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Everything posted by TCP

  1. The staff producing the Ico games are Sony employees, the only thing is Ueda left the company, but is finishing Last Guardian as a contractor.
  2. Vita + Youtube x Bed = Perfect
  3. Still can't believe those games never got a colour version for GBC.
  4. Plus discounts coming to Vita/PSP?! Guess I'm moving to Europe. Bring me tea!
  5. Dammit Bethesda! How much is Microsoft paying you? I'll double it! Just let me play Dawnguard NOW!

    1. TheRevanchist
    2. TCP


      Thanks for calming my desire for this DLC. The wait should be more manageable now.

    3. TheRevanchist


      Not for me! I woke up thinking about Dawnguard. The horror of waiting!!!

  6. Yeah, Flow/Flower/Journey will remain exclusives to Sony, but it'll be interesting what happens to the next Thatgamecompany game. I really wish Sony would just purchase them, but maybe with their current financial troubles, they can't?
  7. One had the C like thing, the other has the L like thing, maybe it's different currencies for different Euro countries? Or are they all on the Euro now? I think they're all on the Euro. I don't know. This post has been no help. Sorry.
  8. While I think XIII and XIII-2's battle systems were some of the best in the series, I wouldn't mind seeing a KH's like battle system in Final Fantasy, since that's the only good part of Kingdom Hearts (yep, I said that). Supposedly, Versus is suppose to have that sort of battle system, and I still think it'll be renamed FFXV.
  9. Well, yeah, that's part of it, but I was one of the few who was satisfied with the ending I got. Plus, I have too much in my catalog to go back and play parts of games I've already finished, maybe if it has trophies I'll have more incentive to go back, but I doubt it will.
  10. Then buy a PS3 for the inFamous games, The Last of Us, and LittleBigPlanet games. Also see Resistance, Jak, Ratchet, Sly, God of War, and the countless other exclusive titles. Considering how well the PS3 has sold in recent years, none of these games are coming to PC anytime soon. This compilation doesn't surprise me (though, it's a tad bit silly that flOw and Flower are "bonus" games), Journey is one of the best selling PSN games. Unfortunately I think most people interested in these sorts of games, probably already have Journey and Flower. Even the Ico/SotC collection wasn't called "The Team Ico Collection".
  11. Yes, but, I already saw the end for my character. I was satisfied with the way the game concluded and don't really care enough about these extended cuts to play through the end of the game again. But I am curious enough to watch a YouTube video.
  12. I'll just watch the YouTube videos, I'm not really interested in playing the last mission again. Unless, there's new trophies, which I doubt. Already seeing people bitch and complain about this though. I kind of wish Casey Hudson and co didn't even bother. There's no pleasing these people.
  13. Ah! Yes I forgot all about the subscriptions, I was only thinking about the game + expansion packs. I can't believe people still play it.
  14. TCP

    Wii U

    I don't know if that counts. I mean, Wario Ware really has nothing to do with Mario outside of the Wario character. That's like saying Super Mario and Mario Kart are the same franchise.
  15. If they want to offer pre-order incentives, why can't I pre-order this on the PSN store??
  16. Hm. I don't know. Obviously, as North Americans (and Euros) it's hard for us to say what's going on in Japan, but you'd think the original Final Fantasy would be the most profitable, considering how many releases it's gotten, and how little it cost to develop. Or Final Fantasy IV which has been released a bajillion times. I don't know anyone who played XI (though, admittedly, I'd play the rumoured Vita version).
  17. TCP

    Wii U

    Nintendo fanboys are annoying, no doubt. But, come on Reggie! We want a Mario game at launch with our console... you know like how the NES had Super Mario Bros, the SNES had Super Mario World, and the N64 had Super Mario 64. Instead, we're getting a cashgrab title, that looks pretty much like the DS original from 6 years ago. No thanks. When we say a Mario game, we don't mean a DS spinoff, we mean something akin to Mario Galaxy. Yes, many gamers asked for Pikmin, and they got that, but you need more than one AAA "hard core" title.
  18. MisterJack thought the same, but I think the conclusion was it wasn't. At E3, the Sony people all said "later in 2012". Considering the beta opened weeks ago, and they're announcing pre-order incentives, seems pretty likely for a 2012 release.
  19. Came here to post that. Yeah, I'm thinking late summer?? I never did get my beta invite! I'm a bit sour about that.
  20. TCP

    Fucking Kotaku

    Kotaku comments are awesome. -th3r3ds0x
  21. You should be able to go into Near and download it, but it expires after a few days, I think.
  22. Where did you hear that? I remember at E3 when they were showing it they were still saying "later this year", not to mention the beta just started a few weeks ago.
  23. TCP


    Doesn't the 3DS get powered by the DS and DSi chords? How many people, buying a 3DS XL really don't own one of those systems? Fortunately North America is coming with the power chord, so this won't be an issue for most of us. Pretty cool that Mario's getting DLC. Seems like extra stages/worlds could be ideal for Mario.
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