BBC??
  3. Really? I haven't gotten too far into it yet, but I'm digging it. It might not have the fluid combat of Amalur, but I dig the world they've created a lot more.
  4. Knock on wood is what we say in Canada. Sounds less dirty and less fun than touch wood. Those guys are jerks!
  5. Pffftt I prefer the CBC model. Tax people, but still put in commercials. (Plus have nothing worth watching outside Hockey Night in Canada).
  6. Why would you have, perhaps the greatest living songwriter, come out and perform a cover of his dead rival??? As Gerbal mentioned, and myself earlier, it's not the message, Hey Jude is a very famous song, with a very strong melody, that got the crowd singing. Hey Jude is a celebration, which makes it perfect for the Olympics opening ceremony. As for the NBC thing, that sounds terrible. I wonder how much the ratings suffer for oversea Olympics than North American Olympics. On the good news Canada is one medal ahead of our arch rivals... Kazakhstan!
  7. So I just got to the a certain chapter, fairly early on in ADWD, featuring everyone's favourite Imp... and all I got to say is.
  8. I watched Ghostbusters for the first time in 15+ years last night. Not as good as I remembered....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Johnny


      Like P4, I didn't see it until relatively recently, and I liked it.

    3. TheFlyingGerbil


      I watched it about half a year ago and it didn't live up to my memories. It's the same with 80s music. All the choruses are ace but when you listen to the whole songs they're kinda boring.

    4. TheRevanchist


      As a note, Air Supply has their greatest, IMO, song on the Ghostbusters soundtrack. I still shed a manly tear of blazing fury when I listen to that one.

  9. Yeah but it's not a Beatles song and Paul had absolutely nothing to do with it, so why would he perform it? Maybe if they had rolled out Sean or Julian and got them to sing their dad's song.. but an indie rocker and an 80's pop-singer don't really have the world wide appeal of Paul McCartney. Maybe they could have done that hologram thing with John, that they did with Tu Pac earlier this year. Though, some people believe that Imagine is actually an ode to communism (debatable IMO), so steering clear of that song all together was probably a wise choice. Maybe in 2014 Like I said, if they had just brought out Ringo, and had a mini-Beatles reunion, that would have been an epic and memorable moment, no matter how much Paul's voice has suffered.
  10. Imagine would have been great.... if, you know, Paul had written it. (1971, John Lennon, solo, from the album of the same name.)
  11. I don't have a problem with Hey Jude, it's a good song to get the crowd singing, and is easily on par with any post-Revolver McCartney tunes. But yeah his voice was surprisingly bad. And who the fuck is he kidding with that hair colour? C'mon, Paul, you're 70 now, it's ok to have grey hair.
  12. Really London? You couldn't have gotten Ringo Starr to come play drums with Paul for Hey Jude? I mean, Ringo can't be that busy.
  13. Dammit Square, you SUCK at announcements. You either announce your games WAY too early (Versus) or announce nothing at all (this). Why not do a big reveal for XIV? Releasing little snippets like this, isn't going to warm anyone.
  14. The quality of Kotaku comments has gotten REALLY low. I thought the whole purpose of the new system was to hide trolls, but all it seems to do is bring them up.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Luftwaffles
    3. Pojodin


      The Verge/Polygon.

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Joystiq is shit. I use Kotaku, Giantbomb, The Verge/Polygon, and RPS. None of the general sites I'm overly happy with. Polygon doesn't have enough coverage (has it even officially launched yet?) and the other ones aren't completely up to my liking.

  15. So question! I see it was canceled a few times, relaunched under slightly different titles. Is it still going now, with the same continuity? Everything I read online isn't clear.
  16. Perfect time to invade. TO THE SLED DOGS!
  17. Been reconnecting with Beulah these past few weeks. This is officially my "jam" of summer 2012.
  18. Thanks for the recommendation, reading through the early Spider-man books now, great stuff.
  19. Yeah that's a nice looking case. I got a bigger one which I now regret... but it can comfortable fit both my Vita and my 3DS... which is kind of nice, I suppose....
  20. I like the Move... and the Wii. So sue me. Sorcery is a fun game with Move, and I'm itching to try Portal 2 with it. Let's not forget the Wii had Galaxy 1 + 2, and Skyward Sword. Which is worth the purchase alone IMO. The Kinect though....
  21. Makes sense, we saw that game in January 2011, game play, cinematics, etc etc and it was looking pretty far in development, I don't think they'd just cancel it. I do believe it'll be Final Fantasy XV though. Which maybe lead to a mistranslation/misunderstanding that caused the rumour.
  22. I think there's about 3 old Amigas in various storage closets in this office. Doesn't seem like they were ever that used.
  23. I cheat at everything, except poker. (ok I don't actually play poker). The person below me hates peanut butter cookies.
  24. I'd love to be more excited for the 2012 Olympics, but I just can't get into summer sports... especially after the epicness that was the 2010 games. I want more hockey, snowboarding, and skiing, please!
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