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Everything posted by TCP

  1. Versus and Agito originally were loosely tied in with XIII, basic themes, maybe set in the same worlds but in different eras or something. I think fal'cie and all those words were going to be in all the games. Type-0 is still apparently in the "Fabula Nova Crystallis" series, so I'd imagine Versus/XV would still be as well.
  2. I would be REALLY surprised if Versus was not XV, this was rumoured awhile ago. Also I don't think that's from 2011, as the Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary is this year, and also that logo was unveiled earlier this year. EDIT: And on second watch I don't think I've ever seen any of that Versus footage before.. Maybe the shot of whats his pickle getting off the chair.
  3. Weren't vampires already in Skyrim??
  4. I've had Game of Fuckin' Thrones stuck in my head since last night. My girlfriend wants to strangle me. Thanks Duke!
  5. Played about half of it last night. Found it a littler underwhelming. Hopefully the second half will be better!
  6. Mirror's Edge is a poor comparison. Also, Ezio got upgradable climbing in AC2. He also got new tools in various games to help his free running (hook blade, it's a hook AND a blade. Elegant.)
    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      Any clue as to who or what they were investigating?

    3. Pojodin


      Everything! Because that's what they do.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      They were inspecting female bodies. duh

  7. I'm slowly working my way through A Clash of Kings. I got like 200-300 pages left!
  8. This is in regards to the last line in MaliciousH's spoiler box: What???
  9. After some grinding... about to start the bad ending.
  10. Just beat inFamous 2, the good ending.
  11. You can get into the settings and make them look pretty decent. Also you can map right stick to whatever you want, which is good for games that had d-pad controlled cameras.
  12. I didn't realize I spoke American.
  13. Me too actually, it took me awhile, but now I have to say I much prefer the new Cole. He's got more range to him (but that might be due to a bit better writing too). Plus Eric Ladin tweets info he shouldn't!
  14. TCP


    WHY IS APPLE BITING OFF THAT ANDROID'S PENIS?! Furthermore why does that android have a penis?!??!?!
  15. Did you find him going through chain link fences a lot? I've had that happen a few times in both games. Pretty glitchy for a Sony owned exclusive.
  16. Yeah, Wilco is probably my favorite band, outside of The Beatles. I like The Whole Love a lot, Born Alone might be the best song I heard all last year. Song for song, it's probably their strongest album since in a long time. But there's nothing quite like the magic of Yankee Hotel + A Ghost is Born (and maybe Being There).
  17. Well, you're not shooting lightning from your hands for most of the Assassin's Creed games. Also the climbing is pretty much the same. Ezio moves a little better, but it's not that different.
  18. Sky Blue Sky is such a good record. I listened to it for the first time in years last week. I can't believe it's been 5 years since it came out. Still not as good as A Ghost is Born but better than Wilco The Album, I think.
  19. I got inFamous on boxing day 2010, yet I only played through the majority of it last week. A tad frustrating at times, but a fun game. It essentially was Assassin's Creed in a modern setting with super powers. I beat it on Saturday and picked up the sequel right after. I'm nearing the end, and I have to say, it's better in almost every way than the original. The setting is better, the game play is better, Cole moves better. This is the kind of game I want on the Vita, hopefully the rumours are true.
  20. Sony never ceases to amaze me in their lack of promotion for their gaming products.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      What aren't they advertising now?

    2. TCP


      Sorcery is out today. Who knew! The one game people we're a little bit excited for, and I haven't heard anything about it.

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