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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Agreed. Hmm.. a way for a film to quickly show the passing of time..... OH MY GOD THIS MOVIE NEEDED A MONTAGE!
  2. I pick my nose when I know people are looking. The person below me thinks DC is better than Marvel.
  3. OK! So... I liked that more than Batman Begins but slightly less than The Dark Knight Rises. And probably didn't enjoy it as much as The Avengers, but they're pretty different movies so it's hard to compare. Edit: Also! Owen from Torchwood! Awesome.
  4. 2014 sounds a little optimistic, but I hope I'm wrong.
  5. Negative. I'm a cowboy poet so I face three roads. One heading north to a small trading post, one heading south to a BEAR CAVE, but one heading east, to a large expanse of desert. The person below me has no current love interest.
  6. Honestly, unless you really want the costumes for some reason, the DLC isn't worth playing.
  7. Ok bros, here's the deal: I honestly wouldn't mind getting back into some Marvel comics, but the last time I read was probably 96-97 during the Spider-man Clone Saga. Any more mature books to start with? Maybe something that's in one of those compilation books?
  8. Who else got into the LBP Karting beta?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee
    3. FMW


      How did mod-nation racers Vita sell? If it didn't do well, that probably will preclude LBP Kart coming to Vita.

    4. Strangelove


      I dont think it(Modnation Vita) sold too well, but it was a really shitty port. There's no way to sugarcoat it. The load times are almost as bad as the PS3 version, the graphics are shitty and low resolution, and it doesnt even have online. If LBP can do better graphics and have online, then I think it would be a mustbuy on Vita.

  9. I'm a man, so I don't drink coffee. I wake up and have a beer instead. (OK it's actually apple juice).
  10. Officially working four 10 hour days a week. Long weekends all summer!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, one summer I worked 4x9 hour days and friday was only 4 hours, it was fantastic. 4x10 hours would be even better.

    3. TCP


      Yeah it should be good, especially in the summer months. Waking up early kind of sucks but it'll be worth it.

    4. Cyber Rat
  11. Didn't Eric Laden out Cole a few months ago? Makes sense. How about Cloud or Lightning? I want some Final Fantasy in this game.
  12. Why is XIV on the list but not XI?? If spinoffs like that counter, Dissidia 012 would get my vote.
  13. http://youtu.be/aTiAL19rej4
  14. That wink at 4:26 is going to give me nightmares.
  15. The funniest host in late night television Craig is a big Doctor Who fan.
  16. Didn't Gwen mention the Doctor in one of those episodes, something about why he's turning his back on them? Also I've been meaning to share this:
  17. Is it confirmed that they're actually doing MGS5? I thought MGS4 wrapped up the series, but I suppose they could do a prequel again. Though to be honest, I haven't actually played MGS4, so maybe I shouldn't comment. EDIT: never mind
  18. I'd be stoked too, but I don't think we're that lucky since they're completely different games and (as of now) there's not much else coming out on the Vita this autumn, so they'll probably have most of the game hungry Vita owners picking it up. Also, visually, the game looks outstanding.
  19. Even if you bought the PS3 game and it came with a download code for the Vita version. But I suppose that causes problems of people giving the code to their friends. EDIT: Though doing digital bundles could take care of that problem.
  20. Yeah I'm all for console experiences on the Vita, to me it's a portable PS3, which is what I've always wanted. I see the 3DS as more of a traditional "handheld" with smaller games. If that makes sense.
  21. Yeah, I remember that now. I suppose I'm just use to the Assassin's Creed way of keeping it in English but using accents.
  22. Just finished MGS3 for the first time. Even though some of the game features haven't aged great... and the Russians had American accents, I still thought it was a pretty great game.
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