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Everything posted by TCP

  1. As I mentioned in the Games You Bought thread, I got this game early, you should all be able to as well. The servers aren't live yet, and trophies won't sync, but the story mode of the game is great! The new developers really nailed it, in fact, if I didn't know any better I probably wouldn't have been able to tell. I kind of miss the Sackbots though. Is that weird? That's weird.
  2. TCP

    Wii U

    I don't pirate games OR consoles, man! I live a life of integrity and $60 optical media!
  3. Hoooray for release days randomly being thrown out the window!
  4. TCP

    Wii U

    Yes, I know this. I'm just pointing out that this is the kind of thing we can look forward too.
  5. TCP

    Wii U

    That screenshot looks fantastic, we got a lot to look forward to for the Wii U. Metroid, Mario, and Zelda in HD is going to be fantastic. Ethan, you are the opposite of me. Maybe it's because I somehow never played Super Mario 64 back in the day, I am totally a sucker for sidescrolling Mario games. If Nintendo released one a year (or two a year like in 2012) I'd be a very happy guy. I liked Galaxy 1 and 2, and 3D Land might be my favourite 3D Mario but I still probably found more enjoyment in NSMB on the DS and Wii in recent years. New Super Mario Bros U looks different enough than New Super Mario Bros 2 that I shouldn't have a problem playing it right after the 3DS version, so I'll definitely pick it up on launch day.
  6. TCP

    Wii U

    Wii TVii coming to Canada was interesting. Since we don't have TiVo here it would be great if the service was compatible with my Shaw PVR. I'm not much of a CoD fan, as you guys know. But IF I was to buy Blops 2 (and I didn't care about trophies), I think the Wii U version might be the way to go. Multiplayer with one player on the tablet and the other with a controller looks ideal for that sort of experience. I still prefer couch co-op, so hopefully this is implemented in some games I care about. As for launch games, I would be so happy if Rayman Legends and New Super Mario Bros were launch games. Yes, I want the system for two side scrolling platformers.
  7. TCP

    Wii U

    Guess I'll get the 32GB model... hopefully you can plug in an external drive. I've almost filled up my Vita on 32GB in about 6 monthsish, I can't imagine how quick a full console would fill up.
  8. Strangelove, that's a crazy thing to say... even for you. I've played every LBP title, and just kept mostly to playing the story, and trying user levels and felt each game was worth it's price, even without touching the create mode.
  9. I'd love to see some mixing of the 9th + 10th characters with the 11th. Maybe for the 50th year?
  10. A new version of iTunes?! I'M SO EXCITED!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. deanb


      >being fds

      >not recognising sarcasm

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      >being dean

      >thinking fds a super srs dude

    4. VicariousShaner


      <Being Shaner

      <Realizing I put these things backwards

  11. TCP

    Wii U

    Yes, but Miyamoto always says weird things. Like, that the 3DS won't get a redesign, days before the 3DS XL was announced. So.. Wii U = 6 Game Cubes ducktaped together?
  12. TCP

    Wii U

    All of this sounds promising. I do like the idea of a 2013 release to coincide with XBox 720 and PS4. If anything it'll at least keep people talking about Wii U. As much as I liked the motion controls in Skyward Sword, I'm eager to play a Zelda game with two analog sticks. The tablet controller looks ideal for a Zelda game. Map/inventory on the second screen? Maybe a HUD-less TV screen? Sign me up now!
  13. Windows Users: My mom logged into her Windows 7 laptop yesterday and was forced into a "temporary profile", unable to access any of her files/programs. Any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. fuchikoma


      (Though I have only done this trick with XP SP3)

    3. fuchikoma


      Also... If she doesn't use "hibernation" (suspend to disk), but has a "HIBERFIL.SYS", disabling hibernation in power settings can free up as much space as she has RAM.

    4. fuchikoma
  14. Finished the Leviathan DLC. It was pretty good, but considering some of the other $10 gaming experiences I've had, might be best to wait for a PS+ discount.
  15. That was a pretty average episode. Good... but average.
  16. You should just wait till all five are out and then play them over the course of a weekend. They're well worth it but waiting two more months is going to suck.
  17. Playing through The Walking Dead. I haven't played an adventure game like this since I was maybe 8 years old. After finishing the first two episodes, I'm really impressed by the story telling, game mechanics, and art direction. My only problem is the game is it's glitchy, not very polished, and clearly rushed. It's too bad that at the climax of episode two, the game ran so slowly and kept temporarily freezing, that it really took me out of that moment.
  18. So any 360 games try the new DLC?
  19. Set/prop reuse? Or a clue??? I DON'T KNOW!
  20. Excel is right. PSP sold well (though, large part of that was in thanks to Japan), but software sales, especially in North America, were abysmal. That's why later in the generation developers pretty much abandoned the system, at least in Canada/US.
  21. Someone on Kotaku was trying to say this was a good thing. Because hacking worked out so well for the PSP......
  22. Sony said Remote Play would be a feature developers could activate if they chose. I'll see if I can find the quote...
  23. TCP

    Wii U

    I just think, since this is Nintendo, no games will upscale. They'll want to sell us HD GCN and Wii games.
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